path: root/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/lang_english.php')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/lang_english.php b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..78d42b058d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/language/lang_english.php
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * lang_english.php - description
+ * -------------------
+ * begin : Sat Dec 16 2000
+ * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
+ * email : support@phpbb.com
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * ***************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+$l_forum = "Forum";
+$l_forums = "Forums";
+$l_topic = "Topic";
+$l_topics = "Topics";
+$l_replies = "Replies";
+$l_poster = "Poster";
+$l_author = "Author";
+$l_views = "Views";
+$l_post = "Post";
+$l_posts = "Posts";
+$l_message = "Message";
+$l_messages = "Messages";
+$l_subject = "Subject";
+$l_body = "$l_message Body";
+$l_from = "From"; // Message from
+$l_moderator = "Moderator";
+$l_username = "Username";
+$l_password = "Password";
+$l_email = "Email";
+$l_emailaddress = "Email Address";
+$l_preferences = "Preferences";
+$l_welcometo = "Welcome to";
+$l_anonymous = "Anonymous"; // Post
+$l_guest = "Guest"; // Whosonline
+$l_noposts = "No $l_posts";
+$l_joined = "Joined";
+$l_gotopage = "Goto page";
+$l_nextpage = "Next Page";
+$l_prevpage = "Previous Page";
+$l_go = "Go";
+$l_selectforum = "Select a $l_forum";
+$l_date = "Date";
+$l_number = "Number";
+$l_name = "Name";
+$l_options = "Options";
+$l_submit = "Submit";
+$l_confirm = "Confirm";
+$l_enter = "Enter";
+$l_by = "by"; // Posted by
+$l_ondate = "on"; // This message is edited by: $username on $date
+$l_new = "New";
+$l_html = "HTML";
+$l_bbcode = "BBcode";
+$l_smilies = "Smilies";
+$l_on = "On";
+$l_off = "Off";
+$l_yes = "Yes";
+$l_no = "No";
+$l_click = "Click";
+$l_here = "here";
+$l_toreturn = "to return";
+$l_returnindex = "$l_toreturn to the forum index";
+$l_returntopic = "$l_toreturn to the forum topic list.";
+$l_error = "Error";
+$l_tryagain = "Please go back and try again.";
+$l_mismatch = "Passwords do not match.";
+$l_userremoved = "This user has been removed from the User database";
+$l_wrongpass = "You entered the wrong password.";
+$l_userpass = "Please enter your username and password.";
+$l_banned = "You have been banned from this forum. Contact the system administrator if you have any questions.";
+$l_enterpassword= "You must enter your password.";
+$l_nopost = "You do not have access to post to this forum.";
+$l_noread = "You do not have access to read this forum.";
+$l_lastpost = "Last $l_post";
+$l_sincelast = "since your last visit";
+$l_newposts = "New $l_posts $l_sincelast";
+$l_nonewposts = "No New $l_posts $l_sincelast";
+// Index page
+$l_indextitle = "Forum Index";
+// Members and profile
+$l_profile = "Profile";
+$l_register = "Register";
+$l_onlyreq = "Only requried if being changed";
+$l_location = "From";
+$l_viewpostuser = "View posts by this user";
+$l_perday = "$l_messages per day";
+$l_oftotal = "of total";
+$l_url = "URL";
+$l_icq = "ICQ";
+$l_icqnumber = "ICQ Number";
+$l_icqadd = "Add";
+$l_icqpager = "Pager";
+$l_aim = "AIM";
+$l_yim = "YIM";
+$l_yahoo = "Yahoo Messenger";
+$l_msn = "MSN";
+$l_messenger = "MSN Messenger";
+$l_website = "Web Site Address";
+$l_occupation = "Occupation";
+$l_interests = "Interests";
+$l_signature = "Signature";
+$l_sigexplain = "This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make.<BR>255 characters max!";
+$l_usertaken = "The $l_username you picked has been taken.";
+$l_userdisallowed= "The $l_username you picked has been disallowed by the administrator. $l_tryagain";
+$l_infoupdated = "Your Information has been updated";
+$l_publicmail = "Allow other users to view my $l_emailaddress";
+$l_itemsreq = "Items marked with a * are required";
+// Viewforum
+$l_viewforum = "View Forum";
+$l_notopics = "There are no topics for this forum. You can post one.";
+$l_hotthres = "More then $hot_threshold $l_posts";
+$l_islocked = "$l_topic is Locked (No new $l_posts may be made in it)";
+$l_moderatedby = "Moderated by";
+// Private forums
+$l_privateforum = "This is a <b>Private Forum</b>.";
+$l_private = "$l_privateforum<br>Note: you must have cookies enabled in order to use private forums.";
+$l_noprivatepost = "$l_privateforum You do not have access to post to this forum.";
+// Viewtopic
+$l_topictitle = "View $l_topic";
+$l_unregistered = "Unregistered User";
+$l_posted = "Posted";
+$l_profileof = "View Profile of";
+$l_viewsite = "Goto the website of";
+$l_icqstatus = "$l_icq status"; // ICQ status
+$l_editdelete = "Edit/Delete This $l_post";
+$l_replyquote = "Reply with quote";
+$l_viewip = "View Posters IP (Moderators/Admins Only)";
+$l_locktopic = "Lock this $l_topic";
+$l_unlocktopic = "Unlock this $l_topic";
+$l_movetopic = "Move this $l_topic";
+$l_deletetopic = "Delete this $l_topic";
+// Functions
+$l_loggedinas = "Logged in as";
+$l_notloggedin = "Not logged in";
+$l_logout = "Logout";
+$l_login = "Login";
+// Page_header
+$l_separator = "» »"; // Included here because some languages have
+ // problems with high ASCII (Big-5 and the like).
+$l_editprofile = "Edit Profile";
+$l_editprefs = "Edit $l_preferences";
+$l_search = "Search";
+$l_memberslist = "Memberslist";
+$l_faq = "FAQ";
+$l_privmsgs = "Private $l_messages";
+$l_sendpmsg = "Send a Private Message";
+$l_postedtotal = "Our users have posted a total of";
+$l_wehave = "We have";
+$l_regedusers = "registered users.";
+$l_newestuser = "The newest Registered User is";
+$l_browsing = "browsing";
+$l_arecurrently = "There are currently";
+$l_theforums = "the forums.";
+$l_statsblock = '$statsblock = "Our users have posted a total of -$total_posts- $l_messages.<br>
+We have -$total_users- Registered Users.<br>
+The newest Registered User is -<a href=\"$profile_url\">$newest_user</a>-.<br>
+-$users_online- ". ($users_online==1?"user is":"users are") ." <a href=\"$online_url\">currently browsing</a> the forums.<br>";';
+$l_privnotify = '$privnotify = "<br>You have $new_message <a href=\"$privmsg_url\">new private ".($new_message>1?"messages":"message")."</a>.";';
+// Page_tail
+$l_adminpanel = "Administration Panel";
+$l_poweredby = "Powered by";
+$l_version = "Version";
+// Auth
+// Register
+$l_notfilledin = "Error - you did not fill in all the required fields.";
+$l_invalidname = "The username you chose \"$username\" has been taken.";
+$l_disallowname = "The username you chose, \"$username\" has been disallowed by the administrator.";
+$l_welcomesubj = "Welcome to $sitename Forums";
+$l_welcomemail =
+Please keep this email for your records.
+Your account information is as follows:
+Username: $username
+Password: $password
+Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you.
+However, should you forget your password we provide an easy to use script to generate and email a new, random, password.
+Thank you for registering.
+$l_beenadded = "You have been added to the database.";
+$l_thankregister= "Thank you for registering!";
+$l_useruniq = "Must be unique. No two users can have the same Username.";
+$l_storecookie = "Store my username in a cookie for 1 year.";
+// Prefs
+$l_prefupdated = "$l_preferences updated. $l_click <a href=\"index.$phpEx\">$l_here</a> $l_returnindex";
+$l_editprefs = "Edit Your $l_preferences";
+$l_themecookie = "NOTE: In order to use themes you MUST have cookies enabled.";
+$l_alwayssig = "Always attach my signature";
+$l_alwaysdisable= "Always disable"; // Only used for next three strings
+$l_alwayssmile = "$l_alwaysdisable $l_smilies";
+$l_alwayshtml = "$l_alwaysdisable $l_html";
+$l_alwaysbbcode = "$l_alwaysdisable $l_bbcode";
+$l_boardtheme = "Board Theme";
+$l_boardlang = "Board Language";
+$l_nothemes = "No Themes In database";
+$l_saveprefs = "Save $l_preferences";
+// Search
+$l_searchterms = "Keywords";
+$l_searchany = "Search for ANY of the terms (Default)";
+$l_searchall = "Search for ALL of the terms";
+$l_searchallfrm = "Search All Forums";
+$l_sortby = "Sort by";
+$l_searchin = "Search in";
+$l_titletext = "Title & Text";
+$l_search = "Search";
+$l_nomatches = "No records match that query. Please broaden your search.";
+// Whosonline
+$l_whosonline = "Who's online?";
+$l_nousers = "No Users are currently browsing the forums";
+// Editpost
+$l_notedit = "You can't edit a post that isn't yours.";
+$l_permdeny = "You did not supply the correct $l_password or do not have permission to edit this post. $l_tryagain";
+$l_editedby = "This $l_message was edited by:";
+$l_stored = "Your $l_message has been stored in the database.";
+$l_viewmsg = "to view your $l_message.";
+$l_deleted = "Your $l_post has been deleted.";
+$l_nouser = "That $l_username doesn't exist.";
+$l_passwdlost = "I forgot my password!";
+$l_delete = "Delete this Post";
+$l_disable = "Disable";
+$l_onthispost = "on this Post";
+$l_htmlis = "$l_html is";
+$l_bbcodeis = "$l_bbcode is";
+$l_notify = "Notify by email when replies are posted";
+// Newtopic
+$l_emptymsg = "You must type a $l_message to post. You cannot post an empty $l_message.";
+$l_aboutpost = "About Posting";
+$l_regusers = "All <b>Registered</b> users";
+$l_anonusers = "<b>Anonymous</b> users";
+$l_modusers = "Only <B>Moderators and Administrators</b>";
+$l_anonhint = "<br>(To post anonymously simply do not enter a username and password)";
+$l_inthisforum = "can post new topics and replies to this forum";
+$l_attachsig = "Show signature <font size=-2>(This can be altered or added in your profile)</font>";
+$l_cancelpost = "Cancel Post";
+// Reply
+$l_nopostlock = "You cannot post a reply to this topic, it has been locked.";
+$l_topicreview = "Topic Review";
+$l_notifysubj = "A reply to your topic has been posted.";
+$l_notifybody = 'Dear $m[username]\r\nYou are receiving this Email because a message
+you posted on $sitename forums has been replied to, and
+you selected to be notified on this event.
+You may view the topic at:
+Or view the $sitename forum index at
+Thank you for using $sitename forums.
+Have a nice day.
+$l_quotemsg = '[quote]\nOn $m[post_time], $m[username] wrote:\n$text\n[/quote]';
+// Sendpmsg
+$l_norecipient = "You must enter the username you want to send the $l_message to.";
+$l_sendothermsg = "Send another Private Message";
+$l_cansend = "can send $l_privmsgs"; // All registered users can send PM's
+$l_yourname = "Your $l_username";
+$l_recptname = "Recipient $l_username";
+// Replypmsg
+$l_pmposted = "Reply Posted, you can click <a href=\"viewpmsg.$phpEx\">here</a> to view your $l_privmsgs";
+// Viewpmsg
+$l_nopmsgs = "You don't have any $l_privmsgs.";
+$l_reply = "Reply";
+// Delpmsg
+$l_deletesucces = "Deletion successful.";
+// Smilies
+$l_smilesym = "What to type";
+$l_smileemotion = "Emotion";
+$l_smilepict = "Picture";
+// Sendpasswd
+$l_wrongactiv = "The activation key you provided is not correct. Please check email $l_message you recived and make sure you have copied the activation key exactly.";
+$l_passchange = "Your password has been successfully changed. You may now goto your <a href=\"bb_profile.$phpEx?mode=edit\">profile</a> and change your password to a more suitable one.";
+$l_wrongmail = "The email address you entered does not match the one stored in our database.";
+$l_passsubj = "$sitename Forums Password Change";
+$l_pwdmessage = 'Dear $checkinfo[username],
+You are receiving this email because you (or someone pretending to be you)
+has requested a passwordchange on $sitename forums. If you believe you have
+received this message in error simply delete it and your password will remain
+the same.
+Your new password as generated by the forums is: $newpw
+In order for this change to take effect you must visit this page:
+ http://$SERVER_NAME$PHP_SELF?actkey=$key
+Once you have visited the page your password will be changed in our database,
+and you may login to the profile section and change it as desired.
+Thank you for using $sitename Forums
+$l_passsent = "Your password has changed to a new, random, password. Please check your email on how to complete the password change procedure.";
+$l_emailpass = "Email Lost Password";
+$l_passexplain = "Please fill out the form, a new password will be sent to your Email address";
+$l_sendpass = "Send Password";