* Bookmark http://gnobog.sourceforge.net * General Info - http://www.emailman.com/conversion * Outlook Express -> mbox - http://www.gpl.no/liboe pros: 4.x 5.0 liboe is a C library that reads Outlook Express 4 and 5.x mailboxes and returns a standard Unix mailbox to a function specified as a parameter to the converter. oe2mbx is a C program using liboe to convert Outlook Express messages to the Unix mailbox format - http://www.arrakis.es/~fperezma/OtlkToNs/OtlkToNs.htm pros: 4.x cons: no 5.0 support This software is suited for anyone who wants to move his e-mail files from OutLook Express (mbx format) to Communicator v4.61 It can't process files from OutLook Express 5 because this release stores e-mail data in files with a format (dbx) that OtlkToNs can't read. It is still in Alpha stage and it may not work well with some *.mbx files. Also, the format specifications for the *.mbx files used in this program have been recopiled from the Internet and may not be complete. OutLook Express uses some index files (idx) in order to speed up access to e-mail data. These are not used by this program because e-mail bodies keep stored into *.mbx files. - kmailcvt pro: 4.x 5.0 really well done and programming cons: C++, depends on qt and kdenetwork - MS Outlook to Unix Mailbox Conversion mini HOWTO http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/mini/other-formats/html_single/Outlook-to-Unix-Mailbox.html use windows and an IMAP server - http://www.wirejunkie.com/freestuff/devout/ pros: 2000 !!!!!!!!! it's a VBA utility that will export Outlook 2000 mail to Evolution mbox format. It now does Base64 and Quoted Printable encoding (courtesy of a DLL), and thus handles attachments and HTML messages. - http://mbx2mbox.sourceforge.net/ cons: no update since 1997