On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:58 AM, TJ <andrewsfarm@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/25/2012 06:34 PM, bschroeder@internode.on.net wrote:
On Wednesday 25 Jul 2012 14:39 my mailbox was graced by a message from Tony

    Blackwell who wrote:
     > As an Aussie who is highly unlikely to ever see the worth
     > vs effort of an en_AU translation,

    Mageia in Strine ?

    Shades of Afferbeck Lauder !



    -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

    (My apologies for the formatting supplied by my web-browser email

    Another little item I have discovered about various Englishes.
    American English
    has had a significant Irish input.  Much of Australia had a lot of
    Irish convicts in
    its early days and its English bears a noticeable  Irish influence
    too, though
    nowhere near the extent of North America.  South Australia (where I
    am from)
    did not have this and thus South Australian English is more directly
    from official 19th century English English (so far as such a beast
    can be said
    to exist).


A number of Irish migrated here as a result of the infamous Potato Famine. Or so I've been told, anyway. My own family has some Irish roots, and that's why they came here. Also there's some British, Scot, and Dutch heritage in my genes.

Now this is what I love.
How an innocuous discussion about translations and UX turns into a global history and etymology discussion.
Only in Mageia :)
And apparently, while you Aussies got the Irish convicts, we got the cops. The Irish beat cop is a cliche in many US cities, especially New York.