path: root/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm b/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm
index 5be07b7a3..334ac0e8e 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm
@@ -735,6 +735,87 @@ sub add_attachment {
return { ids => \@created_ids };
+sub update_attachment {
+ my ($self, $params) = validate(@_, 'ids');
+ my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED);
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $ids = delete $params->{ids};
+ defined $ids || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'ids' });
+ # Some fields cannot be sent to set_all
+ foreach my $key (qw(login password token)) {
+ delete $params->{$key};
+ }
+ # We can't update flags, and summary is really description
+ delete $params->{flags};
+ if (exists $params->{summary}) {
+ $params->{description} = delete $params->{summary};
+ }
+ # Get all the attachments, after verifying that they exist and are editable
+ my @attachments = ();
+ my %bugs = ();
+ foreach my $id (@$ids) {
+ my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->new($id)
+ || ThrowUserError("invalid_attach_id", { attach_id => $id });
+ my $bug = $attachment->bug;
+ $attachment->_check_bug;
+ $attachment->validate_can_edit($bug->product_id)
+ || ThrowUserError("illegal_attachment_edit", { attach_id => $id });
+ push @attachments, $attachment;
+ $bugs{$bug->id} = $bug;
+ }
+ # Update the values
+ foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
+ $attachment->set_all($params);
+ }
+ $dbh->bz_start_transaction();
+ # Do the actual update and get information to return to user
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
+ my $changes = $attachment->update();
+ my %hash = (
+ id => $self->type('int', $attachment->id),
+ last_change_time => $self->type('dateTime', $attachment->modification_time),
+ changes => {},
+ );
+ foreach my $field (keys %$changes) {
+ my $change = $changes->{$field};
+ # Description is shown as summary to the user
+ $field = 'summary' if $field eq 'description';
+ # We normalize undef to an empty string, so that the API
+ # stays consistent for things like Deadline that can become
+ # empty.
+ $hash{changes}->{$field} = {
+ removed => $self->type('string', $change->[0] // ''),
+ added => $self->type('string', $change->[1] // '')
+ };
+ }
+ push(@result, \%hash);
+ }
+ $dbh->bz_commit_transaction();
+ # Email users about the change
+ foreach my $bug (values %bugs) {
+ Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug->id, { 'changer' => $user });
+ }
+ # Return the information to the user
+ return { attachments => \@result };
sub add_comment {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
@@ -2945,6 +3026,156 @@ You set the "data" field to an empty string.
+=head2 update_attachment
+=item B<Description>
+This allows you to update attachment metadata in Bugzilla.
+=item B<REST>
+To update attachment metadata on a current attachment:
+PUT /bug/attachment/<attach_id>
+The params to include in the POST body, as well as the returned
+data format are the same as below. The C<ids> param will be
+overridden as it it pulled from the URL path.
+=item B<Params>
+=item C<ids>
+B<Required> C<array> An array of integers -- the ids of the attachments you
+want to update.
+=item C<file_name>
+C<string> The "file name" that will be displayed
+in the UI for this attachment.
+=item C<summary>
+C<string> A short string describing the
+=item C<content_type>
+C<string> The MIME type of the attachment, like
+C<text/plain> or C<image/png>.
+=item C<is_patch>
+C<boolean> True if Bugzilla should treat this attachment as a patch.
+If you specify this, you do not need to specify a C<content_type>.
+The C<content_type> of the attachment will be forced to C<text/plain>.
+=item C<is_private>
+C<boolean> True if the attachment should be private (restricted
+to the "insidergroup"), False if the attachment should be public.
+=item C<is_obsolete>
+C<boolean> True if the attachment is obsolete, False otherwise.
+=item B<Returns>
+A C<hash> with a single field, "attachment". This points to an array of hashes
+with the following fields:
+=item C<id>
+C<int> The id of the attachment that was updated.
+=item C<last_change_time>
+C<dateTime> The exact time that this update was done at, for this attachment.
+If no update was done (that is, no fields had their values changed and
+no comment was added) then this will instead be the last time the attachment
+was updated.
+=item C<changes>
+C<hash> The changes that were actually done on this bug. The keys are
+the names of the fields that were changed, and the values are a hash
+with two keys:
+=item C<added> (C<string>) The values that were added to this field.
+possibly a comma-and-space-separated list if multiple values were added.
+=item C<removed> (C<string>) The values that were removed from this
+Here's an example of what a return value might look like:
+ {
+ attachments => [
+ {
+ id => 123,
+ last_change_time => '2010-01-01T12:34:56',
+ changes => {
+ summary => {
+ removed => 'Sample ptach',
+ added => 'Sample patch'
+ },
+ is_obsolete => {
+ removed => '0',
+ added => '1',
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+=item B<Errors>
+This method can throw all the same errors as L</get>, plus:
+=item 601 (Invalid MIME Type)
+You specified a C<content_type> argument that was blank, not a valid
+MIME type, or not a MIME type that Bugzilla accepts for attachments.
+=item 603 (File Name Not Specified)
+You did not specify a valid for the C<file_name> argument.
+=item 604 (Summary Required)
+You did not specify a value for the C<summary> argument.
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in Bugzilla B<5.0>.
=head2 add_comment