#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:et:ai:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 use strict; use lib '.', 't'; use helper; use Expect; use urpm::util; use Test::More 'no_plan'; need_root_and_prepare(); my $medium_name = 'prefer'; urpmi_addmedia("$medium_name $::pwd/media/$medium_name"); urpmi("--auto --prefer b a"); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'b'); urpmi("--auto --prefer c a"); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'c'); test('/foo/', 'foo'); test('a,a_foo', '^(a|a_foo)$'); sub test { my ($prefer, $regexp) = @_; my $options = "--prefer '$prefer' a"; my @expected = ( [ 'What is your choice', "\n" ], [ 'Proceed with the installation of the 2 packages?', "\n" ], ); if (0) { #- try it interactively for debugging system_(urpm_cmd('urpmi', '-d') . " $options"); return; } my $cmd = urpmi_cmd() . " $options"; print "# $cmd\n"; my $expect = Expect->spawn($cmd); my $choices; foreach (@expected) { my ($msg, $to_send) = @$_; my $ok = $expect->expect(2, # timeout in seconds [ $msg => sub { $choices ||= $expect->before; $expect->send($to_send); } ]); print "$to_send"; ok($ok, qq(expecting "$msg")); $ok or return; } my @choices = grep { s/^\s*\d+- (.*?)-.*?:.*/$1/ } split("\n", $choices); is(int(@choices), 4, "4 choices in $choices"); my $other = ''; foreach (@choices) { if (/$regexp/) { ok(!$other, "line $_ must be before $other line"); } else { $other = $_; } } $expect->expect(2, [ 'eof' => sub {} ]); $expect->soft_close; is($expect->exitstatus, 0, $cmd); check_installed_and_remove('a', $choices[0]); }