#!/usr/bin/perl #***************************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau # Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Thierry Vignaud # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #***************************************************************************** # # $Id: MageiaUpdate 261845 2009-10-13 12:33:58Z tv $ use strict; use MDK::Common::Func 'any'; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use common; use Rpmdrake::init; use standalone; #- standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations', but after rpmdrake::init use rpmdrake; use Rpmdrake::gui; use Rpmdrake::rpmnew; use Rpmdrake::formatting; use Rpmdrake::pkg; use Rpmdrake::widgets; use mygtk3 qw(gtknew); #- do not import anything else, especially gtkadd() which conflicts with ugtk3 one use ugtk3 qw(:all); use Gtk3::SimpleList; # make Rpmdrake::gui aware MageiaUpdate do not use the same columns ids as rpmdrake: %pkg_columns = ( image => 0, selected => 1, text => 2, short_name => 3, version => 4, release => 5, 'arch' => 6, importance => 7, ); $ugtk3::wm_icon = get_icon('MageiaUpdate', "title-$MODE"); our $w; our $statusbar; warn_about_user_mode(); my (%data, $initialized); my %update_icons = ( security => 'security-update', bugfix => 'bugfix-update', normal => 'general-update', ); my %icons_cache; sub refresh_packages_list { my ($list, $info, $button) = @_; # select packages to update: my @requested = sort grep { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg} } @filtered_pkgs; $list->freeze_child_notify; my $model = $list->get_model; $list->set_model; # don't select packages in skip list: if (!$initialized) { undef $pkgs->{$_}{selected} foreach @requested; my @selectable = grep { !$pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->flag_skip } @requested; toggle($list, @selectable) if @selectable; $initialized = 1; } my $i; @{$list->{data}} = map { $data{$_} = $i++; my $summary = get_summary($_); my ($name, $version, $release, $arch) = split_fullname($_); my $pkg = $pkgs->{$_}; my $raw_medium = pkg2medium($pkg->{pkg}, $urpm); my $medium = !$raw_medium->{fake} ? $raw_medium->{name} : undef; my $icon; my $importance = $medium && $descriptions->{$medium}{$name}{importance}; if ($importance) { $icon = $icons_cache{$importance} ||= gtknew('Pixbuf', file => $update_icons{$importance}); } [ $icon, $pkgs->{$_}{selected}, $_, format_name_n_summary($name, $summary), $version, $release, $arch, $importance ]; } @requested; gtktext_insert($info, formatAlaTeX(N("The list of updates is empty. This means that either there is no available update for the packages installed on your computer, or you already installed all of them."))) if !@{$list->{data}}; $button->set_sensitive(scalar(@{$list->{data}})); $list->set_model($model); $list->thaw_child_notify; } sub toggle { my ($list, @names) = @_; my $name = $names[0]; my $val = $pkgs->{$name}{selected}; my $old_status = $val ? 'to_install' : 'to_update'; my $done; my $pkg = $pkgs->{$name}{pkg}; return if !$pkg; $pkg->set_flag_skip(0); toggle_nodes($w->{real_window}->get_window, $list->get_model, sub { my ($leaf, $_state, $_model) = @_; $done = 1; $list->{data}[$data{$leaf}][$pkg_columns{selected}] = $pkgs->{$name}{selected}; }, $old_status, @names); # handle canceling: $list->{data}[$data{$name}][$pkg_columns{selected}] = !$list->{data}[$data{$name}][$pkg_columns{selected}] if !$done; } $w = ugtk3->new(N("Software Management")); $w->{rwindow}->show_all if $::isEmbedded; $::main_window = $w->{real_window}; sub quit() { ($mandrivaupdate_width->[0], $mandrivaupdate_height->[0]) = $::w->{real_window}->get_size; real_quit(); } sub run_treeview_dialog { my ($callback_action) = @_; my ($list, $info, $update_button); my $rootwin_height = second(mygtk3::root_window_size()); my $is_small_screen = $rootwin_height <= 480; compute_main_window_size($w); gtkadd( $w->{window}, gtkpack_( gtknew('VBox', spacing => 3), if_(!$is_small_screen, 0, getbanner()), 0, gtknew('Title2', label => N("Here is the list of software package updates"), width => 600), 1, create_vpaned( gtknew('ScrolledWindow', width => $typical_width*0.9, height => $is_small_screen ? 150 : 200, child => $list = Gtk3::SimpleList->new( " " => 'pixbuf', " " . " " . " " => 'bool', #N("Selected") '' => 'hidden', " " . N("Name") . " " => 'markup', #N("Name") " " . N("Version") . " " => 'text', " " . N("Release") . " " => 'text', " " . N("Arch") . " " => 'text', '' => 'hidden', ), ), gtknew('ScrolledWindow', width => $typical_width*0.9, child => $info = Gtk3::Mdv::TextView->new, height => $is_small_screen ? 150 : 190, ), resize1 => 1, ), 0, gtkset_size_request(Gtk3::HSeparator->new, -1, 5), 0, gtkpack_( gtknew('HBox', spacing => 20), 0, gtksignal_connect( Gtk3::Button->new(but_(N("Help"))), clicked => sub { rpmdrake::open_help($MODE) }, ), 0, gtksignal_connect( Gtk3::Button->new(but_(N("Select all"))), clicked => sub { toggle_all({ widgets => { detail_list => $list, detail_list_model => $list->get_model }, }, 1); refresh_packages_list($list, $info, $update_button); }, ), 1, gtknew('Label'), 0, my $action_button = gtksignal_connect( $update_button = Gtk3::Button->new(but_(N("Update"))), clicked => sub { my $res = do_action({ tree_mode => 'all_updates' }, $callback_action); $initialized = 0 if !$res; refresh_packages_list($list, $info, $update_button); }, ), 0, gtksignal_connect( Gtk3::Button->new(but_(N("Quit"))), clicked => \&quit, ), ), #0, $statusbar = Gtk3::Statusbar->new, ), ); $statusbar = Gtk3::Statusbar->new; $list->get_model->set_sort_func($pkg_columns{image} + 1, sub { my ($store, $treeiter1, $treeiter2) = @_; $store->get_value($treeiter1, $pkg_columns{importance}) cmp $store->get_value($treeiter2, $pkg_columns{importance}); }); $list->set_rules_hint(1); my $pix_col = $list->get_column($pkg_columns{image}); $pix_col->set_fixed_width(32); my $bool_col = $list->get_column($pkg_columns{selected}); $bool_col->set_fixed_width(24); $bool_col->set_sizing('fixed'); $bool_col->set_sort_column_id($pkg_columns{selected}); # -1 because actual widget count differs from TreeModel one due to the hidden column: foreach (@pkg_columns{qw(short_name version release arch)}) { my $col = $list->get_column($_-1); ($col->get_cells)[0]->set_property('xpad', '6'); $col->set_sizing('autosize'); $col->set_sort_column_id($_); } my $pretty_column = $list->get_column($pkg_columns{short_name}-1); $pretty_column->set_resizable(1); ($pretty_column->get_cells)[0]->set_property('ellipsize', 'end'); $pretty_column->set_property('expand', '1'); $list->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub { my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected; $model && $iter or return; gtktext_insert($info, get_info($model->get($iter, $pkg_columns{text}), $w->{real_window}->get_window)); $info->scroll_to_iter($info->get_buffer->get_start_iter, 0, 0, 0, 0); }); $w->{rwindow}->set_default_size(-1, 500) if !$::isEmbedded; if ($mandrivaupdate_width->[0] && $mandrivaupdate_height->[0]) { # so that we can shrink back: $w->{real_window}->set_default_size($mandrivaupdate_width->[0], $mandrivaupdate_height->[0]); } $w->{rwindow}->show_all; $w->{rwindow}->set_sensitive(0); # ensure treeview get realized so that ->get_selection returns something $list->realize; gtkflush(); $filter->[0] = 'all'; # default filter: availlable updates $Rpmdrake::pkg::probe_only_for_updates = 1; # faster startup pkgs_provider('all_updates', pure_updates => 1); # default mode refresh_packages_list($list, $info, $update_button); my $cell = ($bool_col->get_cells)[0]; $cell->signal_connect(toggled => sub { my ($_cell, $text_path) = @_; my $name = $list->{data}[$text_path][$pkg_columns{text}]; gtkset_mousecursor_wait($w->{real_window}->get_window); my $_guard = before_leaving(sub { gtkset_mousecursor_normal($w->{real_window}->get_window) }); toggle($list, $name); }); $action_button->set_sensitive(0) if $>; $w->{rwindow}->set_sensitive(1); $w->main; } # -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- main -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=- do_merge_if_needed(); readconf(); init(); run_treeview_dialog(\&perform_installation); writeconf(); myexit(0);