From 30a7c5c747fc7d22bbf3189cad965b2068632b1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Papoteur Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:52:52 +0200 Subject: Adding or refreshing installer in eu --- installer/9/eu/content/Select-and-use-ISOs.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/acceptLicense.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/addUser.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/configureServices.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/diskPartitioning.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/exitInstall.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/firewall.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/graphicalConfiguration.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/index.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/installUpdates.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/installer.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/locale.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/misc-params.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/securityLevel.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/selectInstallClass.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/selectKeyboard.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/selectLanguage.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/selectMouse.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/setupBootloader.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/setupSCSI.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/software.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/soundConfig.html | 2 +- installer/9/eu/content/uninstall-Mageia.html | 2 +- 23 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) (limited to 'installer/9/eu') diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/Select-and-use-ISOs.html b/installer/9/eu/content/Select-and-use-ISOs.html index 8de907c8..8f801cf5 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/Select-and-use-ISOs.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/Select-and-use-ISOs.html @@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

< /dev/sdd

Example: dd if=/home/user/Downloads/Mageia-6-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=1M


It might be helpful to know that if stands for input file and of stands -for output file

  • Enter the command: sync

  • This is the end of the process, and you may now unplug your USB stick.

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    +for output file

  • Enter the command: sync

  • This is the end of the process, and you may now unplug your USB stick.

  • CC BY-SA 3.0
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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/acceptLicense.html b/installer/9/eu/content/acceptLicense.html index a171270e..7e7ac68c 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/acceptLicense.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/acceptLicense.html @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ be accepted before you can continue.

  • To proceed, Next

  • If you decide not to accept these conditions, then we thank you for your interest in Mageia. Clicking Quit will reboot your computer.

    Askapen Oharrak

    Important information about this particular Mageia release can be viewed by -clicking on the Release Notes button.

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    +clicking on the Release Notes button.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/addUser.html b/installer/9/eu/content/addUser.html index 1ca18302..1e4a9a4e 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/addUser.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/addUser.html @@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ shell available to any user you added in the previous screen. Options are Bash, Dash and Sh

  • User ID: Here you can set the user ID for any user you added in the previous screen. If you are unsure what the purpose of this is, then leave it blank.

  • Group ID: This lets you set the group ID. Again, if -unsure, leave it blank.

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    +unsure, leave it blank.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/configureServices.html b/installer/9/eu/content/configureServices.html index 6abbfaeb..8e98eeed 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/configureServices.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/configureServices.html @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ | Hurrengoa

    Konfiguratu zure Zerbitzuak

    Konfiguratu zure Zerbitzuak

    Here you can choose which services should start when you boot your system.

    • Click on a triangle to expand a group to all the relevant services. The settings DrakX chose are usually good.

    • Zerbitzu bat nabarmendu baduzu, hari buruzko informazioa beheko info -koadroan erakusten da.

    Gauza bakarra aldatzen duzunean, oso ondo dakizu zer egiten ari zaren.

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    +koadroan erakusten da.

    Gauza bakarra aldatzen duzunean, oso ondo dakizu zer egiten ari zaren.

    CC BY-SA 3.0
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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/diskPartitioning.html b/installer/9/eu/content/diskPartitioning.html index 5b9c44f3..1a5793e0 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/diskPartitioning.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/diskPartitioning.html @@ -112,4 +112,4 @@ check for so-called bad blocks

    Previous, again on Previous and then on Custom to get back to the main screen, where you can choose to view details of your partitions.

    When you are confident about the selections, click on -Next to continue.

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    +Next to continue.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/exitInstall.html b/installer/9/eu/content/exitInstall.html index 5b2ca178..84f7a984 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/exitInstall.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/exitInstall.html @@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ remove the installation medium and reboot your computer.

    After rebooting, you can use the bootloader screen to choose which operating system to start (if there are more than one on your computer).

    Zuk ez badituzu abio kargatzaile ezarpenak doitzen, zure Mageia instalazioa automatikoki hautatu eta hasiko da.


    Visit -if you have any questions or want to contribute to Mageia

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    +if you have any questions or want to contribute to Mageia

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/firewall.html b/installer/9/eu/content/firewall.html index 34a2182a..dc98f1e9 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/firewall.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/firewall.html @@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ in RFC-433;- UDP - the internet protocol that is used by the service.

    Adibidez, RSYNC zerbitzurako sarbidea gaitzeko sarrera 873/tcp da.

    Bi protokoloak erabiltzeko zerbitzu bat martxan jartzen denean, 2 bikote -zehazten dira portu bererako.

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    +zehazten dira portu bererako.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/graphicalConfiguration.html b/installer/9/eu/content/graphicalConfiguration.html index eb5c4cbe..d31dc1ba 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/graphicalConfiguration.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/graphicalConfiguration.html @@ -79,4 +79,4 @@ baldin badakizu, hautatu ahal izango duzu hautaketa zuhaitzean:

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    +may be wise to be conservative in your selections.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/index.html b/installer/9/eu/content/index.html index 1cdcd3e6..f73c915b 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/index.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/index.html @@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ dituzun irudiak zure hardwarea eta instalazioan zehar hartutako erabakien araberakoa izango da.

    Manual honetan jasotako testuak eta irudiak CC BY-SA 3.0 babespean daude

    Calenco CMS-ren laguntzarekin egin da eskuliburu hau NeoDoc-k garatuta.

    Boluntarioek beren aisialdian idatzi zuten. Zoaz Dokumentazio -Taldera bada eskuliburu hau hobetzen lagundu ahal baduzu.


    Aukeratu eta erabili ISOa
    Media Deskargatu eta Egiaztatzen
    Grabatu edo irauli ISOa
    DrakX, Mageia Instalatzilea
    Instalazio urratsak
    Instalazio Ongi etorri Pantaila
    Instalazio arazoak eta Konponbide Posibleak
    Aukeratu erabiltzeko hizkuntza bat
    Lizentzia eta Askatze Oharrak
    Lizentzia Kontratua
    Askapen Oharrak
    SCSI konfiguratu
    Instalatu edo Berritu
    Suggested Partitioning
    Aukeratu muntatze-puntuak
    Baieztatzeko formateatu beharreko disko gogorra
    Custom Disk Partitioning with DiskDrake
    Media Selection
    Idaztegi hautaketa
    Pakete-taldearen hautapena
    Instalazio Minimoa
    Aukeratu Banakako Paketeak
    User Management
    Ezarri administratzaile (root) pasahitza:
    Sartu erabiltzaile bat
    User Management (advanced)
    Graphical Configuration
    Txartel Grafikoa eta Pantaila Konfigurazioa
    Aukeratu X zerbitzari bat (Konfiguratu Txartel Grafikoa)
    Aukeratu zure Pantaila
    Bootloader Setup
    Other Options
    Configuration Summary
    Sistema parametroak
    Hardware parametroak
    Sare eta Internet parametroak
    Konfiguratu zure Denbora-Eremua
    Aukeratu zure Herrialdea / Eskualdea
    Konfiguratu zure Zerbitzuak
    Aukeratu sagua
    Soinu Konfiguraketa
    Mageia desinstalatzen

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    +Taldera bada eskuliburu hau hobetzen lagundu ahal baduzu.


    Aukeratu eta erabili ISOa
    Media Deskargatu eta Egiaztatzen
    Grabatu edo irauli ISOa
    DrakX, Mageia Instalatzilea
    Instalazio urratsak
    Instalazio Ongi etorri Pantaila
    Instalazio arazoak eta Konponbide Posibleak
    Aukeratu erabiltzeko hizkuntza bat
    Lizentzia eta Askatze Oharrak
    Lizentzia Kontratua
    Askapen Oharrak
    SCSI konfiguratu
    Instalatu edo Berritu
    Suggested Partitioning
    Aukeratu muntatze-puntuak
    Baieztatzeko formateatu beharreko disko gogorra
    Custom Disk Partitioning with DiskDrake
    Media Selection
    Idaztegi hautaketa
    Pakete-taldearen hautapena
    Instalazio Minimoa
    Aukeratu Banakako Paketeak
    User Management
    Ezarri administratzaile (root) pasahitza:
    Sartu erabiltzaile bat
    User Management (advanced)
    Graphical Configuration
    Txartel Grafikoa eta Pantaila Konfigurazioa
    Aukeratu X zerbitzari bat (Konfiguratu Txartel Grafikoa)
    Aukeratu zure Pantaila
    Bootloader Setup
    Other Options
    Configuration Summary
    Sistema parametroak
    Hardware parametroak
    Sare eta Internet parametroak
    Konfiguratu zure Denbora-Eremua
    Aukeratu zure Herrialdea / Eskualdea
    Konfiguratu zure Zerbitzuak
    Aukeratu sagua
    Soinu Konfiguraketa
    Mageia desinstalatzen

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/installUpdates.html b/installer/9/eu/content/installUpdates.html index c6230375..23b6964a 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/installUpdates.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/installUpdates.html @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ | Hurrengoa



    Since this version of Mageia was released, some packages will have been updated or improved.

    • Select Yes if you wish to download and install them

    • Select No if you don't want to do this now, or if you -aren't connected to the Internet

    • Press Next to continue

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    +aren't connected to the Internet

  • Press Next to continue

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/installer.html b/installer/9/eu/content/installer.html index d96ffdb0..ba356af8 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/installer.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/installer.html @@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ available RAM incorrectly. To specify this manually, you can use the RAM. e.g. mem=256M would specify 256MB of RAM.

    Partizio dinamikoak

    If you converted your hard disk from Basic format to Dynamic format in Microsoft Windows, then it is not possible to install Mageia on this disc. To revert to a -Basic disk, see the Microsoft documentation:

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    +Basic disk, see the Microsoft documentation:

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/locale.html b/installer/9/eu/content/locale.html index 66f3a665..1d4292e0 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/locale.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/locale.html @@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ manually. Other input methods (SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc) also provide similar functions and can be installed if you added HTTP/FTP media before package selection.


    If you missed the input method setup during installation, you can access it post-install via Configure your ComputerSystem, or by running -localedrake as root.

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    +localedrake as root.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/misc-params.html b/installer/9/eu/content/misc-params.html index 6ca8411d..683b0335 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/misc-params.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/misc-params.html @@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ computer normally.

    Please be aware that the Internet is a high risk networ continuous attempts to probe and attack systems. Even seemingly safe connections such as ICMP (for ping) have been used as covert data channels for exfiltrating data by malicious persons.

    For more information, see Firewall.


    Bear in mind that allowing everything (no firewall) may -be very risky.

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    +be very risky.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/securityLevel.html b/installer/9/eu/content/securityLevel.html index 24d35a81..9c011711 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/securityLevel.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/securityLevel.html @@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ which require notification to a system administrator.

    A good, and easy-to- where <user> is the login name of the user to receive these messages.


    The system sends such messages as Unix Mailspool messages, not as "ordinary" SMTP mail: this user must therefore be configured for receiving such mail!

    It will always be possible to adjust your security settings post-install in -the Security section of the Mageia Control Center.

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    +the Security section of the Mageia Control Center.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/selectInstallClass.html b/installer/9/eu/content/selectInstallClass.html index 48a9ed36..e65ad77b 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/selectInstallClass.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/selectInstallClass.html @@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ its End Of Life then clean install instead, while preserving your /home partition.


    If you have discovered that you forgot to select an additional language, you can return from the Install or Upgrade screen to the -language choice screen by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Home. Do NOT do this later in the install.

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    +language choice screen by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Home. Do NOT do this later in the install.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/selectKeyboard.html b/installer/9/eu/content/selectKeyboard.html index 9ff0443a..3c36175c 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/selectKeyboard.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/selectKeyboard.html @@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ though a keyboard from that screen was chosen. You can safely ignore this and continue the installation: the keyboard chosen from the full list will be applied.

  • If you choose a keyboard based on non-Latin characters, you will see an extra dialogue screen asking how you would prefer to switch between the -Latin and non-Latin keyboard layouts

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    +Latin and non-Latin keyboard layouts

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/selectLanguage.html b/installer/9/eu/content/selectLanguage.html index b178017d..de01fe88 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/selectLanguage.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/selectLanguage.html @@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ it is advisable to install the required language for your keyboard as well

  • You can change the language for your system post-installation in the Mageia Control CenterSystemlocalization for your -system.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/selectMouse.html b/installer/9/eu/content/selectMouse.html index 51657e2f..385773d3 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/selectMouse.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/selectMouse.html @@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ ahal izango duzu.

    Usually, UniversalAny PS/2 and USB mice is a good choice.

    Select UniversalForce evdev to configure the buttons that do not work -on a mouse with six or more buttons.

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    +on a mouse with six or more buttons.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/setupBootloader.html b/installer/9/eu/content/setupBootloader.html index adb6e173..8348e9b9 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/setupBootloader.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/setupBootloader.html @@ -70,4 +70,4 @@ Advanced), this is not recommended unless you absolutely know what you are doing, as without some form of bootloader your operating system will be unable to start.

    Gegitu edo Aldatu Abio Menuko Sarrera

    To do this you need to manually edit /boot/grub2/custom.cfg or use the software grub-customizer tool instead -(available in the Mageia repositories).


    For more information, see:

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    +(available in the Mageia repositories).


    For more information, see:

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/setupSCSI.html b/installer/9/eu/content/setupSCSI.html index 7a39f6f5..6a19b17a 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/setupSCSI.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/setupSCSI.html @@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ SCSI controllers it may be unable to determine the correct drivers to use and subsequently fail to recognise the drive.

    If your device is not recognised, you will need to manually tell DrakX which SCSI drive(s) you have. DrakX should then be able to configure the drive(s) -correctly.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/software.html b/installer/9/eu/content/software.html index 75ebe062..ef20e5cc 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/software.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/software.html @@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ installation.

    After having made your choice, you can click on the floppy icon at the bottom of the page to save your choice of packages (saving to a USB key works, too). You can then use this file to install the same packages on another system, by pressing the same -button during install and choosing to load it.

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    +button during install and choosing to load it.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/soundConfig.html b/installer/9/eu/content/soundConfig.html index d00e4da1..277025b4 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/soundConfig.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/soundConfig.html @@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ screen, click on Troubleshooting to find about how to solve the problem.


    If there is no actual default driver for your sound card, there may be other possible alternative drivers available to choose from. If this is the case, but you think the installer has not made the most appropriate choice, you -can click on Advanced to manually specify a driver.

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    +can click on Advanced to manually specify a driver.

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    diff --git a/installer/9/eu/content/uninstall-Mageia.html b/installer/9/eu/content/uninstall-Mageia.html index ca73cb48..00c74c06 100644 --- a/installer/9/eu/content/uninstall-Mageia.html +++ b/installer/9/eu/content/uninstall-Mageia.html @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ and select Delete to free up the space.gparted, available for both Windows and Linux. As always, when changing partitions, be very careful to back up anything -important to you.

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    +important to you.

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    -- cgit v1.2.1