#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:et:ai:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 # package "a" is split into "b" and "c", # where "b" obsoletes/provides "a" and requires "c" # "c" conflicts with "a" (but can't obsolete it) # # package "d" requires "a" use strict; use lib '.', 't'; use helper; use urpm::select; use urpm::util; use urpm::cfg; use Test::More 'no_plan'; need_root_and_prepare(); my $name = 'obsolete-and-conflict'; urpmi_addmedia("$name $::pwd/media/$name"); test1(); test_with_ad('b c', 'b c d'); test_with_ad('--split-level 1 --split-length 1 b c', 'b c d'); # perl-URPM fix for #31969 fixes this too ("d" used to be removed without asking) # below need promotion of "b" (obsoleting "a") to work test_with_ad('--auto c', 'b c d'); sub test1 { urpmi('a'); check_installed_names('a'); my $arch = urpm::cfg::get_arch(); my $rm_msg = urpm::select::_rpm_version() gt 4.13.0 ? " a-1-1.$arch" : ""; test_urpmi("b c", sprintf(<<'EOF', $rm_msg || ' ', $rm_msg)); 1/2: c 2/2: b removing package%s 1/1: removing%s EOF check_installed_and_remove('b', 'c'); } sub test_with_ad { my ($para, $wanted) = @_; urpmi('a d'); check_installed_names('a', 'd'); urpmi($para); check_installed_and_remove(split ' ', $wanted); } sub test_urpmi { my ($para, $wanted) = @_; my $s = run_urpm_cmd("urpmi $para"); $s =~ s/\s*#{40}#*//g; $s =~ s/.*\nPreparing\.\.\.\n//s; ok($s eq $wanted, "$wanted in $s"); }