package urpm::msg; use strict; use Exporter; our @ISA = 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw(N log_it to_utf8 message_input gmessage message toMb); my $noexpr = N("Nn"); my $yesexpr = N("Yy"); #- I18N. eval { require Locale::gettext; use POSIX qw(LC_ALL); POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); Locale::gettext::textdomain("urpmi"); }; sub N { my ($format, @params) = @_; sprintf( eval { Locale::gettext::gettext($format || '') } || $format, @params, ); } sub log_it { #- if invoked as a simple user, nothing should be logged. if ($::log) { open my $fh, ">>$::log" or die "can't output to log file: $!\n"; print $fh @_; close $fh; } } sub to_utf8 { Locale::gettext::iconv($_[0], undef, "UTF-8") } sub gmessage { my ($msg, %params) = @_; my $ok = to_utf8($params{ok} || N("Ok")); my $cancel = to_utf8($params{cancel} || N("Cancel")); $ok =~ s/,/\\,/g; $cancel =~ s/,/\\,/g; my $buttons = $params{ok_only} ? "$ok:0" : "$ok:0,$cancel:2"; foreach (@{$params{add_buttons}}) { s/,/\\,/g; $buttons .= ",$_"; } $msg = to_utf8($msg); `gmessage -default "$ok" -buttons "$buttons" "$msg"`; } sub message_input { my ($msg, $default_input, %opts) = @_; my $input; if ($urpm::args::options{X} && !$default_input) { #- if a default input is given, the user doesn't have to choose (and being asked). gmessage($msg, ok_only => 1); $urpm::args::options{bug} and log_it($msg); } else { while (1) { if ($urpm::args::options{bug} || !defined fileno ::SAVEOUT) { print STDOUT $msg; } else { print ::SAVEOUT $msg; } if ($default_input) { $urpm::args::options{bug} and log_it($default_input); return $default_input; } $input = ; defined $input or return undef; $urpm::args::options{bug} and log_it($input); if ($opts{boolean}) { $input =~ /^[$noexpr$yesexpr]*$/ and last; } elsif ($opts{range}) { 1 <= $input && $input <= $opts{range} and last; } else { last; } message(N("Sorry, bad choice, try again\n")); } } return $input; } sub message { my ($msg, $no_X) = @_; if ($urpm::args::options{X} && !$no_X && !$::auto) { gmessage($msg, ok_only => 1); $urpm::args::options{bug} and log_it($msg); } else { if ($urpm::args::options{bug} || !defined fileno ::SAVEOUT) { print STDOUT "$msg\n"; } else { print ::SAVEOUT "$msg\n"; } } } sub toMb { my $nb = $_[0] / 1024 / 1024; int $nb + 0.5; } sub localtime2changelog { scalar(localtime($_[0])) =~ /(.*) \S+ (\d{4})$/ && "$1 $2" }; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME urpm::msg - routines to prompt messages from the urpm* tools =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut