assertTrue($this->template->display($handle, false)); } catch (Exception $exception) { // reset the error level even when an error occurred // PHPUnit turns trigger_error into exceptions as well error_reporting($error_level); ob_end_clean(); throw $exception; } $result = self::trim_template_result(ob_get_clean()); // reset error level error_reporting($error_level); return $result; } private static function trim_template_result($result) { return str_replace("\n\n", "\n", implode("\n", array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($result))))); } private function setup_engine() { $this->template_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'; $this->template = new template(); $this->template->set_custom_template($this->template_path, 'tests'); } protected function setUp() { // Test the engine can be used $this->setup_engine(); $template_cache_dir = dirname($this->template->cachepath); if (!is_writable($template_cache_dir)) { $this->markTestSkipped("Template cache directory ({$template_cache_dir}) is not writable."); } $file_array = scandir($template_cache_dir); $file_prefix = basename($this->template->cachepath); foreach ($file_array as $file) { if (strpos($file, $file_prefix) === 0) { unlink($template_cache_dir . '/' . $file); } } $GLOBALS['config'] = array( 'load_tplcompile' => true, 'tpl_allow_php' => false, ); } protected function tearDown() { if (is_object($this->template)) { $template_cache_dir = dirname($this->template->cachepath); $file_array = scandir($template_cache_dir); $file_prefix = basename($this->template->cachepath); foreach ($file_array as $file) { if (strpos($file, $file_prefix) === 0) { unlink($template_cache_dir . '/' . $file); } } } } /** * @todo put test data into templates/xyz.test */ static public function template_data() { return array( /* array( '', // File array(), // vars array(), // block vars array(), // destroy '', // Expected result ), */ array( 'basic.html', array(), array(), array(), "pass\npass\n", ), array( 'variable.html', array('VARIABLE' => 'value'), array(), array(), 'value', ), array( 'if.html', array(), array(), array(), '0', ), array( 'if.html', array('S_VALUE' => true), array(), array(), "1\n0", ), array( 'if.html', array('S_VALUE' => true, 'S_OTHER_VALUE' => true), array(), array(), '1', ), array( 'if.html', array('S_VALUE' => false, 'S_OTHER_VALUE' => true), array(), array(), '2', ), array( 'loop.html', array(), array(), array(), "noloop\nnoloop", ), array( 'loop.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array())), array(), "loop\nloop", ), array( 'loop.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array(), array()), 'loop.block' => array(array())), array(), "loop\nloop\nloop\nloop", ), array( 'loop.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array(), array()), 'loop.block' => array(array()), 'block' => array(array(), array())), array(), "loop\nloop\nloop\nloop\nloop#0-block#0\nloop#0-block#1\nloop#1-block#0\nloop#1-block#1", ), array( 'loop_vars.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array('VARIABLE' => 'x'))), array(), "first\n0\nx\nset\nlast", ),/* no nested top level loops array( 'loop_vars.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array('VARIABLE' => 'x'), array('VARIABLE' => 'y'))), array(), "first\n0\n0\n2\nx\nset\n1\n1\n2\ny\nset\nlast", ), array( 'loop_vars.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array('VARIABLE' => 'x'), array('VARIABLE' => 'y')), 'loop.inner' => array(array(), array())), array(), "first\n0\n0\n2\nx\nset\n1\n1\n2\ny\nset\nlast\n0\n\n1\nlast inner\ninner loop", ),*/ array( 'loop_advanced.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array())), array(), "101234561\nx\n101234561\nx\n101234561\nx\n1234561\nx\n1\nx\n101\nx\n234\nx\n10\nx\n561\nx\n561", ), array( 'define.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array()), 'test' => array(array()), 'test.deep' => array(array()), 'test.deep.defines' => array(array())), array(), "xyz\nabc", ), array( 'expressions.html', array(), array(), array(), trim(str_repeat("pass", 39)), ), array( 'php.html', array(), array(), array(), '', ), array( 'include.html', array('VARIABLE' => 'value'), array(), array(), 'value', ), array( 'include_define.html', array('VARIABLE' => 'value'), array(), array(), 'value', ), array( 'loop_vars.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array('VARIABLE' => 'x'), array('VARIABLE' => 'y')), 'loop.inner' => array(array(), array())), array('loop'), '', ), array( 'include_define_variable.html', array('VARIABLE' => 'variable.html'), array(), array(), 'variable.html', ), array( 'include_loop_define.html', array('VARIABLE' => 'value'), array('loop' => array(array('NESTED_FILE' => 'variable.html'))), array(), 'value', ), /* no top level nested loops array( 'loop_vars.html', array(), array('loop' => array(array('VARIABLE' => 'x'), array('VARIABLE' => 'y')), 'loop.inner' => array(array(), array())), array('loop.inner'), "first\n0\n0\n2\nx\nset\n1\n1\n2\ny\nset\nlast", ),*/ array( 'lang.html', array(), array(), array(), "{ VARIABLE }\n{ VARIABLE }", ), array( 'lang.html', array('L_VARIABLE' => "Value'"), array(), array(), "Value'\nValue\'", ), array( 'lang.html', array('LA_VARIABLE' => "Value'"), array(), array(), "{ VARIABLE }\nValue'", ), ); } public function test_missing_file() { $filename = 'file_not_found.html'; $this->template->set_filenames(array('test' => $filename)); $this->assertFileNotExists($this->template_path . '/' . $filename, 'Testing missing file, file cannot exist'); $expecting = sprintf('template->_tpl_load_file(): File %s does not exist or is empty', realpath($this->template_path . '/../') . '/templates/' . $filename); $this->setExpectedTriggerError(E_USER_ERROR, $expecting); $this->display('test'); } public function test_empty_file() { $expecting = 'template->set_filenames: Empty filename specified for test'; $this->setExpectedTriggerError(E_USER_ERROR, $expecting); $this->template->set_filenames(array('test' => '')); } public function test_invalid_handle() { $expecting = 'template->_tpl_load(): No file specified for handle test'; $this->setExpectedTriggerError(E_USER_ERROR, $expecting); $this->display('test'); } private function run_template($file, array $vars, array $block_vars, array $destroy, $expected, $cache_file) { $this->template->set_filenames(array('test' => $file)); $this->template->assign_vars($vars); foreach ($block_vars as $block => $loops) { foreach ($loops as $_vars) { $this->template->assign_block_vars($block, $_vars); } } foreach ($destroy as $block) { $this->template->destroy_block_vars($block); } try { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->display('test'), "Testing $file"); $this->assertFileExists($cache_file); } catch (ErrorException $e) { if (file_exists($cache_file)) { copy($cache_file, str_replace('ctpl_', 'tests_ctpl_', $cache_file)); } throw $e; } // For debugging if (self::PRESERVE_CACHE) { copy($cache_file, str_replace('ctpl_', 'tests_ctpl_', $cache_file)); } } /** * @dataProvider template_data */ public function test_template($file, array $vars, array $block_vars, array $destroy, $expected) { $cache_file = $this->template->cachepath . str_replace('/', '.', $file) . '.php'; $this->assertFileNotExists($cache_file); $this->run_template($file, $vars, $block_vars, $destroy, $expected, $cache_file); // Reset the engine state $this->setup_engine(); $this->run_template($file, $vars, $block_vars, $destroy, $expected, $cache_file); } /** * @dataProvider template_data */ public function test_assign_display($file, array $vars, array $block_vars, array $destroy, $expected) { $this->template->set_filenames(array( 'test' => $file, 'container' => 'variable.html', )); $this->template->assign_vars($vars); foreach ($block_vars as $block => $loops) { foreach ($loops as $_vars) { $this->template->assign_block_vars($block, $_vars); } } foreach ($destroy as $block) { $this->template->destroy_block_vars($block); } $error_level = error_reporting(); error_reporting($error_level & ~E_NOTICE); $this->assertEquals($expected, self::trim_template_result($this->template->assign_display('test')), "Testing assign_display($file)"); $this->template->assign_display('test', 'VARIABLE', false); error_reporting($error_level); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->display('container'), "Testing assign_display($file)"); } public function test_php() { $GLOBALS['config']['tpl_allow_php'] = true; $cache_file = $this->template->cachepath . 'php.html.php'; $this->assertFileNotExists($cache_file); $this->run_template('php.html', array(), array(), array(), 'test', $cache_file); $GLOBALS['config']['tpl_allow_php'] = false; } public function test_includephp() { $GLOBALS['config']['tpl_allow_php'] = true; $cache_file = $this->template->cachepath . 'includephp.html.php'; $this->run_template('includephp.html', array(), array(), array(), 'testing included php', $cache_file); $this->template->set_filenames(array('test' => 'includephp.html')); $this->assertEquals('testing included php', $this->display('test'), "Testing INCLUDEPHP"); $GLOBALS['config']['tpl_allow_php'] = false; } static public function alter_block_array_data() { return array( array( 'outer', array('VARIABLE' => 'before'), false, 'insert', << 'after'), true, 'insert', << 'pos #1'), 1, 'insert', << 'pos #1'), 0, 'change', <<template->set_filenames(array('test' => 'loop_nested.html')); // @todo Change this $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->template->assign_block_vars('outer.middle', array()); $this->assertEquals("outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle - 1\nouter - 1\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle - 1\nouter - 2\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle - 1", $this->display('test'), 'Ensuring template is built correctly before modification'); $this->template->alter_block_array($alter_block, $vararray, $key, $mode); $this->assertEquals($expect, $this->display('test'), $description); } }