 * Miscellaneous js functions for WebHelp
 * Kasun Gajasinghe, http://kasunbg.blogspot.com
 * David Cramer, http://www.thingbag.net

$(document).ready(function() {  
  //  $("#showHideHighlight").button(); //add jquery button styling to 'Go' button
    //Generate tabs in nav-pane with JQuery
    $(function() {
                cookie: {
                    // store cookie for 2 days.
                    expires: 2

    //Generate the tree
        collapsed: true,
        animated: "medium",
        control: "#sidetreecontrol",
        persist: "cookie"

    //after toc fully styled, display it. Until loading, a 'loading' image will be displayed
    $("#tocLoading").css("display", "none");

    //.searchButton is the css class applied to 'Go' button 
    $(function() {
		$("button", ".searchButton").button();

		$("button", ".searchButton").click(function() {return false;});

    //'ui-tabs-1' is the cookie name which is used for the persistence of the tabs.(Content/Search tab)
    if ($.cookie('ui-tabs-1') === '1') {    //search tab is visible 
        if ($.cookie('textToSearch') != undefined && $.cookie('textToSearch').length > 0) {
            document.getElementById('textToSearch').value = $.cookie('textToSearch');

    syncToc(); //Synchronize the toc tree with the content pane, when loading the page.
    //$("#doSearch").button(); //add jquery button styling to 'Go' button

 * Synchronize with the tableOfContents 
function syncToc(){
    var a = document.getElementById("webhelp-currentid");
    if (a != undefined) {
        var b = a.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];

        if (b != undefined) {
            //Setting the background for selected node.
            //b.setAttribute("style", "color: white; background-color: #a7a9ac;");
            b.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
            b.style.backgroundColor = "#a7a9ac";

        //shows the node related to current content.
        //goes a recursive call from current node to ancestor nodes, displaying all of them.
        while (a.parentNode && a.parentNode.nodeName) {
            var parentNode = a.parentNode;
            var nodeName = parentNode.nodeName;

            if (nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ul") {
                parentNode.style.display = "block";

                // Expand the current entry
                var u = a.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
                if (u) {
                    u.style.display = "block";
            } else if (nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() == "li") {
                parentNode.setAttribute("class", "collapsable");
                parentNode.firstChild.setAttribute("class", "hitarea collapsable-hitarea ");
            a = parentNode;

        if (b != undefined) {

 * Code for Show/Hide TOC
function showHideToc() {
    var showHideButton = $("#showHideButton");
    var leftNavigation = $("#leftnavigation");
    var content = $("#content");

    if (showHideButton != undefined && showHideButton.hasClass("pointLeft")) {
        //Hide TOC
        content.css("margin", "0 0 0 0");
        showHideButton.attr("title", "Show table of contents");
    } else {
        //Show the TOC
        content.css("margin", "0 0 0 315px");
        showHideButton.attr("title", "Hide table of contents");

 * Code for searh highlighting
var highlightOn = true;
function searchHighlight(searchText) {
    highlightOn = true;
    if (searchText != undefined) {
        var wList;
        var sList = new Array();    //stem list 
        //Highlight the search terms
        searchText = searchText.toLowerCase().replace(/<\//g, "_st_").replace(/\$_/g, "_di_").replace(/\.|%2C|%3B|%21|%3A|@|\/|\*/g, " ").replace(/(%20)+/g, " ").replace(/_st_/g, "</").replace(/_di_/g, "%24_")
        searchText = searchText.replace(/  +/g, " ");
        searchText = searchText.replace(/ $/, "").replace(/^ /, "");

        wList = searchText.split(" ");
        $("#content").highlight(wList); //Highlight the search input

        if(typeof stemmer != "undefined" ){
            //Highlight the stems
            for (var i = 0; i < wList.length; i++) {
                var stemW = stemmer(wList[i]);
        } else {
            sList = wList;
        $("#content").highlight(sList); //Highlight the search input's all stems

        var _content = document.getElementById("content");
        var spans = _content.getElementsByTagName("span");
        var hasOne = false;
        for (i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
            var span = spans[i];
            if (span.className == "highlight") {
                span.setAttribute("id", "firstHighlight");
                hasOne = true;
        if (hasOne) {

function searchUnhighlight(){
    highlightOn = false;
     //unhighlight the search input's all stems

function toggleHighlight(){
    if(highlightOn) {
    } else {