[%# 1.0@bugzilla.org %] [%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham #%] [%# INTERFACE: # header_done: boolean. True if the header has already been printed. # error: string. The tag of the error, or the error message to be displayed # (deprecated). May contain HTML if it's an error message. #%] [%# This is a list of all the possible user errors. Please keep them in # alphabetical order by error tag, and leave a blank line between errors. # # Note that you must explicitly filter every single template variable # in this file; if you do not wish to change it, use the "none" filter. #%] [% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %] [% PROCESS "global/field-descs.none.tmpl" %] [% DEFAULT title = "Error" %] [% error_message = BLOCK %] [% IF error == "account_creation_disabled" %] [% title = "Account Creation Disabled" %] User account creation has been disabled or restricted.
New accounts must be created by an administrator. [% ELSIF error == "account_disabled" %] [% title = "Account Disabled" %] [% disabled_reason FILTER none %]
If you believe your account should be restored, please send email to [% Param("maintainer") %] explaining why. [% ELSIF error == "account_exists" %] [% title = "Account Already Exists" %] There is already an account with [% IF email %] the login name [% email FILTER html %]. [% ELSE %] that login name. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "account_inexistent" %] [% title = "Account Does Not Exist" %] There is no [% terms.Bugzilla %] account with that login name. [% ELSIF error == "alias_has_comma_or_space" %] [% title = "Invalid Characters In Alias" %] The alias you entered, [% alias FILTER html %], contains one or more commas or spaces. Aliases cannot contain commas or spaces because those characters are used to separate aliases from each other in lists. Please choose another alias that does not contain commas and spaces. [% ELSIF error == "alias_in_use" %] [% title = "Alias In Use" %] [% bug_link FILTER none %] has already taken the alias [% alias FILTER html %]. Please choose another one. [% ELSIF error == "alias_is_numeric" %] [% title = "Alias Is Numeric" %] You tried to give this [% terms.bug %] the alias [% alias FILTER html %], but aliases cannot be merely numbers, since they could then be confused with [% terms.bug %] IDs. Please choose another alias containing at least one letter. [% ELSIF error == "alias_too_long" %] [% title = "Alias Too Long" %] [% terms.Bug %] aliases cannot be longer than 20 characters. Please choose a shorter alias. [% ELSIF error == "auth_cant_create_account" %] [% title = "Can't create accounts" %] This site is using an authentication scheme which does not permit account creation. Please contact an administrator to get a new account created. [% ELSIF error == "authorization_failure" %] [% title = "Authorization Failed" %] You are not allowed to [% action FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "attachment_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You are not authorized to access this attachment. [% ELSIF error == "bug_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You are not authorized to access [% terms.bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "bug_access_query" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You are not authorized to access [% terms.bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %]. To see this [% terms.bug %], you must first log in to an account with the appropriate permissions. [% ELSIF error == "buglist_parameters_required" %] [% title = "Parameters Required" %] You may not search, or create saved searches, without any search terms. [% ELSIF error == "bugs_not_changed" %] [% title = BLOCK %][% terms.Bugs %] Not Changed[% END %] Um, you apparently did not change anything on the selected [% terms.bugs %]. [% ELSIF error == "chart_too_large" %] [% title = "Chart Too Large" %] Sorry, but 2000 x 2000 is the maximum size for a chart. [% ELSIF error == "comment_required" %] [% title = "Comment Required" %] You have to specify a comment on this change. Please give some words on the reason for your change. [% ELSIF error == "comment_too_long" %] [% title = "Comment Too Long" %] Comments cannot be longer than 65,535 characters. [% ELSIF error == "dependency_loop_multi" %] [% title = "Dependency Loop Detected" %] The following [% terms.bug %](s) would appear on both the "depends on" and "blocks" parts of the dependency tree if these changes are committed: [% both FILTER none %]. This would create a circular dependency, which is not allowed. [% ELSIF error == "dependency_loop_single" %] [% title = "Dependency Loop Detected" %] You can't make [% terms.abug %] blocked or dependent on itself. [% ELSIF error == "description_required" %] [% title = "Description Required" %] You must provide a description of the [% terms.bug %]. [% ELSIF error == "dupe_invalid_bug_id" %] [% title = BLOCK %]Valid [% terms.Bug %] Number Required[% END %] You must specify a valid [% terms.bug %] number of which this [%+ terms.bug %] is a duplicate. The [% terms.bug %] has not been changed. [% ELSIF error == "dupe_of_self_disallowed" %] [% title = "Cannot mark [% terms.abug %] as a duplicate of itself" %] You can't mark [% terms.abug %] as a duplicate of itself. [% ELSIF error == "email_change_in_progress" %] [% title = "Email Change Already In Progress" %] Email change already in progress; please check your email. [% ELSIF error == "email_confirmation_failed" %] [% title = "Email Address Confirmation Failed" %] Email address confirmation failed. [% ELSIF error == "entry_access_denied" %] [% title = "Permission Denied" %] Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to enter [% terms.abug %] against the [% product FILTER html %] product. [% ELSIF error == "file_not_specified" %] [% title = "No File Specified" %] You did not specify a file to attach. [% ELSIF error == "file_too_large" %] [% title = "File Too Large" %] The file you are trying to attach is [% filesize FILTER html %] kilobytes (KB) in size. Non-patch attachments cannot be more than [% Param('maxattachmentsize') %] KB. If your attachment is an image, try converting it to a compressable format like JPG or PNG, or put it elsewhere on the web and link to it from the [% terms.bug %]'s URL field or in a comment on the [% terms.bug %]. [% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_unauthorized" %] [% title = "Flag Requestee Not Authorized" %] You asked [% requestee.identity FILTER html %] for [% flag_type.name FILTER html %] on [% terms.bug %] [% bug_id FILTER html -%] [% IF attach_id %], attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %][% END %], but that [% terms.bug %]&bnsp; has been restricted to users in certain groups, and the user you asked isn't in all the groups to which the [% terms.bug %] has been restricted. Please choose someone else to ask, or make the [% terms.bug %] accessible to users on its CC: list and add that user to the list. [% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_unauthorized_attachment" %] [% title = "Flag Requestee Not Authorized" %] You asked [% requestee.identity FILTER html %] for [% flag_type.name FILTER html %] on [%+ terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %], attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %], but that attachment is restricted to users in the [% Param("insidergroup") FILTER html %] group, and the user you asked isn't in that group. Please choose someone else to ask, or ask an administrator to add the user to the group. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_cc_list_invalid" %] [% title = "Flag Type CC List Invalid" %] The CC list [% cc_list FILTER html %] must be less than 200 characters long. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_description_invalid" %] [% title = "Flag Type Description Invalid" %] The description must be less than 32K. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_name_invalid" %] [% title = "Flag Type Name Invalid" %] The name [% name FILTER html %] must be 1-50 characters long. [% ELSIF error == "format_not_found" %] [% title = "Format Not Found" %] The requested format [% format FILTER html %] does not exist with a content type of [% ctype FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_sortkey_invalid" %] [% title = "Flag Type Sort Key Invalid" %] The sort key must be an integer between 0 and 32767 inclusive. It cannot be [% sortkey FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_at_least_x_votes" %] [% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %] The At least ___ votes field must be a simple number. You entered [% value FILTER html %], which isn't. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_attachment_edit" %] [% title = "Unauthorised Action" %] You are not authorised to edit attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_attachment_edit_bug" %] [% title = "Unauthorised Action" %] You are not authorised to edit attachments on [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_attachment_is_patch" %] [% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %] The only legal values for the Attachment is patch field are 0 and 1. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_change" %] [% title = "Not allowed" %] You tried to change the [% field_descs.$field FILTER html %] field from [% oldvalue FILTER html %] to [% newvalue FILTER html %], but only the owner or submitter of the [% terms.bug %], or a sufficiently empowered user, may change that field. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_changed_in_last_x_days" %] [% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %] The Changed in last ___ days field must be a simple number. You entered [% value FILTER html %], which isn't. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_date" %] [% title = "Illegal Date" %] '[% date FILTER html %]' is not a legal date. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_email_address" %] [% title = "Invalid Email Address" %] The e-mail address you entered ([% addr FILTER html %]) didn't pass our syntax checking for a legal email address. [%+ Param('emailregexpdesc') %] It must also not contain any of these special characters: \ ( ) & < > , ; : " [ ], or any whitespace. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_frequency" %] [% title = "Too Frequent" %] Unless you are an administrator, you may not create series which are run more often than once every [% minimum FILTER html %] days. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_group_control_combination" %] [% title = "Your Group Control Combination Is Illegal" %] Your group control combination for group " [% groupname FILTER html %]" is illegal. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_is_obsolete" %] [% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %] The only legal values for the Attachment is obsolete field are 0 and 1. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_query_name" %] [% title = "Illegal Search Name" %] The name of your search cannot contain any of the following characters: <, >, &. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_series_creation" %] You are not authorised to create series. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_series_edit" %] You are not authorised to edit this series. To do this, you must either be its creator, or an administrator. [% ELSIF error == "insufficient_data" %] [% title = "Insufficient Data" %] None of the series you selected have any data associated with them, so a chart cannot be plotted. [% ELSIF error == "insufficient_data_points" %] We don't have enough data points to make a graph (yet). [% ELSIF error == "insufficient_privs_for_multi" %] [% title = "Insufficient Privileges" %] Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges to edit multiple [% terms.bugs %]. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_attach_id" %] [% title = "Invalid Attachment ID" %] The attachment id [% attach_id FILTER html %] is invalid. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_bug_id" %] [% title = BLOCK %]Invalid [% terms.Bug %] ID[% END %] The [% terms.bug %] id [% bug_id FILTER html %] is invalid. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_bug_id_non_existent" %] [% title = BLOCK %]Invalid [% terms.Bug %] ID[% END %] [% terms.Bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %] does not exist. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_bug_id_or_alias" %] [% title = BLOCK %]Invalid [% terms.Bug %] ID[% END %] The '[% terms.bug %] number' [% bug_id FILTER html %] is invalid. [% IF Param("usebugaliases") %] It is neither [% terms.abug %] number nor an alias to [% terms.abug %] number. [% END %] If you are trying to use QuickSearch, you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. To help us fix this limitation, add your comments to bug 70907. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_changedsince" %] [% title = "Invalid 'Changed Since'" %] The 'changed since' value, '[% changedsince FILTER html %]', must be an integer >= 0. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_content_type" %] [% title = "Invalid Content-Type" %] The content type [% contenttype FILTER html %] is invalid. Valid types must be of the form foo/bar where foo is either application, audio, image, message, model, multipart, text, or video. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_context" %] [% title = "Invalid Context" %] The context [% context FILTER html %] is invalid (must be a number, "file" or "patch"). [% ELSIF error == "invalid_format" %] [% title = "Invalid Format" %] The format "[% format FILTER html %]" is invalid (must be one of [% FOREACH my_format = formats %] "[% my_format FILTER html %]" [% END %] ). [% ELSIF error == "invalid_maxrow" %] [% title = "Invalid Max Rows" %] The maximum number of rows, '[% maxrows FILTER html %]', must be a positive integer. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_product_name" %] [% title = "Invalid Product Name" %] The product name '[% product FILTER html %]' is invalid or does not exist. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_username" %] [% title = "Invalid Username" %] The name [% name FILTER html %] is not a valid username. Either you misspelled it, or the person has not registered for a [% terms.Bugzilla %] account. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_username_or_password" %] [% title = "Invalid Username Or Password" %] The username or password you entered is not valid. [% ELSIF error == "keyword_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] Sorry, you aren't a member of the 'editkeywords' group, and so you aren't allowed to add, modify or delete keywords. [% ELSIF error == "keyword_already_exists" %] [% title = "Keyword Already Exists" %] A keyword with the name [% name FILTER html %] already exists. [% ELSIF error == "keyword_blank_description" %] [% title = "Blank Keyword Description Not Allowed" %] You must enter a non-blank description for the keyword. [% ELSIF error == "keyword_blank_name" %] [% title = "Blank Keyword Name Not Allowed" %] You must enter a non-blank name for the keyword. [% ELSIF error == "keyword_invalid_name" %] [% title = "Invalid Keyword Name" %] You may not use commas or whitespace in a keyword name. [% ELSIF error == "login_needed_for_password_change" %] [% title = "Login Name Required" %] You must enter a login name when requesting to change your password. [% ELSIF error == "milestone_required" %] [% title = "Milestone Required" %] You must determine a target milestone for [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %] if you are going to accept it. Part of accepting [% terms.abug %] is giving an estimate of when it will be fixed. [% ELSIF error == "misarranged_dates" %] [% title = "Misarranged Dates" %] Your start date ([% datefrom FILTER html %]) is after your end date ([% dateto FILTER html %]). [% ELSIF error == "missing_attachment_description" %] [% title = "Missing Attachment Description" %] You must enter a description for the attachment. [% ELSIF error == "missing_category" %] [% title = "Missing Category" %] You did not specify a category for this series. [% ELSIF error == "missing_content_type" %] [% title = "Missing Content-Type" %] You asked [% terms.Bugzilla %] to auto-detect the content type, but your browser did not specify a content type when uploading the file, so you must enter a content type manually. [% ELSIF error == "missing_content_type_method" %] [% title = "Missing Content-Type Determination Method" %] You must choose a method for determining the content type, either auto-detect, select from list, or enter manually. [% ELSIF error == "missing_cookie" %] [% title = "Missing Cookie" %] Sorry, I seem to have lost the cookie that recorded the results of your last search. I'm afraid you will have to start again on the search page. [% ELSIF error == "missing_datasets" %] [% title = "No Datasets Selected" %] You must specify one or more datasets to plot. [% ELSIF error == "missing_email_type" %] [% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %] You must specify one or more fields in which to search for [% email FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "missing_frequency" %] [% title = "Missing Frequency" %] You did not specify a valid frequency for this series. [% ELSIF error == "missing_name" %] [% title = "Missing Name" %] You did not specify a name for this series. [% ELSIF error == "missing_query" %] [% title = "Missing Search" %] The search named [% queryname FILTER html %] does not exist. [% ELSIF error == "must_be_patch" %] [% title = "Attachment Must Be Patch" %] Attachment #[% attach_id FILTER html %] must be a patch. [% ELSIF error == "missing_subcategory" %] [% title = "Missing Subcategory" %] You did not specify a subcategory for this series. [% ELSIF error == "need_component" %] [% title = "Component Required" %] You must specify a component to help determine the new owner of these [% terms.bugs %]. [% ELSIF error == "need_numeric_value" %] [% title = "Numeric Value Required" %] Hours requires a numeric value. [% ELSIF error == "need_positive_number" %] [% title = "Positive Number Required" %] The [% field_descs.$field FILTER html %] field requires a positive number. [% ELSIF error == "need_product" %] [% title = "Product Required" %] You must specify a product to help determine the new owner of these [% terms.bugs %]. [% ELSIF error == "need_quip" %] [% title = "Quip Required" %] Please enter a quip in the text field. [% ELSIF error == "new_password_missing" %] [% title = "New Password Missing" %] You must enter a new password. [% ELSIF error == "no_axes_defined" %] [% title = "No Axes Defined" %] You didn't define any axes to plot. [% ELSIF error == "no_bugs_chosen" %] [% title = BLOCK %]No [% terms.Bugs %] Chosen[% END %] You apparently didn't choose any [% terms.bugs %] to modify. [% ELSIF error == "no_component_change_for_multiple_products" %] [% title = "Action Not Permitted" %] You cannot change the component for a list of [% terms.bugs %] covering more than one product. [% ELSIF error == "no_components" %] [% title = "No Components" %] Sorry; there needs to be at least one component for this product in order to create a new [% terms.bug %]. [% IF UserInGroup("editcomponents") %] Create a new component. [% ELSE %] Please contact [% Param("maintainer") %], giving the name of the product in which you tried to create a new [% terms.bug %]. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "no_dupe_stats" %] [% title = "Cannot Find Duplicate Statistics" %] There are no duplicate statistics for today ([% today FILTER html %]) or yesterday. [% ELSIF error == "no_dupe_stats_error_today" %] [% title = "Error Reading Today's Dupes File" %] An error occurred opening today's dupes file: [% error_msg FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "no_dupe_stats_error_whenever" %] [% title = "Error Reading Previous Dupes File" %] An error occurred opening [% changedsince FILTER html %] days ago ([% whenever FILTER html %])'s dupes file: [% error_msg FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "no_dupe_stats_error_yesterday" %] [% title = "Error Reading Yesterday's Dupes File" %] There are no duplicate statistics for today ([% today FILTER html %]), and an error occurred opening yesterday's dupes file: [% error_msg FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "no_html_in_quips" %] [% title = "No HTML In Quips" %] Sorry - for security reasons, support for HTML tags has been turned off in quips. [% ELSIF error == "no_new_quips" %] [% title = "No New Quips" %] This site does not permit the addition of new quips. [% ELSIF error == "no_page_specified" %] [% title = "No Page Specified" %] You did not specify the id of a page to display. [% ELSIF error == "no_products" %] [% title = "No Products" %] Either no products have been defined to enter [% terms.bugs %] against or you have not been given access to any. [% ELSIF error == "old_password_incorrect" %] [% title = "Incorrect Old Password" %] You did not enter your old password correctly. [% ELSIF error == "old_password_required" %] [% title = "Old Password Required" %] You must enter your old password to change your email address. [% ELSIF error == "passwords_dont_match" %] [% title = "Passwords Don't Match" %] The two passwords you entered did not match. [% ELSIF error == "password_too_long" %] [% title = "Password Too Long" %] The password is more than 16 characters long. It must be no more than 16 characters. [% ELSIF error == "password_too_short" %] [% title = "Password Too Short" %] The password is less than three characters long. It must be at least three characters. [% ELSIF error == "patch_too_large" %] [% title = "File Too Large" %] The file you are trying to attach is [% filesize FILTER html %] kilobytes (KB) in size. Patches cannot be more than [% Param('maxpatchsize') %] KB in size. Try breaking your patch into several pieces. [% ELSIF error == "product_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You do not have the permissions necessary to access that product. [% ELSIF error == "product_edit_denied" %] [% title = "Product Edit Access Denied" %] You are not permitted to edit [% terms.bugs %] in product [% product FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "query_name_missing" %] [% title = "No Search Name Specified" %] You must enter a name for your search. [% ELSIF error == "quips_disabled" %] [% title = "Quips Disabled" %] Quips are disabled. [% ELSIF error == "quips_edit_denied" %] [% title = "Permission Denied" %] You do not have permission to edit quips. [% ELSIF error == "reassign_to_empty" %] [% title = "Illegal Reassignment" %] You cannot reassign to [% terms.abug %] to nobody. Unless you intentionally cleared out the "Reassign [% terms.bug %] to" field, [% Param("browserbugmessage") %] [% ELSIF error == "report_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You do not have the permissions necessary to view reports for this product. [% ELSIF error == "require_component" %] [% title = "Component Needed" %] You must choose a component to file this [% terms.bug %] in. If necessary, just guess. [% ELSIF error == "require_new_password" %] [% title = "New Password Needed" %] You cannot change your password without choosing a new one. [% ELSIF error == "require_summary" %] [% title = "Summary Needed" %] You must enter a summary for this [% terms.bug %]. [% ELSIF error == "resolving_remaining_time" %] [% title = "Trying to Resolve with Hours Remaining" %] You cannot resolve [% terms.abug %] with hours still remaining. Set Remaining Hours to zero if you want to resolve the [% terms.bug %]. [% ELSIF error == "sanity_check_access_denied" %] [% title = "Access Denied" %] You do not have the permissions necessary to run a sanity check. [% ELSIF error == "series_already_exists" %] [% title = "Series Already Exists" %] A series named [% series.category FILTER html %] / [%+ series.subcategory FILTER html %] / [%+ series.name FILTER html %] already exists. [% ELSIF error == "sidebar_supports_mozilla_only" %] Sorry - sidebar.cgi currently only supports Mozilla based web browsers. Upgrade today. :-) [% ELSIF error == "still_unresolved_bugs" %] [% IF dependency_count == 1 %] [% terms.Bug %]# [% dependencies.0.bug_id FILTER none %] has still [% dependencies.0.dependencies FILTER html %] unresolved [% IF dependencies.0.dependencies == 1 %] dependency [% ELSE %] dependencies [% END %]. Show Dependency Tree. [% ELSE %] There are [% dependency_count FILTER none %] open [% terms.bugs %] which have unresolved dependencies.
[% FOREACH bug = dependencies %] [% terms.Bug %]# [% bug.bug_id FILTER none %] has [% bug.dependencies FILTER html %] open [% IF bug.dependencies == 1 %] dependency. [% ELSE %] dependencies. [% END %] (Dependency Tree)
[% END %] [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "too_many_votes_for_bug" %] [% title = "Illegal Vote" %] You may only use at most [% max FILTER html %] votes for a single [%+ terms.bug %] in the [% prod FILTER html %] product, but you are trying to use [% votes FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "too_many_votes_for_product" %] [% title = "Illegal Vote" %] You tried to use [% votes FILTER html %] votes, which exceeds the [% max FILTER html %] vote per [% terms.bug %] limit for the [% prod FILTER html %] product. [% ELSIF error == "token_inexistent" %] [% title = "Token Does Not Exist" %] The token you submitted does not exist, has expired, or has been cancelled. [% ELSIF error == "unknown_keyword" %] [% title = "Unknown Keyword" %] [% keyword FILTER html %] is not a known keyword. The legal keyword names are listed here. [% ELSIF error == "unknown_tab" %] [% title = "Unknown Tab" %] [% current_tab_name FILTER html %] is not a legal tab name. [% ELSIF error == "votes_must_be_nonnegative" %] [% title = "Votes Must Be Non-negative" %] Only use non-negative numbers for your [% terms.bug %] votes. [% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_cancelling_email_change" %] [% title = "Wrong Token" %] That token cannot be used to cancel an email address change. [% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_changing_passwd" %] [% title = "Wrong Token" %] That token cannot be used to change your password. [% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_confirming_email_change" %] [% title = "Wrong Token" %] That token cannot be used to change your email address. [% ELSIF error == "value_out_of_range" %] [% title = "Value Out Of Range" %] Value is out of range for field [% field_descs.$field FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "zero_length_file" %] [% title = "File Is Empty" %] The file you are trying to attach is empty! [% ELSE %] [% title = "Error string not found" %] The user error string [% error FILTER html %] was not found. Please send email to [% Param("maintainer") %] describing the steps taken to obtain this message. [% END %] [% END %] [% UNLESS header_done %] [% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl %] [% END %]
[% error_message FILTER none %]

Please press Back and try again.

[%# If a saved search fails, people want the ability to edit or delete it. # This is the best way of getting information about that possible saved # search from any error call location. %] [% USE Bugzilla %] [% namedcmd = Bugzilla.cgi.param("namedcmd") %] [% IF namedcmd %]

Alternatively, you can forget [% FOREACH q = Bugzilla.user.queries %] [% IF q.name == namedcmd %] or edit [% END %] [% END %] this saved search: '[% namedcmd FILTER html %]'.

[% END %] [% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]