/* global phpbb */ (function($) { // Avoid conflicts with other libraries 'use strict'; phpbb.prepareSendStats = function () { var $form = $('#acp_help_phpbb'); var $dark = $('#darkenwrapper'); var $loadingIndicator; $form.on('submit', function (event) { var $this = $(this), currentTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000), statsTime = parseInt($this.find('input[name=help_send_statistics_time]').val(), 10); event.preventDefault(); $this.unbind('submit'); // Skip ajax request if form is submitted too early or send stats // checkbox is not checked if (!$this.find('input[name=help_send_statistics]').is(':checked') || statsTime > currentTime) { $form.find('input[type=submit]').click(); setTimeout(function () { $form.find('input[type=submit]').click(); }, 300); return; } /** * Handler for AJAX errors */ function errorHandler(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) { console.log('AJAX error. status: ' + textStatus + ', message: ' + errorThrown); } phpbb.clearLoadingTimeout(); var errorText = ''; if (typeof errorThrown === 'string' && errorThrown.length > 0) { errorText = errorThrown; } else { errorText = $dark.attr('data-ajax-error-text-' + textStatus); if (typeof errorText !== 'string' || !errorText.length) { errorText = $dark.attr('data-ajax-error-text'); } } phpbb.alert($dark.attr('data-ajax-error-title'), errorText); } /** * This is a private function used to handle the callbacks, refreshes * and alert. It calls the callback, refreshes the page if necessary, and * displays an alert to the user and removes it after an amount of time. * * It cannot be called from outside this function, and is purely here to * avoid repetition of code. * * @param {object} res The object sent back by the server. */ function returnHandler(res) { phpbb.clearLoadingTimeout(); // If a confirmation is not required, display an alert and call the // callbacks. $dark.fadeOut(phpbb.alertTime); if ($loadingIndicator) { $loadingIndicator.fadeOut(phpbb.alertTime); } var $sendStatisticsSuccess = $('', { type: 'hidden', name: 'send_statistics_response', value: res }); $sendStatisticsSuccess.appendTo('p.submit-buttons'); // Finish actual form submission $form.find('input[type=submit]').click(); } $loadingIndicator = phpbb.loadingIndicator(); $.ajax({ url: $this.attr('data-ajax-action').replace('&', '&'), type: 'POST', data: 'systemdata=' + encodeURIComponent($this.find('input[name=systemdata]').val()), success: returnHandler, error: errorHandler, cache: false }).always(function() { if ($loadingIndicator && $loadingIndicator.is(':visible')) { $loadingIndicator.fadeOut(phpbb.alertTime); } }); }); }; /** * The following callbacks are for reording items. row_down * is triggered when an item is moved down, and row_up is triggered when * an item is moved up. It moves the row up or down, and deactivates / * activates any up / down icons that require it (the ones at the top or bottom). */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_down', function(res) { if (typeof res.success === 'undefined' || !res.success) { return; } var $firstTr = $(this).parents('tr'), $secondTr = $firstTr.next(); $firstTr.insertAfter($secondTr); }); phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_up', function(res) { if (typeof res.success === 'undefined' || !res.success) { return; } var $secondTr = $(this).parents('tr'), $firstTr = $secondTr.prev(); $secondTr.insertBefore($firstTr); }); /** * This callback replaces activate links with deactivate links and vice versa. * It does this by replacing the text, and replacing all instances of "activate" * in the href with "deactivate", and vice versa. */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('activate_deactivate', function(res) { var $this = $(this), newHref = $this.attr('href'); $this.text(res.text); if (newHref.indexOf('deactivate') !== -1) { newHref = newHref.replace('deactivate', 'activate'); } else { newHref = newHref.replace('activate', 'deactivate'); } $this.attr('href', newHref); }); /** * The removes the parent row of the link or form that triggered the callback, * and is good for stuff like the removal of forums. */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_delete', function(res) { if (res.SUCCESS !== false) { $(this).parents('tr').remove(); } }); /** * Callbacks for extension actions */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('ext_enable', function(res) { if (res.EXT_ENABLE_SUCCESS) { move_to_enabled(this.parentNode.parentNode); set_actions(this.parentNode, res.ACTIONS); show_enabled_header(); hide_disabled_header_if_empty(); } }); phpbb.addAjaxCallback('ext_delete_data', function(res) { if (res.EXT_DELETE_DATA_SUCCESS) { move_to_disabled(this.parentNode.parentNode); set_actions(this.parentNode, res.ACTIONS); show_disabled_header(); hide_enabled_header_if_empty(); } }); phpbb.addAjaxCallback('ext_disable', function(res) { if (res.EXT_DISABLE_SUCCESS) { move_to_disabled(this.parentNode.parentNode); set_actions(this.parentNode, res.ACTIONS); show_disabled_header(); hide_enabled_header_if_empty(); } }); /** * Handler for submitting permissions form in chunks * This call will submit permissions forms in chunks of 5 fieldsets. */ function submitPermissions() { var $form = $('form#set-permissions'), fieldsetList = $form.find('fieldset[id^=perm]'), formDataSets = [], dataSetIndex = 0, $submitAllButton = $form.find('input[type=submit][name^=action]')[0], $submitButton = $form.find('input[type=submit][data-clicked=true]')[0]; // Set proper start values for handling refresh of page var permissionSubmitSize = 0, permissionRequestCount = 0, forumIds = [], permissionSubmitFailed = false; if ($submitAllButton !== $submitButton) { fieldsetList = $form.find('fieldset#' + $submitButton.closest('fieldset.permissions').id); } $.each(fieldsetList, function (key, value) { dataSetIndex = Math.floor(key / 5); var $fieldset = $('fieldset#' + value.id); if (key % 5 === 0) { formDataSets[dataSetIndex] = $fieldset.find('select:visible, input:not([data-name])').serialize(); } else { formDataSets[dataSetIndex] += '&' + $fieldset.find('select:visible, input:not([data-name])').serialize(); } // Find proper role value var roleInput = $fieldset.find('input[name^=role][data-name]'); if (roleInput.val()) { formDataSets[dataSetIndex] += '&' + roleInput.attr('name') + '=' + roleInput.val(); } else { formDataSets[dataSetIndex] += '&' + roleInput.attr('name') + '=' + $fieldset.find('select[name="' + roleInput.attr('name') + '"]').val(); } }); permissionSubmitSize = formDataSets.length; // Add each forum ID to forum ID list to preserve selected forums $.each($form.find('input[type=hidden][name^=forum_id]'), function (key, value) { if (value.name.match(/^forum_id\[([0-9]+)\]$/)) { forumIds.push(value.value); } }); /** * Handler for submitted permissions form chunk * * @param {object} res Object returned by AJAX call */ function handlePermissionReturn(res) { permissionRequestCount++; var $dark = $('#darkenwrapper'); if (res.S_USER_WARNING) { phpbb.alert(res.MESSAGE_TITLE, res.MESSAGE_TEXT); permissionSubmitFailed = true; } else if (!permissionSubmitFailed && res.S_USER_NOTICE) { // Display success message at the end of submitting the form if (permissionRequestCount >= permissionSubmitSize) { var $alert = phpbb.alert(res.MESSAGE_TITLE, res.MESSAGE_TEXT); var $alertBoxLink = $alert.find('p.alert_text > a'); // Create form to submit instead of normal "Back to previous page" link if ($alertBoxLink) { // Remove forum_id[] from URL $alertBoxLink.attr('href', $alertBoxLink.attr('href').replace(/(&forum_id\[\]=[0-9]+)/g, '')); var previousPageForm = '
'; $.each(forumIds, function (key, value) { previousPageForm += ''; }); previousPageForm += '
'; $alertBoxLink.on('click', function (e) { var $previousPageForm = $(previousPageForm); $('body').append($previousPageForm); e.preventDefault(); $previousPageForm.submit(); }); } // Do not allow closing alert $dark.off('click'); $alert.find('.alert_close').hide(); if (typeof res.REFRESH_DATA !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function () { // Create forum to submit using POST. This will prevent // exceeding the maximum length of URLs var form = '
'; $.each(forumIds, function (key, value) { form += ''; }); form += '
'; $form = $(form); $('body').append($form); // Hide the alert even if we refresh the page, in case the user // presses the back button. $dark.fadeOut(phpbb.alertTime, function () { if (typeof $alert !== 'undefined') { $alert.hide(); } }); // Submit form $form.submit(); }, res.REFRESH_DATA.time * 1000); // Server specifies time in seconds } } } } // Create AJAX request for each form data set $.each(formDataSets, function (key, formData) { $.ajax({ url: $form.action, type: 'POST', data: formData + '&' + $submitButton.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent($submitButton.value) + '&creation_time=' + $form.find('input[type=hidden][name=creation_time]')[0].value + '&form_token=' + $form.find('input[type=hidden][name=form_token]')[0].value + '&' + $form.children('input[type=hidden]').serialize() + '&' + $form.find('input[type=checkbox][name^=inherit]').serialize(), success: handlePermissionReturn, error: handlePermissionReturn }); }); } $('[data-ajax]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), ajax = $this.attr('data-ajax'); if (ajax !== 'false') { var fn = (ajax !== 'true') ? ajax : null; phpbb.ajaxify({ selector: this, refresh: $this.attr('data-refresh') !== undefined, callback: fn }); } }); /** * Automatically resize textarea */ $(function() { phpbb.resizeTextArea($('textarea:not(.no-auto-resize)'), {minHeight: 75}); var $setPermissionsForm = $('form#set-permissions'); if ($setPermissionsForm.length) { $setPermissionsForm.on('submit', function (e) { submitPermissions(); e.preventDefault(); }); $setPermissionsForm.find('input[type=submit]').click(function() { $('input[type=submit]', $(this).parents($('form#set-permissions'))).removeAttr('data-clicked'); $(this).attr('data-clicked', true); }); } if ($('#acp_help_phpbb')) { phpbb.prepareSendStats(); } }); })(jQuery); // Avoid conflicts with other libraries