#/usr/bin/env python3 """ Automate the download of availlable manual. This script automates the download of manual for every languages availlable, from the specifyed server (see at the bottom of the script) as long as the server follows this tree: server_path/language/manual.zip To use it, you have to pass the base url or to modify the default server URL at the bottom of the script (variable "base_url"), and pass the name to the script to tell which kind of manual it is ("installer", "draklive", "netinstall" or "mcc") .. warning:: IT SHOULD NOT BE RUN IN THE GIT CLONE!!! To use the update script, you need a clean git clone, so you must not polluate it with the downloaded manuals drakx-installer-help currently doesn't follow the above path rules so you need to do: wget --directory-prefix=./drakx-installer-help/ --timestamping --no-host-directories --recursive --no-directories --no-parent --accept zip http://docteam.mageia.nl/zipped/drakx-installer-help/ similarly you can use wget --directory-prefix=./MCC/ --timestamping --no-host-directories --recursive --no-directories --no-parent --accept zip http://docteam.mageia.nl/zipped/MCC/ wget --directory-prefix=./netinstall/ --timestamping --no-host-directories --recursive --no-directories --no-parent --accept zip http://docteam.mageia.nl/zipped/netinstall/ wget --directory-prefix=./installer/ --timestamping --no-host-directories --recursive --no-directories --no-parent --accept zip http://docteam.mageia.nl/zipped/installer/ wget --directory-prefix=./draklive/ --timestamping --no-host-directories --recursive --no-directories --no-parent --accept zip http://docteam.mageia.nl/zipped/draklive/ """ from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from html.parser import HTMLParser from shutil import copyfileobj manual_name_prefix = {"installer": "DrakX-", "mcc": "MCC-", "draklive": "DrakLive-", "netinstall": "NetInstall-"} manual_name_suffix = "WebHelp-zipped.zip" # to avoid rejection of standard User-Agent of urllib agent_header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1 Safari/603.1.30'} def usage(): print("python3 autodownload.py <manual> [<server_url>]") print("\t <manual>: MCC, installer, netinstall or draklive") print("\t <server_url>: (optional) if not given: " + "http://docteam.mageia.org.uk/zipped/ will be used") class ArchivePageHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.recording = 0 self.data = [] def handle_data(self, data): if data.endswith('/'): self.data.append(data[:-1]) def getPage(url): print(url) parseur = ArchivePageHTMLParser() for word in urlopen(Request(url, headers=agent_header)).readlines(): parseur.feed(word.strip().decode('ascii')) return parseur.data def getZip(url, manual, lang): if lang == 'en' and manual == "mcc": filename = manual_name_prefix[manual] + \ manual_name_suffix else: filename = manual_name_prefix[manual] + \ lang.upper() + '-' + \ manual_name_suffix language_url = "/".join([url, lang, filename]) print("Get %s\n"%language_url) try: with urlopen(Request(language_url, headers=agent_header)) as response: with open(filename,"wb") as dest_file: copyfileobj(response, dest_file) except HTTPError as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) not in (2, 3): usage() else: # check manual manual = sys.argv[1] if manual not in manual_name_prefix.keys(): usage() else: if len(sys.argv) == 3: base_url = sys.argv[2] else: base_url = "http://docteam.mageia.org.uk/zipped" base_url = base_url + "/" + manual language_list = getPage(base_url) for elem in language_list: getZip(base_url, manual, elem)