package urpm::sys; # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use urpm::util; use urpm::msg; use POSIX (); (our $VERSION) = q($Revision$) =~ /(\d+)/; #- get the list of packages that should not be upgraded or installed, #- typically from the inst.list or skip.list files. sub get_packages_list { my ($file, $o_extra) = @_; my @l = split(/,/, $o_extra || ''); if ($file && open(my $f, '<', $file)) { push @l, <$f>; } [ grep { $_ } map { chomp; s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_; } @l ]; } #- find used mount point from a pathname, use a optional mode to allow #- filtering according the next operation (mount or umount). sub find_mntpoints { my ($dir, $infos) = @_; my (%fstab, @mntpoints); #- read /etc/fstab and check for existing mount point. foreach (cat_("/etc/fstab")) { next if /^\s*#/; my ($device, $mntpoint, $fstype, $options) = m!^\s*(\S+)\s+(/\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)! or next; $mntpoint =~ s,/+,/,g; $mntpoint =~ s,/$,,; $fstab{$mntpoint} = 0; $infos->{$mntpoint} = { mounted => 0, device => $device, fs => $fstype }; } foreach (cat_("/etc/mtab")) { my ($device, $mntpoint, $fstype, $options) = m!^\s*(\S+)\s+(/\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)! or next; $mntpoint =~ s,/+,/,g; $mntpoint =~ s,/$,,; $fstab{$mntpoint} = 1; $infos->{$mntpoint} = { mounted => 1, device => $device, fs => $fstype }; } #- try to follow symlink, too complex symlink graph may not be seen. #- check the possible mount point. my @paths = split '/', $dir; my $pdir = ''; local $_; while (defined ($_ = shift @paths)) { length($_) or next; $pdir .= "/$_"; $pdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $pdir =~ s,/$,,; if (exists($fstab{$pdir})) { push @mntpoints, $pdir; #- following symlinks may be useless or dangerous for supermounted devices. #- this means it is assumed no symlink inside a removable device #- will go outside the device itself (or at least will go into #- regular already mounted device like /). #- for simplification we refuse also any other device and stop here. last; } elsif (-l $pdir) { while (my $v = readlink $pdir) { if ($pdir =~ m|^/|) { $pdir = $v; } else { while ($v =~ m|^\.\./(.*)|) { $v = $1; $pdir =~ s|^(.*)/[^/]+/*|$1|; } $pdir .= "/$v"; } } unshift @paths, split '/', $pdir; $pdir = ''; } } @mntpoints; } sub clean_rpmdb_shared_regions { my ($prefix) = @_; unlink glob("$prefix/var/lib/rpm/__db.*"); } sub proc_mounts() { my @l = cat_('/proc/mounts') or warn "Can't read /proc/mounts: $!\n"; @l; } #- returns the first unused loop device, or an empty string if none is found. sub first_free_loopdev () { my %loopdevs = map { $_ => 1 } grep { ! -d $_ } glob('/dev/loop*'); foreach (proc_mounts()) { (our $dev) = split ' '; delete $loopdevs{$dev} if $dev =~ m!^/dev/loop!; } my @l = keys %loopdevs; @l ? $l[0] : ''; } sub trim_until_d { my ($dir) = @_; foreach (proc_mounts()) { #- fail if an iso is already mounted m!^/dev/loop! and return $dir; } while ($dir && !-d $dir) { $dir =~ s,/[^/]*$,, } $dir; } #- checks if the main filesystems are writeable for urpmi to install files in sub check_fs_writable () { foreach (proc_mounts()) { (undef, our $mountpoint, undef, my $opts) = split ' '; if ($opts =~ /(?:^|,)ro(?:,|$)/ && $mountpoint =~ m!^(/|/usr|/s?bin)\z!) { return 0; } } 1; } #- create a plain rpm from an installed rpm and a delta rpm (in the current directory) #- returns the new rpm filename in case of success #- params : #- $deltarpm : full pathname of the deltarpm #- $o_dir : directory where to put the produced rpm (optional) #- $o_pkg : URPM::Package object corresponding to the deltarpm (optional) our $APPLYDELTARPM = '/usr/bin/applydeltarpm'; sub apply_delta_rpm { my ($deltarpm, $o_dir, $o_pkg) = @_; -x $APPLYDELTARPM or return 0; -e $deltarpm or return 0; my $rpm; if ($o_pkg) { require URPM; #- help perl_checker $rpm = $o_pkg->name . '-' . $o_pkg->version . '-' . $o_pkg->release . '.' . $o_pkg->arch . '.rpm'; } else { $rpm = `rpm -qp --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm' '$deltarpm'`; } $rpm or return 0; $rpm = $o_dir . '/' . $rpm; unlink $rpm; system($APPLYDELTARPM, $deltarpm, $rpm); -e $rpm ? $rpm : ''; } our $tempdir_template = '/tmp/urpm.XXXXXX'; sub mktempdir() { my $tmpdir; eval { require File::Temp }; if ($@) { #- fall back to external command (File::Temp not in perl-base) $tmpdir = `mktemp -d $tempdir_template`; chomp $tmpdir; } else { $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir($tempdir_template); } return $tmpdir; } # temporary hack used by urpmi when restarting itself. sub fix_fd_leak() { opendir my $dirh, "/proc/$$/fd" or return undef; my @fds = grep { /^(\d+)$/ && $1 > 2 } readdir $dirh; closedir $dirh; foreach (@fds) { my $link = readlink("/proc/$$/fd/$_"); $link or next; next if $link =~ m!^/(usr|dev)/! || $link !~ m!^/!; POSIX::close($_); } } sub clean_dir { my ($dir) = @_; require File::Path; File::Path::rmtree([$dir]); mkdir $dir, 0755; } sub syserror { my ($urpm, $msg, $info) = @_; $urpm->{error}("$msg [$info] [$!]"); } sub open_safe { my ($urpm, $sense, $filename) = @_; open my $f, $sense, $filename or syserror($urpm, $sense eq '>' ? N("Can't write file") : N("Can't open file"), $filename), return undef; return $f; } sub opendir_safe { my ($urpm, $dirname) = @_; opendir my $d, $dirname or syserror($urpm, "Can't open directory", $dirname), return undef; return $d; } sub move_or_die { my ($urpm, $file, $dest) = @_; urpm::util::move($file, $dest) or $urpm->{fatal}(1, N("Can't move file %s to %s", $file, $dest)); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME urpm::sys - OS-related routines for urpmi =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005 MandrakeSoft SA Copyright (C) 2005 Mandriva SA =cut