Please first excuse my english level (and sometimes usage of automatic translation)
I have some reflexions and questions i think it could be interesting to share here :

Doc Team.

_ base : that the documentary team has previously conducted
_ base : operation for common tools for this job

_ objective : make participation easy
_ objective : produce quality docs for readers

_ question : could we mix the usage of wiki and edition ? ;-)
_ proposition : reserve wiki for contributors works, simply by have a large banner at the top of wiki welcome page ( ? or whereever). Banner invite to download latest doc compil.

_ effect : no invitation to read wiki. Wiki is ever a working place (as cauldron is dev sys)
_ effect : Readers and users have ever a validated and finalised documentation
_ effect : preserve 'works-ever' wiki and prevent any 'never-finished' impression for docs readers
_ effect : make people want to participate by producing a good doc final quality

No revolution, no new tool, no great idea (sorry :p), just a little orga adjusment to change perception of readers on our doc.
Additonnals : produce in well know format, standard, with easy scanning and indexing for desktop tools (as strigi / nepomuk)

Resume in two sentences : 
Wiki is for workers. Final doc is for readers, and could include common texts (as releases notes, issues and wiki doc)
Mix wiki usage for edition objective to have separation between places : works and reads.
