package urpm::parallel_ka_run; # $Id$ #- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA #- Copyright (C) 2005 Mandriva SA use strict; use urpm::util; our @ISA = (); #- help perl_checker (our $VERSION) = q($Revision$) =~ /(\d+)/; our $mput_command = $ENV{URPMI_MPUT_COMMAND}; our $rshp_command = $ENV{URPMI_RSHP_COMMAND}; if (!$mput_command) { ($mput_command) = grep { -x $_ } qw(/usr/bin/mput2 /usr/bin/mput); } $mput_command ||= 'mput'; if (!$rshp_command) { ($rshp_command) = grep { -x $_ } qw(/usr/bin/rshp2 /usr/bin/rshp); } $rshp_command ||= 'rshp'; #- parallel copy sub parallel_register_rpms { my ($parallel, $urpm, @files) = @_; $urpm->{log}("parallel_ka_run: $mput_command $parallel->{options} -- @files $urpm->{cachedir}/rpms/"); system $mput_command, split(' ', $parallel->{options}), '--', @files, "$urpm->{cachedir}/rpms/"; $? == 0 || $? == 256 or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("mput failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); #- keep trace of direct files. foreach (@files) { my $basename = basename($_); $parallel->{line} .= "'$urpm->{cachedir}/rpms/$basename' "; } } #- parallel find_packages_to_remove sub parallel_find_remove { my ($parallel, $urpm, $state, $l, %options) = @_; my ($test, $node, %bad_nodes, %base_to_remove, %notfound); local $_; #- keep in mind if the previous selection is still active, it avoid #- to re-start urpme --test on each node. if ($options{find_packages_to_remove}) { delete $state->{rejected}; delete $urpm->{error_remove}; $test = '--test '; } else { @{$urpm->{error_remove} || []} and return @{$urpm->{error_remove}}; #- no need to restart what has been started before. $options{test} and return keys %{$state->{rejected}}; $test = '--force '; } #- now try an iteration of urpmq. $urpm->{log}("parallel_ka_run: $rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpme --no-locales --auto $test" . (join ' ', map { "'$_'" } @$l)); open my $fh, "$rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpme --no-locales --auto $test" . join(' ', map { "'$_'" } @$l) . " 2>&1 |"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; ($node, $_) = _parse_rshp_output($_) or next; /^\s*$/ and next; /Checking to remove the following packages/ and next; /To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be removed/ and $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("node %s has an old version of urpme, please upgrade", $node)); if (/unknown packages?:? (.*)/) { #- keep in mind unknown package from the node, because it should not be a fatal error #- if other node have it. @notfound{split ", ", $1} = (); } elsif (/The following packages contain ([^:]*): (.*)/) { $options{callback_fuzzy} && $options{callback_fuzzy}->($urpm, $1, split " ", $2) or delete $state->{rejected}, last; } elsif (/removing package (.*) will break your system/) { $base_to_remove{$1} = undef; } elsif (/removing \S/) { #- this is log for newer urpme, so do not try to remove removing... } elsif (/Remov(?:al|ing) failed/) { $bad_nodes{$node} = []; } else { if (exists $bad_nodes{$node}) { /^\s+(.+)/ and push @{$bad_nodes{$node}}, $1; } else { s/\s*\(.*//; #- remove reason (too complex to handle and needed to be removed). $state->{rejected}{$_}{removed} = 1; $state->{rejected}{$_}{nodes}{$node} = undef; } } } close $fh or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("rshp failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); #- check base, which has been delayed until there. if ($options{callback_base} && %base_to_remove) { $options{callback_base}->($urpm, keys %base_to_remove) or return (); } #- build error list contains all the error returned by each node. $urpm->{error_remove} = []; foreach (keys %bad_nodes) { my $msg = urpm::N("on node %s", $_); foreach (@{$bad_nodes{$_}}) { push @{$urpm->{error_remove}}, "$msg, $_"; } } #- if at least one node has the package, it should be seen as unknown... delete @notfound{map { /^(.*)-[^-]*-[^-]*$/ } keys %{$state->{rejected}}}; if (%notfound) { $options{callback_notfound} && $options{callback_notfound}->($urpm, keys %notfound) or delete $state->{rejected}; } keys %{$state->{rejected}}; } #- parallel resolve_dependencies sub parallel_resolve_dependencies { my ($parallel, $synthesis, $urpm, $state, $requested, %options) = @_; my (%avoided, %requested); #- first propagate the synthesis file to all machine. $urpm->{ui_msg}("parallel_ka_run: $mput_command $parallel->{options} -- '$synthesis' '$synthesis'", urpm::N("Propagating synthesis to nodes...")); system($mput_command, $parallel->{options}, '--', $synthesis, $synthesis); $? == 0 || $? == 256 or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("mput failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); $parallel->{synthesis} = $synthesis; #- compute command line of urpm? tools. my $line = $parallel->{line} . ($options{auto_select} ? ' --auto-select' : '') . ($options{keep} ? ' --keep' : ''); foreach (keys %$requested) { if (/\|/) { #- taken from URPM::Resolve to filter out choices, not complete though. my $packages = $urpm->find_candidate_packages($_); foreach (values %$packages) { my ($best_requested, $best); foreach (@$_) { exists $state->{selected}{$_->id} and $best_requested = $_, last; exists $avoided{$_->name} and next; if ($best_requested || exists $requested{$_->id}) { if ($best_requested && $best_requested != $_) { $_->compare_pkg($best_requested) > 0 and $best_requested = $_; } else { $best_requested = $_; } } elsif ($best && $best != $_) { $_->compare_pkg($best) > 0 and $best = $_; } else { $best = $_; } } $_ = $best_requested || $best; } #- simplified choices resolution. my $choice = $options{callback_choices}->($urpm, undef, $state, [ values %$packages ]); if ($choice) { $urpm->{source}{$choice->id} and next; #- local packages have already been added. $line .= ' ' . $choice->fullname; } } else { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_] or next; $urpm->{source}{$pkg->id} and next; #- local packages have already been added. $line .= ' ' . $pkg->fullname; } } #- execute urpmq to determine packages to install. my ($node, $cont, %chosen); local $_; do { $cont = 0; #- prepare to stop iteration. #- the following state should be cleaned for each iteration. delete $state->{selected}; #- now try an iteration of urpmq. $urpm->{ui_msg}("parallel_ka_run: $rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpmq --synthesis $synthesis -fduc $line " . join(' ', keys %chosen), urpm::N("Resolving dependencies on nodes...")); open my $fh, "$rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpmq --synthesis $synthesis -fduc $line " . join(' ', keys %chosen) . " |"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; ($node, $_) = _parse_rshp_output($_) or next; if (my ($action, $what) = /^\@([^\@]*)\@(.*)/) { if ($action eq 'removing') { $state->{rejected}{$what}{removed} = 1; $state->{rejected}{$what}{nodes}{$node} = undef; } } elsif (/\|/) { #- distant urpmq returned a choices, check if it has already been chosen #- or continue iteration to make sure no more choices are left. $cont ||= 1; #- invalid transitory state (still choices is strange here if next sentence is not executed). unless (grep { exists $chosen{$_} } split '\|', $_) { my $choice = $options{callback_choices}->($urpm, undef, $state, [ map { $urpm->search($_) } split '\|', $_ ]); if ($choice) { $chosen{scalar $choice->fullname} = $choice; #- it has not yet been chosen so need to ask user. $cont = 2; } else { #- no choices resolved, so forget it (no choices means no choices at all). $cont = 0; } } } else { my $pkg = $urpm->search($_) or next; $state->{selected}{$pkg->id}{$node} = $_; } } close $fh or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("rshp failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); #- check for internal error of resolution. $cont == 1 and die "internal distant urpmq error on choice not taken"; } while $cont; #- keep trace of what has been chosen finally (if any). $parallel->{line} = join(' ', $line, keys %chosen); } #- parallel install. sub parallel_install { my ($parallel, $urpm, undef, $install, $upgrade, %options) = @_; $urpm->{ui_msg}("parallel_ka_run: $mput_command $parallel->{options} -- " . join(' ', values %$install, values %$upgrade) . " $urpm->{cachedir}/rpms/", urpm::N("Distributing files to nodes...")); system $mput_command, split(' ', $parallel->{options}), '--', values %$install, values %$upgrade, "$urpm->{cachedir}/rpms/"; $? == 0 || $? == 256 or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("mput failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); local $_; my ($node, %bad_nodes); $urpm->{ui_msg}("parallel_ka_run: $rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpmi --pre-clean --no-locales --test --no-verify-rpm --auto --synthesis $parallel->{synthesis} $parallel->{line}", urpm::N("Verifying if install is possible on nodes...")); open my $fh, "$rshp_command -v $parallel->{options} -- urpmi --pre-clean --no-locales --test --no-verify-rpm --auto --synthesis $parallel->{synthesis} $parallel->{line} |"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; ($node, $_) = _parse_rshp_output($_) or next; /^\s*$/ and next; $bad_nodes{$node} .= $_; /Installation failed/ and $bad_nodes{$node} = ''; /Installation is possible/ and delete $bad_nodes{$node}; } close $fh or $urpm->{fatal}(1, urpm::N("rshp failed, maybe a node is unreacheable")); foreach (keys %{$parallel->{nodes}}) { exists $bad_nodes{$_} or next; $urpm->{error}(urpm::N("Installation failed on node %s", $_) . ":\n" . $bad_nodes{$_}); } %bad_nodes and return; if ($options{test}) { $urpm->{error}(urpm::N("Installation is possible")); 1; } else { my $line = $parallel->{line} . ($options{excludepath} ? " --excludepath '$options{excludepath}'" : ""); #- continue installation. $urpm->{ui_msg}("parallel_ka_run: $rshp_command $parallel->{options} -- urpmi --no-locales --no-verify-rpm --auto --synthesis $parallel->{synthesis} $line", urpm::N("Installing packages on nodes...")); system("$rshp_command $parallel->{options} -- urpmi --no-locales --no-verify-rpm --auto --synthesis $parallel->{synthesis} $line") == 0; } } sub _parse_rshp_output { my ($s) = @_; #- eg of output of rshp2: [rank:2]:@removing@mpich- if ($s =~ /<([^>]*)>.*:->:(.*)/ || $s =~ /<([^>]*)>\s*\[[^]]*\]:(.*)/) { ($1, $2); } else { warn "bad rshp output $s\n"; (); } } #- allow to bootstrap from urpmi code directly (namespace is urpm). package urpm; no warnings 'redefine'; sub handle_parallel_options { my (undef, $options) = @_; my ($media, $ka_run_options) = $options =~ /ka-run(?:\(([^\)]*)\))?:(.*)/; if ($ka_run_options) { my ($flush_nodes, %nodes); foreach (split ' ', $ka_run_options) { if ($_ eq '-m') { $flush_nodes = 1; } else { $flush_nodes and $nodes{/host=([^,]*)/ ? $1 : $_} = undef; undef $flush_nodes; } } return bless { media => $media, options => $ka_run_options, nodes => \%nodes, }, "urpm::parallel_ka_run"; } return undef; } 1;