sorry but I don’t like

I want to point to skiper's blog, who gave the whole "Logo" issue some
thought. It is titled, "Mageia logo - I don't like it".

But what he writes is very different from the usual "I don't like it,
it's ugly" posts. I explains in detail why he does not like it and why
he thinks it is not a good choice based on objective reasons. Although
I do not share his opinion I want to give credit to him because he did
not just complain, he put some thinking and time into explaining his

BTW: He explicitely states that he does not complain about the
decision finding process.

Good reading, even if it is not my opinion :)
Thank you for commenting and expressing your point of view as well. ;-)

I did complete my article a little bit more for two other kinds of logo to fit in, including some details I though interesting. I should have mentioned all this before, and I also precised a little bit more my thought of the chosen logo.

But none of the less, it is still worth remembering there has been a lot of work made on Mageia generally as well as on the logo. So I renew my confidence and encouragements towards those who currently work hard on the project. :-)

Now, this is just intended to offer a little though about all this logo episode, nothing more.



Mandriva Linux 2010 spring + kde 4.3.2
think it,be diferent,be gnu/linux

Mandriva Linux 2010 spring + kde 4.3.2
think it,be diferent,be gnu/linux