urpmi-dudf is an extension module to urpmi to allow urpmi to generate and upload dudf error files. This is a part of the Europeen Mancoosi project, a project to enhance Linux Package Management. See http://www.mancoosi.org/ for more details. Once the package urpmi-dudf installed, when a problem occurs during an installation using urpmi, urpmi will ask the user the authorization to generate and upload a dudf report to mancoosi's servers. If the user wants to generate and upload a dudf report event is the installation has no problem, it can use the urpmi option --force-dudf Example : # urpmi --force-dudf powertop A log of dudf uploads is stored in /var/cache/urpmi/dudf/dudf_uploads.log The format of each line of this log is : The user can access to uploaded report by entering the into the appropriate field of http://www.mancoosi.org/ A man page in section 8 exists : urpmi-dudf