
$DIR = "/var/lib/urpmi";
$DIR2 = "/etc/urpmi";
$BASE = "$DIR/autoirpm";
$BASE2 = "$DIR2/autoirpm";

system("bzip2 -dc $DIR/hdlist*.cz2 2>/dev/null | autoirpm.update-all $BASE2.allow $BASE2.deny - > $AUTO_INSTALL_BIN_LIST");
$? == 0  or die "autoirpm.upgrade-all failed\n";

open F, $AUTO_INSTALL_BIN_LIST or die;
map { chop; create_links_and_install_scripts($_) } <F>;
close F;

sub create_links_and_install_scripts($) {
    my ($rpm, @progs) = split ' ', $_[0];
    my $script = "$INSTALL_SCRIPT_REP/$rpm";

    foreach (@progs) { lstat "/$_" and return } # verify that it's not installed

    foreach (@progs) {
	symlink $script, "/$_"; # or die "$rpm: /$_";

    open G, ">$script" or die;
    print G "_irpm $rpm \$0 \$*\n";
    close G;
    chmod 0755, "$script";

sub dirname { local $_ = shift; s|[^/]*/*\s*$||; s|(.)/*$|$1|; $_ || '.' }

sub mkdir_ {
	-d $_[0] and return;

	my $root = dirname $_[0];
	if (-e $root) {
	    -d $root or die "mkdir: error creating directory $_[0]: $root is a file and i won't delete it\n";
	} else {
	mkdir $_[0], 0755 or die "mkdir: error creating directory $_: $!\n";