On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Wolfgang Bornath <molch.b@googlemail.com> wrote:
2010/12/11 Daniel Kreuter <daniel.kreuter85@googlemail.com>:
> Reading his opinion raised one question for me, what is the meaning of
> Mandriva's star? On first sight I don't see one.

I don't know, I do not see "Mandriva star" mentioned in his article.

That's correct. But he mentioned that he didn't find a meaning in our Logo so I thought about the star I see here in Mandriva and if I'm able to find a meaning in it. But I didn't find one.
He only brought up examples of Logos where you're able to see a meaning like the one in Windows, as he tried to explain in his post.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter