1, 'f' => 2), true, false, 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument as array'), // Custom sid parameter array('viewtopic.php', 't=1&f=2', true, 'custom-sid', 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid', 'using session_id'), // Testing anchors array('viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, false, 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument'), array('viewtopic.php', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, false, 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument'), array('viewtopic.php', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, false, 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array)'), // Anchors and custom sid array('viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, 'custom-sid', 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument using session_id'), array('viewtopic.php', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, 'custom-sid', 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument using session_id'), array('viewtopic.php', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, 'custom-sid', 'viewtopic.php?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array) using session_id'), // Empty parameters should not append the ? array('viewtopic.php', false, true, false, 'viewtopic.php', 'no params using bool false'), array('viewtopic.php', '', true, false, 'viewtopic.php', 'no params using empty string'), array('viewtopic.php', array(), true, false, 'viewtopic.php', 'no params using empty array'), ); } /** * @dataProvider append_sid_data */ public function test_append_sid($url, $params, $is_amp, $session_id, $expected, $description) { $this->assertEquals($expected, append_sid($url, $params, $is_amp, $session_id)); } }