#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:et:ai:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 use strict; use lib '.', 't'; use helper; use Config; use Test::More; if ($Config{archname} =~ /bsd/) { plan skip_all => "we cannot build rpm-query-in-scriptlet on FreeBSD due to cpio failure"; } else { plan 'no_plan'; } my $name = 'rpm-query-in-scriptlet'; need_root_and_prepare(); system_('mkdir -p root/var/lib/rpm'); test_rpm_query_in_scriptlet(); done_testing(); sub test_rpm_query_in_scriptlet { system_("rpm --root $::pwd/root -i media/$name/$name*.rpm --nodeps"); check_installed_names($name); rebuilddb(); check_installed_names($name); } sub rebuilddb { # testing rebuilddb (could be done elsewhere, but here is system_("rpm --root $::pwd/root --rebuilddb"); my @dirs = glob("$::pwd/root/var/lib/rpmrebuilddb*"); is($dirs[0], undef, "@dirs should not be there"); }