package urpm::msg; use strict; no warnings; use Exporter; use URPM; use urpm::util 'append_to_file'; =head1 NAME urpm::msg - routines to prompt messages from the urpm* tools =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =over =cut my $encoding; BEGIN { eval { require encoding; $encoding = encoding::_get_locale_encoding() }; eval "use open ':locale'" if $encoding && $encoding ne 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'; } our @ISA = 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw(N N_ P translate bug_log message_input toMb formatXiB sys_log); #- I18N. use Locale::gettext; use POSIX (); POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_ALL(), ""); my @textdomains = qw(urpmi rpm-summary-main rpm-summary-contrib rpm-summary-devel); foreach my $domain (@textdomains) { Locale::gettext::bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8'); } URPM::bind_rpm_textdomain_codeset(); our $no_translation; sub from_locale_encoding { my ($s) = @_; $encoding && eval { require Encode; Encode::decode($encoding, $s); } || do { require utf8; utf8::decode($s); $s; } || $s; } =item translate($s, $o_plural, $o_nb) Actually translate a string using gettext. =cut sub translate { my ($s, $o_plural, $o_nb) = @_; my $res; if ($no_translation) { $s; } elsif ($o_nb) { foreach my $domain (@textdomains) { eval { $res = Locale::gettext::dngettext($domain, $s || '', $o_plural, $o_nb) || $s }; return $res if $s ne $res; } return $s; } else { foreach my $domain (@textdomains) { eval { $res = Locale::gettext::dgettext($domain, $s || '') || $s }; return $res if $s ne $res; } return $s; } } =item P($s_singular, $s_plural, $nb, @para) Like N(), translate a string but with different singular/plural strings according to $nb =cut sub P { my ($s_singular, $s_plural, $nb, @para) = @_; sprintf(translate($s_singular, $s_plural, $nb), @para); } =item N($format, @params) Translate the $format string (a la printf using @params) =cut sub N { my ($format, @params) = @_; sprintf(translate($format), @params); } =item N_($string) Unlike N(), it doesn't actually translate $string but serves to tag a string as translatable for extracting into pod catalog. The string will actually be translated later using translate(). =cut sub N_ { $_[0] } my $noexpr = N("Nn"); my $yesexpr = N("Yy"); eval { require Sys::Syslog; Sys::Syslog->import; (my $tool = $0) =~ s!.*/!!; #- what we really want is "unix" (?) #- we really don't want "console" which forks/exit and thus # run callbacks registered through atexit() : x11, gtk+, rpm, ... Sys::Syslog::setlogsock([ 'tcp', 'unix', 'stream' ]); openlog($tool, '', 'user'); END { defined &closelog and closelog() } }; =item sys_log(...) Log through syslog if Sys::Syslog is installed. =cut sub sys_log { defined &syslog and eval { syslog("info", @_) } } =item bug_log(...) Writes only to logfile, not to screen =cut sub bug_log { append_to_file($::logfile, @_) if $::logfile; } sub ask_yes_or_no { my ($msg) = @_; message_input($msg . N(" (y/N) "), boolean => 1) =~ /[$yesexpr]/; } sub message_input { my ($msg, %o_opts) = @_; _message_input($msg, undef, %o_opts); } sub _message_input { my ($msg, $o_default_input, %o_opts) = @_; my $input; while (1) { print $msg; if ($o_default_input) { #- deprecated argument. don't you want to use $o_opts{default} instead? $urpm::args::options{bug} and bug_log($o_default_input); return $o_default_input; } $input = ; defined $input or return undef; chomp $input; $urpm::args::options{bug} and bug_log($input); if ($o_opts{boolean}) { $input =~ /^[$noexpr$yesexpr]?$/ and last; } elsif ($o_opts{range}) { $input eq "" and $input = $o_opts{default} || 1; #- defaults to first choice (defined $o_opts{range_min} ? $o_opts{range_min} : 1) <= $input && $input <= $o_opts{range} and last; } else { last; } print N("Sorry, bad choice, try again\n"); } return $input; } =item toMb($nb) Convert a number of bytes into Mb =cut sub toMb { my $nb = $_[0] / 1024 / 1024; int $nb + 0.5; } my @format_line_field_sizes = (30, 12, 13, 7, 0); my $format_line_format = ' ' . join(' ', map { '%-' . $_ . 's' } @format_line_field_sizes); sub format_line_selected_packages { my ($urpm, $state, $pkgs) = @_; my (@pkgs, @lines, $prev_medium); my $flush = sub { push @lines, _format_line_selected_packages($state, $prev_medium, \@pkgs); @pkgs = (); }; foreach my $pkg (@$pkgs) { my $medium = URPM::pkg2media($urpm->{media}, $pkg); if ($prev_medium && $prev_medium ne $medium) { $flush->(); } push @pkgs, $pkg; $prev_medium = $medium; } $flush->(); (sprintf($format_line_format, N("Package"), N("Version"), N("Release"), N("Arch")), @lines); } sub _format_line_selected_packages { my ($state, $medium, $pkgs) = @_; my @l = map { my @name_and_evr = $_->fullname; if ($state->{selected}{$_->id}{recommended}) { push @name_and_evr, N("(recommended)"); } \@name_and_evr; } sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @$pkgs; my $i; foreach my $max (@format_line_field_sizes) { foreach (@l) { if ($max && length($_->[$i]) > $max) { $_->[$i] = substr($_->[$i], 0, $max-1) . '>'; } } $i++; } ('(' . ($medium ? N("medium \"%s\"", $medium->{name}) : N("command line")) . ')', map { sprintf($format_line_format, @$_) } @l); } =item formatXiB($number [, $o_newbase]) Returns a nicely human size. eg: 2097152 => "2MB" The optional parameter enables to provide the unit size (default is one). eg for a 2000 512 sized sectors: formatXiB(2000, 512) Duplicated from L (drakx/perl-install/ =cut sub formatXiB { my ($newnb, $o_newbase) = @_; my $newbase = $o_newbase || 1; my ($nb, $base); my $decr = sub { ($nb, $base) = ($newnb, $newbase); $base >= 1024 ? ($newbase = $base / 1024) : ($newnb = $nb / 1024); }; my $suffix; foreach (N("B"), N("KB"), N("MB"), N("GB"), N("TB")) { $decr->(); if ($newnb < 1 && $newnb * $newbase < 1) { $suffix = $_; last; } } my $v = $nb * $base; my $s = $v < 10 && int(10 * $v - 10 * int($v)); int($v) . ($s ? ".$s" : '') . ($suffix || N("TB")); } sub localtime2changelog { scalar(localtime($_[0])) =~ /(.*) \S+ (\d{4})$/ && "$1 $2" } 1; =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Mandriva SA Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Mageia =cut