/* Style Sheet Tweaks These style definitions are IE 7 and 8 specific tweaks required due to its poor CSS support. -------------------------------------------------*/ /* Clear float fix for IE7 */ .inner { zoom: 1; } ul.linklist { zoom: 1; } /* Align checkboxes/radio buttons nicely */ dd label input { vertical-align: text-bottom; *vertical-align: middle; } /* Simple fix so forum and topic lists always have a height set */ dl.icon { *height: 35px; } /* Correctly clear floating for details on profile view */ dl.details dd { *margin-left: 30%; *float: none; } /* Headerbar height fix for IE7 */ #site-description p { *margin-bottom: 1.0em; } /* Forum list column styles for IE7 */ dl.icon dt, dl.icon dd { *min-height: 32px; } dd.posts, dd.topics, dd.views, dd.extra, dd.mark { *width: 79px; } dd.lastpost, dd.redirect, dd.moderation, dd.time, dd.info { *width: 249px; } dd.option { *width: 124px; } /* Notifications list for IE7 */ #notification_list { *left: 0; } #notification_list .header_settings { *position: absolute; *right: 10px; *top: 0; } .icon-notification { *z-index: 2; }