path: root/lib/CatDap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CatDap')
8 files changed, 571 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm b/lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm
index 914b2d0..7fd5539 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm
+++ b/lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm
@@ -143,7 +143,15 @@ sub account : Local {
my $mesg =
- my @entries = $mesg->entries;
+ my @orig_entries = $mesg->entries;
+ my @entries;
+ foreach my $entry (@orig_entries) {
+ my %new_entry;
+ foreach my $attr ($entry->attributes) {
+ $new_entry{$attr} = Encode::decode_utf8($entry->get_value($attr));
+ }
+ push @entries, \%new_entry;
+ }
push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
$c->stash( entries => \@entries );
$c->stash( errors => \@errors );
@@ -204,7 +212,16 @@ sub account_promote : Local {
my $mesg =
- my @entries = $mesg->entries;
+ my @orig_entries = $mesg->entries;
+ my @entries;
+ foreach my $entry (@orig_entries) {
+ my %new_entry;
+ foreach my $attr($entry->attributes) {
+ $new_entry{$attr} = Encode::decode_utf8($entry->get_value($attr));
+ }
+ push @entries, \%new_entry;
+ }
$c->stash( entries => \@entries );
push @errors, $mesg->error if $mesg->code;
$mesg = $c->model('user')->search("(objectClass=posixGroup)");
@@ -295,6 +312,7 @@ sub account_modify : Local {
if grep /$attr/,
@{ ${ $c->config }{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'} };
my @vals = $entry->get_value($attr);
+ foreach (@vals) { $_ = Encode::decode_utf8( $_ ); }
$attrdef = $schema->attribute($attr)
or die("getting schema failed: $!");
my %valhash = (
@@ -554,7 +572,7 @@ sub group : Local {
my $attribute = $c->req->param('attribute');
$attribute =~ s/[^\w\d]//g;
my $value = $c->req->param('value');
- $value =~ s/[^\w\d\*]//g;
+ $value =~ s/[^\w\d\* ]//g;
my $mesg =
@@ -574,9 +592,9 @@ sub group_modify : Local {
$c->stash( subpages => gensubpages('account') );
my @errors;
$c->detach('/admin/group') if $group eq '';
- if ( $group !~ /^[\w\d]*$/ ) {
+ if ( $group !~ /^[\w\d ]*$/ ) {
push @errors, "Group contains illegal characters";
- $c->detach('admin/group');
+ $c->detach('/admin/group');
my $mesg =
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm b/lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92792b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+package CatDap::Controller::forgot_password;
+use Moose;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+use Email::Valid;
+use Data::UUID;
+BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
+=head1 NAME
+CatDap::Controller::forgot_password - Catalyst Controller
+Catalyst Controller.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 index
+sub index :Path :Args(0) : Form {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ if (defined $c->user) {
+ # if we're logged in, we haven't forgotten the password
+ $c->log->debug('Redirecting to /user');
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ }
+sub check : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my %details = %{$c->request->params};
+ my $username = lc($c->request->params->{uid});
+ my @errors;
+ $c->stash(errors => []);
+ my $email = $c->request->params->{mail};
+ if (! Email::Valid->address($email)) {
+ push @errors, $c->loc('Invalid email address');
+ }
+ if (@errors) {
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ # check in LDAP now that we have validated username and email
+ my $emailfilter = $c->config->{'authentication'}{'realms'}{'ldap'}{'store'}{'email_filter'};
+ $emailfilter =~ s/\%s/$email/g,
+ $c->log->debug("Searching for email $email with filter $emailfilter");
+ my $mesg = $c->model('Proxy')->search($emailfilter);
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ $c->log->info(printf("Search failed: %s"),$mesg->error);
+ push @errors, $c->loc('Error while searching for account: ') . $mesg->error;
+ }
+ my @entries = $mesg->entries;
+ if (@entries != 1) {
+ push @errors,$c->loc(
+ 'This email address is not bound to an account'
+ );
+ }
+ my $checkfilter = '(&' . $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'allow_filter'} .
+ $emailfilter . ')';
+ $c->log->info(sprintf("Checking if user passes allow_filter $checkfilter"));
+ $mesg = $c->model('Proxy')->search($checkfilter);
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ $c->log->info(printf("Search failed: %s"),$mesg->error);
+ push @errors, $c->loc('Error while searching for account: ') . $mesg->error;
+ }
+ my @checkentries = $mesg->entries;
+ if (@entries == 1 and @checkentries != 1) {
+ push @errors,$c->loc(
+ 'Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism'
+ );
+ }
+ if (@errors) {
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $secret = gen_secret($c, $email);
+ $c->stash(
+ email => {
+ 'to' => $email,
+ 'from' => ${$c->config}{'emailfrom'},
+ 'subject' => ${$c->config}{'apptitle'} . " - " . $c->loc('Forgotten password'),
+ 'template' => 'forgot_password.tt',
+ },
+ url => $c->uri_for('/forgot_password/confirm') . "?secret=$secret",
+ cn => $entries[0]->cn,
+ );
+ $c->log->info("Sending forgot password mail to email address $email");
+ $c->forward( $c->view('Email::Template') );
+ if ( @{ $c->error } ) {
+ my $errors = join "\n",@{ $c->error };
+ $c->log->info("Sending activation mail to $email failed: $errors");
+ $c->response->body($c->loc('An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors [_1]', $errors));
+ $c->error(0); # Reset the error condition if you need to
+ }
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/complete.tt');
+sub confirm : Local {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ my $secret = $c->req->param('secret');
+ my @errors;
+ # show confirm page which can enter new password
+ if (defined $c->user) {
+ # if we're logged in, we haven't forgotten the password
+ $c->log->debug('Redirecting to /user');
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ }
+ # find secret
+ my $email = find_secret($c, $secret);
+ if (!$email) {
+ push @errors, "Secret has expired, please try again.";
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $mesg = find_user_email($c, $email);
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ push @errors, "Secret has expired, please try again.";
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ # show template to enter a new password
+ $c->stash(secret => $secret, template => 'forgot_password/confirm.tt');
+sub change_password : Local {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ my @errors = ();
+ my $secret = $c->req->param('secret');
+ my $newpass;
+ # find secret
+ my $email = find_secret($c, $secret);
+ if (!$email) {
+ push @errors, "Secret has expired, please try again.";
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $mesg = find_user_email($c, $email);
+ if ( $mesg->code) {
+ push @errors, "Secret has expired, please try again.";
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/index.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $entry = $mesg->entry;
+ # check if both passwords are equal and are confirm the validation norms
+ if ($c->req->param('newpassword1') eq $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ $newpass = $c->req->param('newpassword1');
+ } else {
+ push @errors, "New passwords do not match";
+ }
+ # if error show confirm page again to retry
+ if (@errors) {
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/confirm.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ # change password
+ my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new;
+ $mesg = $c->model('Proxy')->set_password(
+ user => $entry->dn,
+ newpasswd => $newpass,
+ control => [ $pp ],
+ );
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ my $perror = $mesg->error;
+ push @errors, "Password change failed: $perror";
+ }
+ # if error show confirm page again to retry
+ if (@errors) {
+ $c->stash(errors => \@errors);
+ $c->stash(template => 'forgot_password/confirm.tt');
+ return;
+ }
+ # TODO: log in by setting the $c->user
+ # remove the stored secret
+ remove_secret($c, $secret);
+ # redirect to /
+ $c->log->debug('Redirecting to /');
+ $c->res->redirect('/');
+sub gen_secret {
+ my ($c, $email) = @_;
+ my $ug = new Data::UUID;
+ # generate a unique secret
+ my $secret = $ug->create_str();
+ my $filename = $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'path'} .'/'. $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'prefix'} . $secret;
+ # store secret with email
+ open FILE, ">$filename";
+ print FILE $email;
+ close FILE;
+ return $secret;
+sub find_secret {
+ my ($c, $secret) = @_;
+ my $email;
+ my $filename = $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'path'} .'/'. $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'prefix'} . $secret;
+ my $timeout = 259200; # 3days in seconds
+ if ($c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'timeout'}) {
+ $timeout = $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'timeout'};
+ }
+ # find secret
+ if (!$secret || !open(FILE, "<$filename")) {
+ # if secret is wrong, timeout expired?
+ return '';
+ }
+ read(FILE, $email, 255);
+ close FILE;
+ # check the time, and see if it's longer than timeout
+ my @s = stat($filename);
+ if (time() > $s[9] + $timeout) {
+ # expired
+ return '';
+ }
+ return $email;
+sub remove_secret {
+ my ($c, $secret) = @_;
+ my $filename = $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'path'} .'/'. $c->config->{'forgot_password'}{'secret'}{'prefix'} . $secret;
+ unlink $filename;
+sub find_user_email {
+ my ($c, $email) = @_;
+ # find user by email;
+ my $emailfilter = $c->config->{'authentication'}{'realms'}{'ldap'}{'store'}{'email_filter'};
+ $emailfilter =~ s/\%s/$email/g,
+ $c->log->debug("Searching for email $email with filter $emailfilter");
+ return $c->model('Proxy')->search($emailfilter);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Buchan Milne
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm b/lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm
index a488181..d52971e 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm
+++ b/lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ sub check : Local {
push @errors, $c->loc('Username is not authorized to be used');
- if ($c->request->params->{gn} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
+ if ($c->request->params->{gn} !~ /^[\p{IsAlnum} ]+$/) {
push @errors, $c->loc(
'The first name supplied contains illegal characters'
- if ($c->request->params->{sn} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
+ if ($c->request->params->{sn} !~ /^[\p{IsAlnum} ]+$/) {
push @errors, $c->loc(
'The surname supplied contains illegal characters'
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm b/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
index b3edb32..f2171eb 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
+++ b/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ sub index :Path :Args(0) {
next if ($attr eq "objectClass");
next if grep /$attr/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'}};
my @vals = $entry->get_value($attr);
+ foreach (@vals) { $_ = Encode::decode_utf8( $_ ); }
$attrdef = $schema->attribute($attr) or die ("getting schema failed: $!");
my %valhash = (
name => $attr,
@@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ sub index :Path :Args(0) {
grep /$attrname/,@attributes or
grep /$attrname/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'uneditable_attrs'}} or
grep /$attrname/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'}} or
+ grep /$attrname/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'editable_attrs'}} and
push @may, $attrname;
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ sub add : Local {
my $entry = $mesg->entry;
$entry->add( $attr => $value);
$c->log->info("Adding $attr = $value to user $user");
- $entry->update;
+ $mesg = $entry->update;
push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
@@ -257,16 +259,19 @@ sub delete : Local : Args(2) {
my ($mesg,$entry,$user,$userfilter);
$user = $c->user->username;
$userfilter = $c->user->store->user_filter;
- $userfilter =~ s/%s/$c->user->username/g;
- $c->log->debug("Searching for user $user");
+ $userfilter =~ s/%s/$user/g;
+ $c->log->debug("Searching for user $user with filter $userfilter");
$mesg = $c->model('User')->search($userfilter);
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
+ $c->log->info($mesg->error) if $mesg->code;
$entry = $mesg->entry;
- $c->log->info("Deleting $attrname = $attrvalue from user $user");
+ $c->log->info("Deleting $attrname: $attrvalue from dn " . $entry->dn);
$entry->delete($attrname => $attrvalue);
- $entry->update;
+ $mesg = $entry->update;
push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
- $c->log->info($mesg->error);
- $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ $c->log->info("Result of update: " . $mesg->error . "," . $mesg->code) if $mesg->code;
+ $c->res->redirect('/user') unless $mesg->code;
+ $c->stash({ attrname => $attrname, attrvalue => $attrvalue});
sub password : Local {
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po b/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po
index 1a6cf5a..a9576de 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po
+++ b/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Aktivering"
#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24
-#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:46
+#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:48
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Voeg by"
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ msgstr ""
"was. Foute: %1"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:539
-#, fuzzy
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548
msgid ""
"An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try "
"the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1"
@@ -55,9 +54,10 @@ msgstr ""
"was: %1"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:105
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110
msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1"
msgstr ""
+"Daar was 'n fout met die stuur van die epos, probeer weer later. Foute: %1"
#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:9 root/admin/account_modify.tt:8
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:5 root/user/index.tt:4
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr ""
-#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:19
+#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:15
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Verander"
@@ -85,9 +85,8 @@ msgid "Check your mail for activation instructions."
msgstr "Kyk jou epos vir aktiverings instruksies."
#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:5
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Check your mail for password reset instructions."
-msgstr "Kyk jou epos vir aktiverings instruksies."
+msgstr "Kyk jou epos vir herwinnings instruksies."
#: root/register/index.tt:24
msgid "Confirm Email address"
@@ -115,27 +114,30 @@ msgstr "Wysig"
#: root/admin/account.tt:33 root/admin/account.tt:8
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:20
msgid "Email"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epos"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:11 root/register/index.tt:21
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:21
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Epos adres"
#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:1
msgid "Email sent."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epos is gestuur"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:2
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter new password."
-msgstr "Verander wagwoord"
+msgstr "Sleutel nuwe wagwoord in."
#: root/register/index.tt:32
msgid "Enter text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sleutel teks in"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76
+msgid "Error while searching for account: "
+msgstr "Fout terwyl die rekening gesoek is: "
#: root/admin/account.tt:34 root/admin/account_promote.tt:7
-#, fuzzy
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"
@@ -143,39 +145,35 @@ msgstr "Voornaam"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Voornaam"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:94
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Forgot password"
-msgstr "Huidige wagwoord"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:5
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2
msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jou wagwoord vergeet?"
-#: root/index.tt:17 root/index.tt:18
-#, fuzzy
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98
+msgid "Forgotten password"
+msgstr "Vergete wagwoord"
+#: root/index.tt:17
msgid "Forgotten password?"
-msgstr "Huidige wagwoord"
+msgstr "Wagwoord vergeet?"
#: root/admin/account.tt:36 root/admin/account.tt:9
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:9
msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Volle Naam"
#: root/admin/group.tt:27
msgid "Group Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Groep Naam"
#: root/admin/group.tt:9
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Group name"
-msgstr "Voornaam"
+msgstr "Groep naam"
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:2
msgid "Groups"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Groepe"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:48
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again"
msgstr "Inkorrekte teks van die prentjie, probeer weer"
@@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam"
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:59
msgid "Invalid username, already used by system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam, in gebruik deur stelsel"
#: root/template/header:10 root/user/fake.tt:3
msgid "Log out"
@@ -202,34 +200,33 @@ msgid "Login"
msgstr "Teken in"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5
-#: root/user/password.tt:10
+#: root/user/password.tt:9
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nuwe Wagwoord"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:296
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295
msgid "New passwords dont match"
msgstr "Nuwe wagwoorde verskil"
#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:4
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Operation was successful."
-msgstr "Registrasie was suksesvol."
+msgstr "Operasie was suksesvol."
#: root/index.tt:10
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "Wagwoord"
+msgid "Password : "
+msgstr "Wagwoord : "
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:290
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289
msgid "Password incorrect"
msgstr "Wagwoord inkorrek"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:542
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551
msgid "Password reset and email sent"
msgstr "Wagwoord is herstel en epos gestuur"
#: root/register/index.tt:12
msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Persoonlike Inligting"
#: root/email/admin/password.tt:5
msgid "Please click below to change your password"
@@ -241,15 +238,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:25
msgid "Primary group"
+msgstr "Primêre groep"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82
+msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism"
msgstr ""
+"Rekening met hoër vooregte mag nie wagwoorde op hierdie manier herwin nie"
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71
msgid "Promote"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bevorder"
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:62
msgid "Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bevorder gebruiker na posixAccount met primêre groep:"
#: root/index.tt:16 root/register/index.tt:3 root/register/index.tt:35
msgid "Register"
@@ -264,40 +266,33 @@ msgid "Registration was successful."
msgstr "Registrasie was suksesvol."
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10
-#: root/user/password.tt:15
+#: root/user/password.tt:12
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr "Herhaal Nuwe Wagwoord"
-#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1
-#, fuzzy
+#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1 root/forgot_password/index.tt:12
msgid "Reset password"
-msgstr "Huidige wagwoord"
+msgstr "Herstel wagwoord"
#: root/admin/account.tt:22
msgid "Search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Soek"
#: root/admin/account.tt:4 root/admin/group.tt:5
msgid "Search by"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Soek met"
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:4
msgid "Select"
-msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:18
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Send me my password"
-msgstr "Verander wagwoord"
+msgstr "Selekteer"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Set new password"
-msgstr "Herhaal Nuwe Wagwoord"
+msgstr "Stel nuwe wagwoord"
#: root/register/check.tt:1
msgid "Success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sukses"
#: root/admin/account.tt:10 root/admin/account.tt:35
#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:16
@@ -312,37 +307,40 @@ msgstr "Die verskafte noemnaam sluit ongeldige karakters in"
msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr "Die verskafte van sluit ondeldige karakters in"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:66
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67
msgid "This email address is not bound to an account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hierdie epos is nie verbonde aan 'n rekening nie"
#: root/email/activation.tt:3
msgid "To activate your account, please follow the link below."
msgstr "Om U rekening te aktiveer, volg asseblief die volgende skakel."
#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:3
-#, fuzzy
msgid "To reset your password, please follow the link below."
-msgstr "Om U rekening te aktiveer, volg asseblief die volgende skakel."
+msgstr "Om U wagwoord te herstel, volg asseblief die volgende skakel."
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:35 root/user/index.tt:29
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Opdateer"
#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7
-#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/index.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:7
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/register/index.tt:7
#: root/register/index.tt:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
+#: root/index.tt:6
+msgid "Username : "
+msgstr "Gebruikersnaam : "
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65
msgid "Username is not authorized to be used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gebruikersnaam nie toegelaat om gebruik te word nie"
#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:10 root/admin/account_modify.tt:9
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:6 root/user/index.tt:4
msgid "Value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Waarde"
#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:2
@@ -350,6 +348,9 @@ msgid ""
"Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do "
"this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing."
msgstr ""
+"Jou %1 rekening het gevra om die wagwoord te verander. As U dit nie self dit "
+"gedoen het nie, of as U nie die wagwoord wil verander nie, kan U hierdie "
+"boodskap ignoreer."
#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/activation.tt:2
@@ -367,36 +368,42 @@ msgstr "Jou sessie het verstrek"
#: root/admin/account.tt:15 root/admin/group.tt:15
msgid "contains"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sluit in"
#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:14
-#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
-msgstr "Vee uit"
+msgstr "vee uit"
#: root/admin/account.tt:17 root/admin/group.tt:17
msgid "greater than or equal to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "groter of gelyk aan"
#: root/admin/account.tt:16 root/admin/group.tt:16
msgid "is exactly"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "is presies"
#: root/admin/account.tt:18 root/admin/group.tt:18
msgid "less than"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "minder as"
#: root/admin/group.tt:10
msgid "member"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "lid"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:526
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535
msgid "password reset"
msgstr "Wagwoord herstelling"
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:53
msgid "with value"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "met waarde"
+#~ msgid "Forgot password"
+#~ msgstr "Wagwoord vergeet"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Send me my password"
+#~ msgstr "Verander wagwoord"
#~ msgid "or"
#~ msgstr "of"
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po b/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po
index 636b777..e84c06e 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po
+++ b/lib/CatDap/I18N/de.po
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Aktivierung"
-#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24 root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:46
+#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24
+#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:48
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"
@@ -50,36 +51,49 @@ msgstr "Ein Zugang mit diesem Benutzernamen existiert bereits"
#. ($errors)
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:145
-msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1"
+msgid ""
+"An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try "
+"the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. "
+"Errors %1"
msgstr ""
-"Ein Fehler beim Senden der Email ist aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, "
-"falls Sie die korrekte Email-Adresse angegeben haben. Fehler %1"
+"Ein Fehler beim Senden der Email ist aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde "
+"eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess "
+"durchzuführen, falls Sie die korrekte Email-Adresse angegeben haben. Fehler %"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:539
-msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548
+msgid ""
+"An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try "
+"the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1"
msgstr ""
-"Ein Fehler ist beim Senden der Email aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess durchzuführen, "
-"falls Sie die richtige Email-Adresse angegeben haben: %1"
+"Ein Fehler ist beim Senden der Email aufgetreten, aber Ihr Zugang wurde "
+"eingerichtet. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Passwortwiederherstellungs-Prozess "
+"durchzuführen, falls Sie die richtige Email-Adresse angegeben haben: %1"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:105
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110
msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1"
-msgstr "Ein Fehler ist beim Versenden der Email aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. Fehler %1"
+msgstr ""
+"Ein Fehler ist beim Versenden der Email aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es "
+"später erneut. Fehler %1"
-#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:9 root/admin/account_modify.tt:8 root/admin/group_modify.tt:5 root/user/index.tt:4
+#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:9 root/admin/account_modify.tt:8
+#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:5 root/user/index.tt:4
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attribut"
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:56
msgid "Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators"
-msgstr "Die Datei /etc/passwd kann nicht überprüft werden, bitte warnen Sie die System-Administratoren"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Datei /etc/passwd kann nicht überprüft werden, bitte warnen Sie die "
#: root/register/index.tt:29
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"
-#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:19
+#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:15
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Ändern"
@@ -93,7 +107,8 @@ msgstr "Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Aktivieren."
#: root/forgot_password/complete.tt:5
msgid "Check your mail for password reset instructions."
-msgstr "Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passwortes."
+msgstr ""
+"Überprüfen Sie Ihre Emails auf Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passwortes."
#: root/register/index.tt:24
msgid "Confirm Email address"
@@ -105,7 +120,8 @@ msgstr "Aktuelles Passwort"
#. (cn)
#. (entry.cn)
-#: root/email/activation.tt:1 root/email/admin/password.tt:1 root/email/forgot_password.tt:1
+#: root/email/activation.tt:1 root/email/admin/password.tt:1
+#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:1
msgid "Dear %1,"
msgstr "Sehr geehrter %1,"
@@ -117,11 +133,12 @@ msgstr "Löschen"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Ändern"
-#: root/admin/account.tt:33 root/admin/account.tt:8 root/admin/account_promote.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:20
+#: root/admin/account.tt:33 root/admin/account.tt:8
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:20
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:11 root/register/index.tt:21
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:21
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email-Adresse"
@@ -137,6 +154,11 @@ msgstr "Neues Passwort angeben."
msgid "Enter text"
msgstr "Text angeben"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76
+msgid "Error while searching for account: "
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account.tt:34 root/admin/account_promote.tt:7
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Vorname"
@@ -145,19 +167,21 @@ msgstr "Vorname"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Nachname"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:94
-msgid "Forgot password"
-msgstr "Passwort vergessen"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:5
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen?"
-#: root/index.tt:17 root/index.tt:18
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Forgotten password"
+msgstr "Vergessenes Passwort?"
+#: root/index.tt:17
msgid "Forgotten password?"
msgstr "Vergessenes Passwort?"
-#: root/admin/account.tt:36 root/admin/account.tt:9 root/admin/account_promote.tt:9
+#: root/admin/account.tt:36 root/admin/account.tt:9
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:9
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Vollständiger Name"
@@ -173,11 +197,12 @@ msgstr "Gruppenname"
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Gruppen"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:48 lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again"
msgstr "Inkorrekter Überprüfungstext, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:45 lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:46
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:45
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:46
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Ungültige Email-Adresse"
@@ -197,11 +222,12 @@ msgstr "Abmelden"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Anmelden"
-#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5 root/user/password.tt:10
+#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5
+#: root/user/password.tt:9
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:296
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295
msgid "New passwords dont match"
msgstr "Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
@@ -210,14 +236,15 @@ msgid "Operation was successful."
msgstr "Die Operation war erfolgreich."
#: root/index.tt:10
-msgid "Password"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Password : "
msgstr "Passwort"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:290
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289
msgid "Password incorrect"
msgstr "Falsches Passwort"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:542
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551
msgid "Password reset and email sent"
msgstr "Passwort zurückgesetzt und Email versandt"
@@ -237,6 +264,10 @@ msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie die Menüs oben."
msgid "Primary group"
msgstr "Primäre Gruppe"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82
+msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism"
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71
msgid "Promote"
msgstr ""
@@ -257,11 +288,12 @@ msgstr "Registrierung vollständig"
msgid "Registration was successful."
msgstr "Die Registrierung war erfolgreich"
-#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10 root/user/password.tt:15
+#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10
+#: root/user/password.tt:12
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort wiederholen"
-#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1
+#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1 root/forgot_password/index.tt:12
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Passwort wiederherstellen"
@@ -277,10 +309,6 @@ msgstr "Suchen nach"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Auswählen"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:18
-msgid "Send me my password"
-msgstr "Ein Passwort senden"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16
msgid "Set new password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort setzen"
@@ -289,7 +317,8 @@ msgstr "Neues Passwort setzen"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Erfolg"
-#: root/admin/account.tt:10 root/admin/account.tt:35 root/admin/account_promote.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:16
+#: root/admin/account.tt:10 root/admin/account.tt:35
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:16
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Nachname"
@@ -301,7 +330,7 @@ msgstr "Der angegebene Vorname enthält ungültige Zeichen"
msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr "Der angegebene Nachname enthält ungültige Zeichen"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:66
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67
msgid "This email address is not bound to an account"
msgstr "Diese Email-Adresse ist nicht an einen Zugang gebunden"
@@ -317,28 +346,41 @@ msgstr "Um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, folgen Sie den Links unten."
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7 root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/index.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:7 root/register/index.tt:8
+#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/register/index.tt:7
+#: root/register/index.tt:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
+#: root/index.tt:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Username : "
+msgstr "Benutzername"
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65
msgid "Username is not authorized to be used"
msgstr "Der Benutzername darf nicht verwendet werden"
-#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:10 root/admin/account_modify.tt:9 root/admin/group_modify.tt:6 root/user/index.tt:4
+#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:10 root/admin/account_modify.tt:9
+#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:6 root/user/index.tt:4
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"
#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/forgot_password.tt:2
-msgid "Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing."
+msgid ""
+"Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do "
+"this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing."
msgstr ""
-"Für ihren %1-Zugang wurde angefordert, das Passwort zu ändern. Wenn Sie dies nicht getan haben oder Ihr Passwort nicht ändern wollen, können Sie einfach nichts tun."
+"Für ihren %1-Zugang wurde angefordert, das Passwort zu ändern. Wenn Sie dies "
+"nicht getan haben oder Ihr Passwort nicht ändern wollen, können Sie einfach "
+"nichts tun."
#. (c.config.organisation)
#: root/email/activation.tt:2
msgid "Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation."
-msgstr "Ihr %1-Zugang wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet, benötigt aber noch Aktivierung."
+msgstr ""
+"Ihr %1-Zugang wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet, benötigt aber noch Aktivierung."
#. (c.user.username)
#: root/email/admin/password.tt:3
@@ -373,7 +415,7 @@ msgstr "weniger als"
msgid "member"
msgstr "Mitglied"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:526
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535
msgid "password reset"
msgstr "Passwort zurückgesetzt"
@@ -381,3 +423,8 @@ msgstr "Passwort zurückgesetzt"
msgid "with value"
msgstr "mit dem Wert"
+#~ msgid "Forgot password"
+#~ msgstr "Passwort vergessen"
+#~ msgid "Send me my password"
+#~ msgstr "Ein Passwort senden"
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po b/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po
index 85cb6e4..8c87e77 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po
+++ b/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-04 21:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Michael Scherer <misc@zarb.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <mageia-i18n@mageia.org>\n"
-"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: \n"
"X-Poedit-Language: French\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Activation"
#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24
-#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:46
+#: root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:48
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ msgstr ""
"votre adresse est correcte. Erreurs %1"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:539
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try "
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ msgstr ""
"votre adresse est correcte : %1"
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:105
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110
msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1"
msgstr ""
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr ""
-#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:19
+#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:15
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Changer"
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "Éditer"
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:11 root/register/index.tt:21
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:21
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Adresse email"
@@ -154,6 +154,11 @@ msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
msgid "Enter text"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76
+msgid "Error while searching for account: "
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account.tt:34 root/admin/account_promote.tt:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "First Name"
@@ -163,16 +168,16 @@ msgstr "Prénom"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Prénom"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:94
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Forgot password"
-msgstr "Mot de passe actuel"
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:5
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr ""
-#: root/index.tt:17 root/index.tt:18
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Forgotten password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe actuel"
+#: root/index.tt:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Forgotten password?"
msgstr "Mot de passe actuel"
@@ -195,7 +200,6 @@ msgstr "Prénom"
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:48
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again"
msgstr "Texte de validation incorrect, merci de tester à nouveau"
@@ -222,11 +226,11 @@ msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5
-#: root/user/password.tt:10
+#: root/user/password.tt:9
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:296
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295
msgid "New passwords dont match"
msgstr "Les mot de passes ne correspondent pas"
@@ -236,14 +240,15 @@ msgid "Operation was successful."
msgstr "L'enregistrement a réussi"
#: root/index.tt:10
-msgid "Password"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Password : "
msgstr "Mot de passe"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:290
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289
msgid "Password incorrect"
msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:542
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551
msgid "Password reset and email sent"
msgstr "Mot de passe réinitialiser, email envoyé"
@@ -263,6 +268,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Primary group"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82
+msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism"
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71
msgid "Promote"
msgstr ""
@@ -284,11 +293,11 @@ msgid "Registration was successful."
msgstr "L'enregistrement a réussi"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10
-#: root/user/password.tt:15
+#: root/user/password.tt:12
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr "Répéter le nouveau de passe"
-#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1
+#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1 root/forgot_password/index.tt:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Mot de passe actuel"
@@ -305,11 +314,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:18
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Send me my password"
-msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set new password"
@@ -332,7 +336,7 @@ msgstr "Le prénom proposé contient des caractères interdits"
msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr "Le nom proposé contient des caractères interdits"
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:66
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67
msgid "This email address is not bound to an account"
msgstr ""
@@ -350,11 +354,16 @@ msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"
#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7
-#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/index.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:7
+#: root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/register/index.tt:7
#: root/register/index.tt:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
+#: root/index.tt:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Username : "
+msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65
msgid "Username is not authorized to be used"
msgstr ""
@@ -410,7 +419,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "member"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:526
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535
msgid "password reset"
msgstr "réinitialisation du mot de passe"
@@ -418,6 +427,14 @@ msgstr "réinitialisation du mot de passe"
msgid "with value"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Forgot password"
+#~ msgstr "Mot de passe actuel"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Send me my password"
+#~ msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
#~ msgid "or"
#~ msgstr "ou"
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot b/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot
index 295da82..b972de9 100644
--- a/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot
+++ b/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Activation"
msgstr ""
-#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24 root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:46
+#: root/admin/account_addoc.tt:28 root/admin/account_modify.tt:24 root/admin/group_modify.tt:18 root/user/index.tt:19 root/user/index.tt:48
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please
msgstr ""
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:539
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:548
msgid "An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1"
msgstr ""
#. ($errors)
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:105
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:110
msgid "An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1"
msgstr ""
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr ""
-#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:19
+#: root/user/firstlogin.tt:14 root/user/password.tt:15
msgid "Change"
msgstr ""
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:11 root/register/index.tt:21
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:8 root/register/index.tt:21
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
@@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enter text"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:62 lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:76
+msgid "Error while searching for account: "
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account.tt:34 root/admin/account_promote.tt:7
msgid "First Name"
msgstr ""
@@ -141,15 +145,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "First name"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:94
-msgid "Forgot password"
+#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:2
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:5
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:98
+msgid "Forgotten password"
msgstr ""
-#: root/index.tt:17 root/index.tt:18
+#: root/index.tt:17
msgid "Forgotten password?"
msgstr ""
@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:48 lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:52
msgid "Incorrect validation text, please try again"
msgstr ""
@@ -193,11 +197,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5 root/user/password.tt:10
+#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:8 root/user/firstlogin.tt:5 root/user/password.tt:9
msgid "New Password"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:296
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:295
msgid "New passwords dont match"
msgstr ""
@@ -206,14 +210,14 @@ msgid "Operation was successful."
msgstr ""
#: root/index.tt:10
-msgid "Password"
+msgid "Password : "
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:290
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm:289
msgid "Password incorrect"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:542
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:551
msgid "Password reset and email sent"
msgstr ""
@@ -233,6 +237,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Primary group"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:82
+msgid "Privileged accounts may not recover passwords via this mechanism"
+msgstr ""
#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:71
msgid "Promote"
msgstr ""
@@ -253,11 +261,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Registration was successful."
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10 root/user/password.tt:15
+#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:11 root/user/firstlogin.tt:10 root/user/password.tt:12
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr ""
-#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1
+#: root/admin/account_modify.tt:1 root/forgot_password/index.tt:12
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr ""
@@ -273,10 +281,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
-#: root/forgot_password/index.tt:18
-msgid "Send me my password"
-msgstr ""
#: root/forgot_password/confirm.tt:16
msgid "Set new password"
msgstr ""
@@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The surname supplied contains illegal characters"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:66
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/forgot_password.pm:67
msgid "This email address is not bound to an account"
msgstr ""
@@ -313,10 +317,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
-#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7 root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/index.tt:6 root/register/index.tt:7 root/register/index.tt:8
+#: root/admin/account.tt:32 root/admin/account.tt:7 root/admin/account_promote.tt:5 root/register/index.tt:7 root/register/index.tt:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr ""
+#: root/index.tt:6
+msgid "Username : "
+msgstr ""
#: lib/CatDap/Controller/register.pm:65
msgid "Username is not authorized to be used"
msgstr ""
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "member"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:526
+#: lib/CatDap/Controller/admin.pm:535
msgid "password reset"
msgstr ""