path: root/po/eo.po
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* corrected some English typosPablo Saratxaga2001-12-101-241/+243
* updated pot filePablo Saratxaga2001-12-031-217/+276
* fixed some English typos; updated Hungarian filePablo Saratxaga2001-11-271-341/+527
* updated Hungarian and Danish filesPablo Saratxaga2001-11-241-17/+23
* updated Azeri filePablo Saratxaga2001-11-201-86/+116
* updated Turkish and Thai filesPablo Saratxaga2001-09-191-4/+4
* updated Esperanto and Hungarian filesPablo Saratxaga2001-09-141-5/+5
* updated pot filePablo Saratxaga2001-09-131-41/+51
* updated Danish, Esperanto and Chinese filesPablo Saratxaga2001-08-231-35/+37
* updated pot filePablo Saratxaga2001-08-171-486/+524
* updated Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2001-08-131-512/+495
* updated Esperanto and Croatian filesPablo Saratxaga2001-07-221-30/+39
* updated Croatian filePablo Saratxaga2001-07-191-3/+3
* Added Greek file, updated Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2001-07-111-172/+260
* Updated Danish filePablo Saratxaga2001-07-031-135/+143
* updated po filesPablo Saratxaga2001-06-281-124/+565
* updated Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2001-05-281-8/+20
* updated Hungarian, Japanese and Braezilian filesPablo Saratxaga2001-05-141-5/+18
* Updated Turkish filePablo Saratxaga2001-04-231-32/+34
* Updated Finnish filePablo Saratxaga2001-04-041-27/+63
* updated Azeri filePablo Saratxaga2001-03-141-24/+24
* updated Slovak and Catalan filesPablo Saratxaga2001-03-061-11/+11
* updated Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2001-03-031-73/+96
* fixed some English typosPablo Saratxaga2001-02-281-25/+25
* updated Danish filePablo Saratxaga2001-02-261-31/+29
* updated Turkish filePablo Saratxaga2001-02-171-39/+72
* i18n improvementsPablo Saratxaga2001-02-141-58/+167
* updated Italian filePablo Saratxaga2000-09-201-1/+1
* fixed some headersPablo Saratxaga2000-06-271-1/+1
* Updated Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2000-06-041-3/+3
* Updated Galician filePablo Saratxaga2000-05-101-1/+2
* corrected Englysh typo (s/cheking/checking/)Pablo Saratxaga2000-05-071-23/+33
* Added Esperanto filePablo Saratxaga2000-04-211-0/+99
lass="hl kwc">my $wait = wait_msg($msg); $urpm->add_medium(@_); $urpm->update_media(%$options, noclean => 1); remove_wait_msg($wait); my ($medium) = grep { $_->{name} eq $_[0] } @{$urpm->{media}}; $medium or interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("Unable to create medium.")); $medium->{modified} and interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("Unable to update medium; it will be automatically disabled.")); $urpm->write_config; } my $urpm = new urpm; $urpm->read_config; my ($remove, $edit, $clist); sub add_callback { my ($mode, $rebuild_ui, $name_entry, $url_entry, $hdlist_entry, $count_nbs); my $w = my_gtk->new(_("Edit a source")); my %radios_infos = (local => { name => _("Local files"), url => _("Path:"), dirsel => 1 }, ftp => { name => _("FTP server"), url => _("URL:"), loginpass => 1 }, http => { name => _("HTTP server"), url => _("URL:") }, removable => { name => _("Removable device"), url => _("Path or mount point:"), dirsel => 1 }, security => { name => _("Security updates"), url => _("URL:"), securitysel => 1 }, ); my @radios_names_ordered = qw(local ftp http removable security); my @modes_buttons = gtkradio($radios_infos{local}{name}, map { $radios_infos{$_}{name} } @radios_names_ordered); my $notebook = new Gtk::Notebook; $notebook->set_show_tabs(0); $notebook->set_show_border(0); mapn { my $info = $radios_infos{$_[0]}; my $url_entry = sub { gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 1, $info->{url_entry} = gtkentry, if_($info->{dirsel}, 0, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Browse..."))), clicked => sub { $info->{url_entry}->set_text(ask_dir) })), if_($info->{securitysel}, 0, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Choose a mirror..."))), clicked => sub { my $m = choose_mirror; if ($m) { my ($r) = cat_('/etc/mandrake-release') =~ /release\s(\S+)/; $info->{url_entry}->set_text("$m/$r/RPMS/"); $info->{hdlist_entry}->set_text('../base/'); } }))); }; my $loginpass_entries = sub { map { my $entry_name = $_->[0]; [ gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 1, new Gtk::Label, 0, gtksignal_connect($info->{$_->[0].'_check'} = new Gtk::CheckButton($_->[1]), clicked => sub { $info->{$entry_name.'_entry'}->set_sensitive($_[0]->get_active); $info->{pass_check}->set_active($_[0]->get_active); $info->{login_check}->set_active($_[0]->get_active); }), 1, new Gtk::Label), gtkset_sensitive($info->{$_->[0].'_entry'} = gtkentry, 0) ] } ([ 'login', _("Login:") ], [ 'pass', _("Password:") ]) }; my $nb = $count_nbs++; gtksignal_connect($_[1], 'clicked' => sub { $_[0]->get_active and $notebook->set_page($nb) }); $notebook->append_page(my $book = create_packtable({}, [ _("Name:"), $info->{name_entry} = gtkentry($_[0] eq 'security' and 'update_source') ], [ $info->{url}, $url_entry->() ], [ _("Relative path to synthesis/hdlist:"), $info->{hdlist_entry} = gtkentry ], if_($info->{loginpass}, $loginpass_entries->()))); $book->show; } \@radios_names_ordered, \@modes_buttons; my $checkok = sub { my $info = $radios_infos{$radios_names_ordered[$notebook->get_current_page]}; my ($name, $url, $hdlist) = map { $info->{$_.'_entry'}->get_text } qw(name url hdlist); $name eq '' || $url eq '' and interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("You need to fill up at least the two first entries.")), return 0; if (member($name, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) { $info->{name_entry}->select_region(0, -1); interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("There is already a medium by that name, do you really want to replace it?"), { yesno => 1 } ) or return 0; } 1; }; gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack(new Gtk::VBox(0,5), new Gtk::Label(_("Adding a source:")), gtkpack__(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), new Gtk::Label(but(_("Type of source:"))), @modes_buttons), $notebook, new Gtk::HSeparator, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Ok")), clicked => sub { $checkok->() and $w->{retval} = { nb => $notebook->get_current_page }, Gtk->main_quit; }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Cancel")), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit })))); $w->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); if ($w->main) { my $type = $radios_names_ordered[$w->{retval}{nb}]; my $info = $radios_infos{$type}; my %i = (name => $info->{name_entry}->get_text, url => $info->{url_entry}->get_text, hdlist => $info->{hdlist_entry}->get_text); my %make_url = (local => "file:/$i{url}", http => $i{url}, security => $i{url}, removable => "removable:/$i{url}"); $i{url} =~ s|^ftp://||; $make_url{ftp} = sprintf "ftp://%s%s", $info->{login_check}->get_active ? ($info->{login_entry}->get_text.':'.$info->{pass_entry}->get_text.'@') : '', $i{url}; if (member($i{name}, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) { standalone::explanations("Removing medium $i{name}"); $urpm->select_media($i{name}); $urpm->remove_selected_media; } add_medium_and_check($urpm, _("Please wait, adding medium..."), { probe_with_hdlist => member($type, qw(removable local)) && $i{hdlist} eq '' }, $i{name}, $make_url{$type}, $i{hdlist}, update => $type eq 'security'); return 1; } return 0; } sub remove_callback { my $wait = wait_msg(_("Please wait, removing medium...")); my $name = $urpm->{media}[$clist->selection]{name}; standalone::explanations("Removing medium $name"); $urpm->select_media($name); $urpm->remove_selected_media; $urpm->update_media(noclean => 1); remove_wait_msg($wait); } sub edit_callback { my $medium = $urpm->{media}[$clist->selection]; my $w = my_gtk->new(_("Edit a source")); my ($url_entry, $hdlist_entry); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,5), 0, new Gtk::Label(_("Editing source \"%s\":", $medium->{name})), 0, create_packtable({}, [ _("URL:"), $url_entry = gtkentry($medium->{url}) ], [ _("Relative path to synthesis/hdlist:"), $hdlist_entry = gtkentry($medium->{with_hdlist}) ]), 0, new Gtk::HSeparator, 0, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Save changes")), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Cancel")), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit })))); $w->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $w->{rwindow}->set_usize(600, 0); if ($w->main) { my ($name, $update, $ignore) = map { $medium->{$_} } qw(name update ignore); my ($url, $with_hdlist) = ($url_entry->get_text, $hdlist_entry->get_text); standalone::explanations("Removing medium $name"); $urpm->select_media($name); $urpm->remove_selected_media; add_medium_and_check($urpm, _("Please wait, updating medium..."), {}, $name, $url, $with_hdlist, update => $update); return 1; } return 0; } sub update_callback { my $w = my_gtk->new(_("Update source(s)")); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack__(new Gtk::VBox(0,5), new Gtk::Label(_("Select the source(s) you wish to update:")), (my @buttons = map { new Gtk::CheckButton($_->{name}) } @{$urpm->{media}}), new Gtk::HSeparator, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Update")), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Cancel")), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit })))); $w->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); if ($w->main) { each_index { $_->get_active and $urpm->select_media($urpm->{media}[$::i]{name}) } @buttons; foreach (@{$urpm->{media}}) { #- force ignored media to be returned alive (forked from urpmi.updatemedia...) $_->{modified} and delete $_->{ignore}; } slow_func(_("Please wait, updating media..."), sub { $urpm->update_media(noclean => 1) }); } } sub mainwindow { my %pixmaps = (selected => [ gtkcreate_png('selected') ], unselected => [ gtkcreate_png('unselected') ]); my $mainw = my_gtk->new(_("Configure sources")); $clist = new_with_titles Gtk::CList(_("Enabled?"), _("Source")); $clist->set_column_auto_resize($_, 1) foreach qw(0 1); $clist->set_column_justification(0, 'center'); $clist->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { my ($row, $col) = $clist->get_selection_info($_[1]->{x}, $_[1]->{'y'}); if ($col == 0 && $row =~ /^\d+$/) { invbool(\$urpm->{media}[$row]{ignore}); my $pix = $pixmaps{$urpm->{media}[$row]{ignore} ? 'unselected' : 'selected'}; $clist->set_pixmap($row, 0, $pix->[0], $pix->[1]); } }); $clist->signal_connect(select_row => sub { $$_->set_sensitive(1) foreach (\$remove, \$edit) }); $clist->signal_connect(unselect_row => sub { $$_->set_sensitive(0) foreach (\$remove, \$edit) }); my $reread_media = sub { $clist->clear; foreach (@{$urpm->{media}}) { $clist->append('', $_->{name}); my $pix = $pixmaps{$_->{ignore} ? 'unselected' : 'selected'}; $clist->set_pixmap($clist->rows-1, 0, $pix->[0], $pix->[1]); } }; $reread_media->(); gtkadd($mainw->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,5), 1, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 10), 1, $clist, 0, gtkpack__(new Gtk::VBox(0, 5), gtkset_sensitive(gtksignal_connect($remove = new Gtk::Button(but(_("Remove"))), clicked => sub { remove_callback; $reread_media->(); }), 0), gtkset_sensitive(gtksignal_connect($edit = new Gtk::Button(but(_("Edit"))), clicked => sub { edit_callback and $reread_media->() }), 0), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Add..."))), clicked => sub { add_callback and $reread_media->(); }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Update..."))), clicked => \&update_callback))), 0, new Gtk::HSeparator, 0, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Save and quit")), clicked => sub { $mainw->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Quit")), clicked => sub { $mainw->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit })))); $mainw->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $mainw->main; } readconf; if (!member(basename($0), @$already_splashed)) { interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("%s Is it ok to continue?", _("Welcome to the packages source editor! This tool will help you configure the packages sources you wish to use on your computer. They will then be available to install new software package or to perform updates.")), { yesno => 1 }) or myexit -1; push @$already_splashed, basename($0); } if (mainwindow()) { $urpm->write_config; } writeconf; myexit 0;