.TH urpmi.addmedia 8 "28 Aug 2003" "MandrakeSoft" "Mandrake Linux" .IX urpmi.addmedia .SH NAME urpmi.addmedia \- adds a new rpms media for use with urpmi .SH SYNOPSIS .B urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> <\fIurl\fP> .SH DESCRIPTION urpmi.addmedia tells urpmi that he can find new rpms at the specified location. Currently supported medias are: local drives, removable drives (such as cd's), networked like http, ftp, ssh and rsync. .PP One of the following modes must be chosen: .PP http: .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> http://<\fIlogin\fP>:<\fIpass\fP>@<\fIhost\fP>/<\fIpath\fP> [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" Where <\fIname\fP> is your reference for the media (e.g. MandrakeUpdate). <\fIname\fP> is optional if \fB--distrib\fP is given in \fIoptions\fP. .br <\fIhost\fP>/<\fIpath\fP> is the location of the rpm directory on the net. .br <\fIrelative path of hdlist\fP> is the pathname where to find the hdlist of the rpms. The location is given relative to <\fIpath\fP>. .br \fBcurl\fP is used by default to download files, \fBwget\fP may be used if \fBcurl\fP is not installed or \fB--curl\fP is given in \fIoptions\fP. .br \fIeg\fP: urpmi.addmedia http http://jpackage.sf.net/rpm/free with hdlist.cz .PP ftp: .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> ftp://<\fIlogin\fP>:<\fIpass\fP>@<\fIhost\fP>/<\fIpath\fP> [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" The same as for http, just add your login and user if required (Note that you needn't to specify anonymous as login for anonymous access ftp servers). .br Note that if \fBwget\fP is used to download files with a firewall you may have to add \fBpassive_ftp=on\fP option to \fB/etc/wgetrc\fP. .br \fIeg\fP: urpmi.addmedia ftp ftp://a:a@leia//export/Mandrake/RPMS with ../base/hdlist.cz .PP ssh: .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> ssh://<\fIlogin\fP>@<\fIhost\fP>/<\fIpath\fP> [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" The same as for http, just add your login and password if required. It is strongly recommended to export root key in order not to have to type password all the time. \fBscp\fP and \fBrsync\fP will be used to get files. .br \fIeg\fP: urpmi.addmedia -h ssh ssh://fpons@bi/c/i586/Mandrake/RPMS .PP rsync: .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> rsync://<\fIlogin\fP>@<\fIhost\fP>:<\fIport\fP>/<\fIpath\fP> [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" The same as for http, you can use <\fIhost\fP>::<\fIpath\fP> too. .br \fIeg\fP: urpmi.addmedia rsync rsync://ftp.orst.edu::mandrake-devel/contrib/ppc with ../../cooker/ppc/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz .PP Local drive or NFS: .br .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> file://<\fIpath\fP>\fP [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" Where <\fIname\fP> is your reference for the media (e.g. Myrpms). .br <\fIpath\fP> is the location of the rpm directory on your machine. .PP Removable device: .br .IP "\fB urpmi.addmedia [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIname\fP> removable://<\fIpath\fP>\fP [with <\fIrelative path of synthesis|hdlist\fP>]\fP" <\fIpath\fP> is the location of the rpm directory on your machine when the removable device is mounted. .PP .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB\--wget\fP" Use wget only for downloading distant files. By default curl is used if available or wget instead. .IP "\fB\--curl\fP" Use curl only for downloading distant files. By default curl is used if available or wget instead. .IP "\fB\--limit-rate \fIrate\fP" Try to limit the download speed, \fIrate\fP is given in bytes/sec. This option is not active by default. .IP "\fB\--proxy\fP \fIproxyhost[:port|1080]\fP" Use specified HTTP proxy. .IP "\fB\--proxy-user\fP \fIuser:password\fP" Use specified user and password to use for proxy authentication. .IP "\fB\--update\fP" Add a medium which will be taken into account when updating only update media by \fBurpmi\fP. .IP "\fB\--probe-synthesis\fP" Try to find and use synthesis file if \fBwith ...\fP is not given. .IP "\fB\--probe-hdlist\fP" Try to find and use hdlist file if \fBwith ...\fP is not given. .IP "\fB\--no-probe\fP" Do not try to find any synthesis or hdlist file. .IP "\fB\--distrib\fP" Add all media from an installation medium. <\fIname\fP> is used with medium name found to create newer medium name in urpmi database. The \fBwith [...]\fP is not used as hdlist found on installation medium are used automatically. .IP "\fB\--distrib-XXX\fP" Automatically create a medium for XXX part of a distribution, XXX may be main, contrib, updates or anything else that has been configured. .IP "\fB\--from\fP \fIurl\fP" Use specified \fIurl\fP for list of mirrors, the default from MandrakeSoft is \fIhttp://www.linux-mandrake.com/mirrorsfull.list\fP unless \fBurpmi.setup\fP is installed which make \fBurpmi.addmedia\fP look at its mirror configuration file. .IP "\fB\--version\fP \fIversion\fP" Use specified version when using \fB--distrib-XXX\fP, the default is version of \fBmandrake-release\fP package installed. .IP "\fB\--arch\fP \fIarch\fP" Use specified architecture when using \fB--distrib-XXX\fP, the default is architecture of \fBmandrake-release\fP package installed. .IP "\fB\--virtual\fP" Create a virtual medium, this only works for file:// and removable:// protocol and no files will be created in /var/lib/urpmi. The medium is always up-to-date and so it does not need to be updated by \fBurpmi.update\fP. .IP "\fB\-c\fP" Clean headers cache directory in /var/cache/urpmi/headers. .IP "\fB\-h\fP" Try to find and use synthesis or hdlist file. .IP "\fB\-f\fP" Force generation of hdlist files. .SH FILES .de FN \fI\|\\$1\|\fP .. .TP .FN /usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia The \fBurpmi.addmedia\fP executable (perl script) .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/list.* Contains the list of all packages known by urpmi and their location only if a password is used to access distant location (using network protocol) or various directory are used to store packages. .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.* Contains information about all known packages, it's a summary of rpm headers. If an hdlist file is used for a medium \fBurpmf\fP can operate completely which is almost always the case (please refer to \fBurpmf\fP man page for more informations on this topic). .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.* Contains synthesis information about all known packages built from hdlist files that can be used by minimal closure algorithm. If these files are not present hdlist files will be used instead but this is much slower. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg Contains media description, previous format from older urpmi is still accepted. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/parallel.cfg Contains parallel alias description, format is \fB::\fP where \fB\fP is a symbolic name, \fB\fP can be \fBka-run\fP or \fBssh\fP, \fB\fP is a media list (as \fB--media\fP parameter), \fB\fP is a specific interface parameter list like "-c ssh -m node1 -m node2" for \fBka-run\fP extension or "node1:node2" for \fBssh\fP extension. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/skip.list Contains package expressions that should not be automatically updated. The format is a list of provide of package (or regular expression if bounded by slashes \fB/\fP) with optional operator and version string, or regular expression to match the fullname of packages too. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/inst.list Contains package names that should be installed instead of updated. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fIurpmi\fP(8), \fIurpmi.update\fP(8), \fIurpmi.removemedia\fP(8), \fIurpmf\fP(8), \fIurpmq\fP(8), .SH AUTHOR Pascal Rigaux, Mandrakesoft (original author) .PP Francois Pons, Mandrakesoft (current author)