path: root/skins/standard/global.css
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bug 423959: Wrap long lines in column headers of admin/table.html.tmpl - Patc...lpsolit%gmail.com2008-03-201-0/+4
* Bug 365365: Fix various HTML and CSS validation errors when viewing attachmen...lpsolit%gmail.com2008-03-181-0/+16
* Bug 388723: Make the browser wrap comments on display in addition to the norm...mkanat%bugzilla.org2008-02-091-2/+19
* Bug 373926: Time-tracking and attachment tables look too different - Patch by...lpsolit%gmail.com2008-02-051-3/+3
* Bug 374020: Re-work the bug editing form to be more usable.mkanat%bugzilla.org2008-01-281-5/+6
* Bug 397099: Date/Time Fields should have a JavaScript widget for picking a datemkanat%bugzilla.org2007-11-291-0/+15
* Bug 57842: On enter_bug.cgi, show component description when it is selected -...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-10-101-1/+13
* Bug 357315: Add the ability to create <textarea> fieldsmkanat%bugzilla.org2007-09-171-0/+6
* First part of bug 259723 (2nd skin for Bugzilla): Fix the comment header of c...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-08-131-1/+4
* Bug 339437: Make flag requestee a select box and limit users to requestable o...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-07-051-1/+1
* Bug 364164: <select> fields for flags are of different widths if you are not ...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-05-311-0/+4
* Bug 80169: JavaScript-enhanced keyword editing - Patch by Teemu Mannermaa <wi...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-05-141-0/+11
* Bug 262275: Allow to expand/collapse comments when viewing bugs - Patch by Fr...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-04-071-0/+4
* Bug 286338: Remove admin options from footer in favor of a single link to Adm...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-04-051-1/+0
* Bug 375143: The page footer should have clear:both in its CSS file - Patch by...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-04-051-0/+1
* Bug 370606: Conclusive user match error doesn't include a line break - Patch ...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-04-051-0/+4
* Bug 365247: New UI for the attachment table (ported from b.m.o) - Patch by Fr...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-01-211-0/+29
* Bug 299405: Attachments don't work if you need to log in again [ Undefined su...lpsolit%gmail.com2007-01-181-0/+8
* Bug 365122: Success messages in userprefs.cgi shouldn't be red - Patch by FrÃ...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-12-281-1/+1
* Bug 357433: Labels of custom fields are left aligned on enter_bug.cgi and pos...olav%bkor.dhs.org2006-11-011-0/+9
* Bug 110152: Offer CSS2 "paged media" for people who print the show_bug page -...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-10-221-0/+12
* Bug 72863: Remove ugly table shown when posting/changing a bugolav%bkor.dhs.org2006-10-201-0/+10
* Bug 321556: Prepare Bugzilla to ship with at least 2 skins.wurblzap%gmail.com2006-10-181-125/+98
* Bug 281181: [SECURITY] It's way too easy to delete versions/components/milest...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-10-151-0/+8
* Bug 69000: Permit a stored query to be marked "shared" and accessible by othe...wurblzap%gmail.com2006-07-141-5/+0
* Bug 341495: Merge the banner and headerbugzilla%glob.com.au2006-06-271-40/+42
* Bug 340426: Add a navbar at the top of each pages + have a better title - Pat...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-06-131-77/+19
* Bug 332925: The heading of the attachment diff page can extend off the right-...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-05-011-2/+0
* Bug 316127: Implement an infrastructure to link to the documentation - Patch ...lpsolit%gmail.com2006-02-221-0/+11
* Patch for bug 313045: Display quoted text in a different color; patch by Olav...jocuri%softhome.net2006-02-221-0/+4
* CSS patch for bug 314055: Fix incorrect layout on footer bar - words overlap;...jocuri%softhome.net2006-02-221-4/+2
* Bug 313020: Implement the ability to add individual bugs to saved searches - ...lpsolit%gmail.com2005-10-261-1/+2
* Bug 70907: QuickSearch: port the JS code to perl (make it server-side) - Patc...lpsolit%gmail.com2005-08-221-3/+4
* Bug 303550: Bug lists trigger standards compliance mode in Gecko, causing CLO...lpsolit%gmail.com2005-08-131-1/+4
* Fix for bug 302702: refactors tabs code into shared file so not only prefs an...myk%mozilla.org2005-07-301-9/+12
* Bug 289594 - Part 2 - The "exclude" table also needs alternating colors. Also...jake%bugzilla.org2005-04-131-1/+1
* Bug 289594 - The table on the email settings page no longer is 100% wide. It ...jake%bugzilla.org2005-04-121-0/+12
* Fix for bug 285694: converts the underscore in body_back.gif to a hypen per B...myk%mozilla.org2005-03-111-1/+1
* Fix for bug 278125: converts Bugzilla header to structural HTML and stylistic...myk%mozilla.org2005-02-171-0/+105
* Bug 279896 : Update Bugzilla's header and colour scheme to match bugzilla.orgtravis%sedsystems.ca2005-02-041-23/+52
* Bug 272456 : Default text color not settravis%sedsystems.ca2005-02-031-0/+6
* Bug 259452 Add bonsai style &mark support to showbug for bug commentstimeless%mozdev.org2004-09-221-0/+6
* Patch for bug 235061: move CSS stylings in global.css if they are used across...jocuri%softhome.net2004-08-281-0/+5
* Fix for bug 248379: update to bug 245924; enable link groups to be styled ind...myk%mozilla.org2004-07-031-8/+6
* Fix for bug 245924: updates Bugzilla footer to take advantage of HTML4 and CS...myk%mozilla.org2004-06-231-0/+95
* Fix for bug 240486: makes the banner template CSS friendlymyk%mozilla.org2004-05-121-0/+52
* Fix for bug 237757: Resolved bugs are no longer struck out on dependencykiko%async.com.br2004-03-181-0/+25