* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ class phpbb_functions_content_phpbb_clean_search_string_test extends phpbb_test_case { public function phpbb_clean_search_string_data() { return array( array('*', ''), array('* *', ''), array('test', 'test'), array(' test ', 'test'), array(' test * ', 'test'), array('test* *', 'test*'), array('* *test*', '*test*'), array('test test * test', 'test test test'), array(' some wild*cards * between wo*rds ', 'some wild*cards between wo*rds'), array(' we * now have*** multiple wild***cards * ', 'we now have* multiple wild*cards'), array('pi is *** . * **** * *****', 'pi is .'), ); } /** * @dataProvider phpbb_clean_search_string_data */ public function test_phpbb_clean_search_string($search_string, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, phpbb_clean_search_string($search_string)); } }