Just for the records,

Im using mga2 in servers

Enviado desde mi DROID 4G LTE de Verizon Wireless

Anne Wilson <annew@kde.org> escribió:

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On 22/08/12 17:40, P. Christeas wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 August 2012, Anne Wilson wrote:
>> My recent experiences with enterprise distros has been less than
>> happy and I'm seriously wondering whether I could use Mageia on
>> the server as well as on workstations. ... Has anyone any
>> relevant experience?
> Been using Mandrake, Mandriva and Mageia for servers, approx.
> since 2001. So far, had no reason to move to any other distro
> (except for prejudiced admins against a "desktop" / RPM distros).
> On a recent incident, I had to move some service from a RHEL6
> server to a humble Mga1 box, in order to gain in performance (rh
> did use older, less efficient versions). In a similar tone, vanilla
> Debian couldn't install there (because of the firmware for its
> NIC).
Thanks, everyone.  Most reassuring.  The main objection against using
a desktop rather than an enterprise distro is that users see the
desktop one as more likely to get "broken".  My experience has been
the opposite.  The enterprise distros spread packages over a number of
repos, which clash with each other, so that sooner or later an update
breaks things catastrophically.  I learned through bitter experience,
and next time took great care to google for what looked like an
authoritative instruction on how to "prioritize" the repos - and my
system is once again broken beyond repair, or at least, I'm told that
repairing will be so long and painful it's not worth trying.

I don't aim to get bitten a third time.

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