urpmi can automatically find the media repository path using DNS-SD (Zeroconf), with the "--zeroconf" option: urpmi.addmedia --distrib --zeroconf urpmi.addmedia --zeroconf main media/main/release This option can also be used together with the "--mirrorlist" option, in which case the repositories are configured using Zeroconf if found, and mirrorlist is used as a fallback: urpmi.addmedia --distrib --zeroconf --mirrorlist When searching for the repository using Zeroconf, the request timeouts after a delay of 10 seconds, to avoid hanging urpmi if some hosts are unresolvable. If a repository is found using DNS-SD, urpmi.addmedia will build a complete repository path using fields from /etc/product.id, this way: /lowercase()// To advertise an urpmi repository using DNS-SD, a service record with the instance "_mdv_urpmi" has to be created, specifying the target host and target port where the service is located. In addition, two DNS-SD TXT records must be specified, in the form of key/value pairs: protocol (http, ftp or rsync) and path (repository root). The path value should be the full path to the media repository root, for example /dis if the distribution repository is reachable on http://host:port/dis/official/2010.1/i586 See the urpmi-repository-http.service file for an example of urpmi repository advertising using Avahi.