#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:et:ai:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 # a and b contains the same file name, with different content => should fail # a and c contents the same file name, with same content => should work # a and d contents the same directory name => should work # a and e contents the same path for a directory vs a symlink => should fail # # fa and fb contains the same file name, with different content but %ghost => should work # # a and gc/gc_/gd contains different file => should work # ga and a and gc/gc_ contains the same resulting file, through symlink in ga, with same content => should work # ga and a and gd contains the same resulting file, through symlink in ga, with different content => should fail # # h and i file conflicts, but on a manpage use strict; use lib '.', 't'; use helper; use Expect; use urpm::util; use Test::More 'no_plan'; need_root_and_prepare(); my $medium_name = 'file-conflicts'; urpmi_addmedia("$medium_name $::pwd/media/$medium_name"); test_rpm_same_transaction(); test_rpm_different_transactions(); test_urpmi_same_transaction(); test_urpmi_different_transactions(); sub test_rpm_same_transaction() { test_rpm_i_fail('a', 'b'); check_nothing_installed(); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a', 'c'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'c'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a', 'd'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'd'); test_rpm_i_fail('a', 'e'); check_nothing_installed(); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a', 'fa'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'fa'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('fa', 'fb'); check_installed_and_remove('fa', 'fb'); # Mageia's rpm is patched in order to not conflict for doc files: if (is_mageia()) { test_rpm_i_succeeds('h', 'i'); check_installed_and_remove('h', 'i'); } else { test_rpm_i_fail('h', 'i'); check_nothing_installed(); } } sub test_rpm_different_transactions() { test_rpm_i_succeeds('a'); test_rpm_i_fail('b'); check_installed_names('a'); test_rpm_i_fail('e'); check_installed_names('a'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('c'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'c'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('d'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'd'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('fa'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'fa'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('fa'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('fb'); check_installed_and_remove('fa', 'fb'); # the following need to be done in different transactions otherwise rpm is lost test_rpm_i_succeeds('a'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('gd'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'gd'); rmdir 'root/etc/dir_symlink'; # remove unowned directory check_no_etc_files(); test_rpm_i_succeeds('a', 'ga'); #test_rpm_i_fail('gd'); # WARNING: broken by rpm patch rpm-4.4.8-speedup-by-not-checking-same-files-with-different-paths-through-symlink.patch check_installed_names('a', 'ga'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('gc'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('gc_'); check_installed_names('a', 'ga', 'gc', 'gc_'); urpme('gc gc_'); # if you remove gc and a/ga at the same time, hell can happen... check_installed_and_remove('a', 'ga'); check_no_etc_files(); # Mageia's rpm is patched in order to not conflict for doc files: if (is_mageia()) { test_rpm_i_succeeds('h'); test_rpm_i_succeeds('i'); check_installed_and_remove('h', 'i'); } } sub test_urpmi_same_transaction() { # Mageia's rpm is patched in order to not conflict for doc files: if (is_mageia()) { test_urpmi_fail('a b'); check_nothing_installed(); } urpmi('a c'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'c'); urpmi('a d'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'd'); test_urpmi_fail('a e'); check_nothing_installed(); urpmi('a fa'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'fa'); urpmi('fa fb'); check_installed_and_remove('fa', 'fb'); # Mageia's rpm is patched in order to not conflict for doc files: if (is_mageia()) { urpmi('h i'); check_installed_and_remove('h', 'i'); } } sub test_urpmi_different_transactions() { urpmi('a'); test_urpmi_fail('b'); check_installed_names('a'); test_urpmi_fail('e'); check_installed_names('a'); # fail when dropping RPMTAG_FILEDIGESTS urpmi('c'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'c'); urpmi('a'); urpmi('d'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'd'); urpmi('a'); urpmi('fa'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'fa'); urpmi('fa'); urpmi('fb'); check_installed_and_remove('fa', 'fb'); # the following need to be done in different transactions otherwise rpm is lost urpmi('a'); urpmi('gd'); check_installed_and_remove('a', 'gd'); rmdir 'root/etc/dir_symlink'; # remove unowned directory check_no_etc_files(); urpmi('a ga'); #test_urpmi_fail('gd'); # WARNING: broken by rpm patch rpm-4.4.8-speedup-by-not-checking-same-files-with-different-paths-through-symlink.patch check_installed_names('a', 'ga'); urpmi('gc'); urpmi('gc_'); check_installed_names('a', 'ga', 'gc', 'gc_'); urpme('gc gc_'); # if you remove gc and a/ga at the same time, hell can happen... check_installed_and_remove('a', 'ga'); check_no_etc_files(); # Mageia's rpm is patched in order to not conflict for doc files: if (is_mageia()) { urpmi('h'); urpmi('i'); check_installed_and_remove('h', 'i'); } } sub test_rpm_i_succeeds { my (@rpms) = @_; my $rpms = join(' ', map { "media/$medium_name/$_-*.rpm" } @rpms); system_("rpm --root $::pwd/root -i $rpms"); } sub test_rpm_i_fail { my (@rpms) = @_; my $rpms = join(' ', map { "media/$medium_name/$_-*.rpm" } @rpms); system_should_fail("rpm --root $::pwd/root -i $rpms"); } sub check_no_etc_files() { if (my @l = grep { !m!/urpmi|rpm$! } glob("$::pwd/root/etc/*")) { fail(join(' ', @l) . " files should not be there"); } }