* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\mimetype; class guesser { /** * @const Default priority for mimetype guessers */ const PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 0; /** * @var array guessers */ protected $guessers; /** * Construct a mimetype guesser object * * @param array $mimetype_guessers Mimetype guesser service collection */ public function __construct($mimetype_guessers) { $this->register_guessers($mimetype_guessers); } /** * Register MimeTypeGuessers and sort them by priority * * @param array $mimetype_guessers Mimetype guesser service collection * * @throws \LogicException If incorrect or not mimetype guessers have * been supplied to class */ protected function register_guessers($mimetype_guessers) { foreach ($mimetype_guessers as $guesser) { $is_supported = (method_exists($guesser, 'is_supported')) ? 'is_supported' : ''; $is_supported = (method_exists($guesser, 'isSupported')) ? 'isSupported' : $is_supported; if (empty($is_supported)) { throw new \LogicException('Incorrect mimetype guesser supplied.'); } if ($guesser->$is_supported()) { $this->guessers[] = $guesser; } } if (empty($this->guessers)) { throw new \LogicException('No mimetype guesser supplied.'); } // Sort guessers by priority usort($this->guessers, array($this, 'sort_priority')); } /** * Sort the priority of supplied guessers * This is a compare function for usort. A guesser with higher priority * should be used first and vice versa. usort() orders the array values * from low to high depending on what the comparison function returns * to it. Return value should be smaller than 0 if value a is smaller * than value b. This has been reversed in the comparision function in * order to sort the guessers from high to low. * Method has been set to public in order to allow proper testing. * * @param object $guesser_a Mimetype guesser a * @param object $guesser_b Mimetype guesser b * * @return int If both guessers have the same priority 0, bigger * than 0 if first guesser has lower priority, and lower * than 0 if first guesser has higher priority */ public function sort_priority($guesser_a, $guesser_b) { $priority_a = (int) (method_exists($guesser_a, 'get_priority')) ? $guesser_a->get_priority() : self::PRIORITY_DEFAULT; $priority_b = (int) (method_exists($guesser_b, 'get_priority')) ? $guesser_b->get_priority() : self::PRIORITY_DEFAULT; return $priority_b - $priority_a; } /** * Guess mimetype of supplied file * * @param string $file Path to file * @param string $file_name The real file name * * @return string Guess for mimetype of file */ public function guess($file, $file_name = '') { if (!is_file($file)) { return false; } if (!is_readable($file)) { return false; } $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'; foreach ($this->guessers as $guesser) { $mimetype_guess = $guesser->guess($file, $file_name); $mimetype = $this->choose_mime_type($mimetype, $mimetype_guess); } // Return any mimetype if we got a result or the fallback value return $mimetype; } /** * Choose the best mime type based on the current mime type and the guess * If a guesser returns nulls or application/octet-stream, we will keep * the current guess. Guesses with a slash inside them will be favored over * already existing ones. However, any guess that will pass the first check * will always overwrite the default application/octet-stream. * * @param string $mime_type The current mime type * @param string $guess The current mime type guess * * @return string The best mime type based on current mime type and guess */ public function choose_mime_type($mime_type, $guess) { if ($guess === null || $guess == 'application/octet-stream') { return $mime_type; } if ($mime_type == 'application/octet-stream' || strpos($guess, '/') !== false) { $mime_type = $guess; } return $mime_type; } }