path: root/pod/urpmi.8.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-urpmi - rpm downloader, installer and dependency solver
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- urpmi [options] [package_names | rpm_files...]
- urpmi [options] --auto-select
-The purpose of urpmi is to install rpm packages, including all their
-dependencies. You can also use it to install the build dependencies of an
-srpm (an rpm source package), or the build dependencies read from a plain
-rpm spec file; or to install a source package itself in order to rebuild
-it afterwards.
-You can compare rpm vs. urpmi with insmod vs. modprobe or dpkg vs apt-get.
-Just run urpmi followed by what you think is the name of the package(s),
-and urpmi will:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Propose different package names if the name was ambiguous, and quit.
-=item *
-If only one corresponding package is found, check whether its
-dependencies are already installed.
-=item *
-If not, propose to install the dependencies, and on a positive answer,
-=item *
-Finish by installing the requested package(s).
-Note that urpmi handles installations from various types of media (ftp,
-http, https, rsync, ssh, local and nfs volumes, and removable media such
-as CDROMs or DVDs) and is able to install dependencies from a medium
-different from the original package's media. For removable media, urpmi
-may ask you to insert the appropriate disk, if necessary.
-To add a new medium containing rpms, run C<urpmi.addmedia>. To remove an
-existing medium, use C<urpmi.removemedia>. To update the package list (for
-example when the ftp archive changes) use C<urpmi.update>.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a help message and exit (this is the same as B<-h> or B<-?>).
-=item B<--media> I<media1,...,mediaN>
-Select specific media to be used, instead of defaulting
-to all available media (or all update media if B<--update> is used).
-No rpm will be fetched from other media.
-=item B<--excludemedia> I<media1,...,mediaN>
-Do not use the specified media.
-=item B<--searchmedia> I<media1,...,mediaN>
-Use only the specified media to search for packages that are specified on
-the command-line, or which are found when using B<--auto-select>.
-Dependencies of those packages can still be found in other media.
-=item B<--sortmedia> I<media1,...,mediaN>
-Sort the specified media. Substrings may be used to simplify grouping.
-This way, C<media1> will be taken into account first, then C<media2>, and
-so on. Media which aren't listed are taken into account after the others.
-=item B<--update>
-Use only update media. This means that urpmi will search packages and
-resolve dependencies only in media marked as containing updates.
-=item B<--synthesis> I<file>
-Use the specified synthesis file instead of the urpmi database for
-searching packages and resolving dependencies. This option is mostly
-designed for internal use.
-=item B<--auto>
-Install all required dependencies without asking.
-=item B<--auto-select>
-Select all packages that can be upgraded, according to already installed
-packages and packages listed in various registered media.
-=item B<--auto-update>
-Like B<--auto-select>, but also updates all relevant media before
-selection of upgradeable packages is made. This avoids a previous call to
-=item B<--auto-orphans>
-Remove all orphans without asking (see also C<urpme --auto-orphans>)
-=item B<--no-md5sum>
-Disable MD5SUM file checking when updating media.
-=item B<--force-key>
-Force update of GPG key when updating media.
-=item B<--no-install>
-Only download packages, don't install them. After operation, you'll find
-them in F</var/cache/urpmi/rpms>.
-=item B<--no-uninstall>
-Never ask to uninstall a package but prefer aborting instead. This can be
-safer in auto mode.
-=item B<--keep>
-When some dependencies cannot be satisfied, change the selection of
-packages to try to keep existing packages instead of removing them. This
-behaviour generally rejects the upgrade of packages given on command line
-(or when using B<--auto-select>) when a dependency error occurs.
-=item B<--split-level> I<number>
-Split urpmi's operation in small transactions when the total number of
-packages to upgrade is greater than the given I<number>. This option is
-activated by default, and the default value of I<number> is 20.
-=item B<--split-length> I<count>
-Split urpmi's operation in small transactions of at
-least I<count> packages. The default is 8 and setting this value to 0 just
-disables splitting in small transactions.
-=item B<--fuzzy>
-Disable fast search on exact package name; that means that urpmi will
-propose all packages matching part of the name, even if one of them
-matches exactly the specified name (this is the same as B<-y>).
-=item B<--buildrequires>
-Select all the C<BuildRequires> of the wanted source packages.
-(You can also install the build dependencies read directly from an rpm spec file.)
-=item B<--install-src>
-Install only the source package (that is, no binary packages will be
-installed). You don't need to be root to use this option (if you have
-write access to your rpm build top directory).
-=item B<--clean>
-Remove all packages from the cache in directory F</var/cache/urpmi/rpms>.
-=item B<--noclean>
-Do not remove any package from the cache in directory
-=item B<--force>
-Assume yes on all questions.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Quiet mode: when calling rpm no upgrade status is printed.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Proposes a verbose mode with various messages.
-=item B<--debug>
-Proposes a very verbose mode.
-=item B<--debug-librpm>
-Proposes a very verbose mode (similar to rpm -vv)
-=item B<--no-suggests>
-With this option, urpmi will not install "suggested" packages.
-By default, urpmi will install (newly) suggested packages.
-=item B<--allow-suggests>
-With this option, urpmi will install "suggested" packages.
-This is useful if you have C<no-suggests> in urpmi.cfg.
-=item B<--justdb>
-Update only the database, not the filesystem.
-=item B<--replacepkgs>
-Force installing the packages even though they are already installed.
-=item B<--allow-nodeps>
-With this option, urpmi will ask the user on error whether it should
-continue the installation without checking dependencies. By default, urpmi
-exits immediately in this case.
-=item B<--allow-force>
-With this option, urpmi will ask the user on error whether it should
-proceed to a forced installation. By default, urpmi exits immediately in
-this case.
-=item B<--allow-medium-change>
-When used when B<--auto>, do not suppress all questions, but still ask the
-user for medium changes (e.g. insertion of CD-ROMs).
-=item B<--parallel> I<alias>
-Activate distributed execution of urpmi to other machines (it is mandatory
-that urpmi is installed, but it is not necessary to have media defined on
-any machines). I<alias> defines which extension module is to be used by
-urpmi (currently, C<urpmi-parallel-ka-run> or C<urpmi-parallel-ssh> are
-available) and which machines should be updated. This alias is defined in
-the file F</etc/urpmi/parallel.cfg> as described in the L<urpmi.files>
-=item B<--root> I<directory>
-Use the file system tree rooted for rpm install. All operations and
-scripts will run after chroot(2). The rpm database that lies in the rooted
-tree will be used, but the urpmi configuration comes from the normal
-=item B<--urpmi-root> I<directory>
-Use the file system tree rooted for urpmi database and rpm install. Contrary
-to B<--root>, the urpmi configuration comes from the rooted tree.
-=item B<--use-distrib> I<directory>
-Configure urpmi on the fly from a distrib tree, useful to install a chroot
-with the B<--root> option. See the description of the B<--distrib> option
-in the C<urpmi.addmedia> manpage.
-=item B<--download-all> I<dest-dir>
-By default, urpmi will download packages when they are needed. This can be
-problematic when connection failures happen during a big upgrade. When this
-option is set, urpmi will first download all the needed packages and proceed
-to install them if it managed to download them all. You can optionally
-specify a directory where the files should be downloaded (default is /var/cache/urpmi which could be too small to hold all the files).
-=item B<--downloader> I<program name>
-Use a specific program for downloading distant files via http or ftp.
-By default curl is used if available, or wget instead.
-=item B<--curl-options> I<'options'>
-=item B<--rsync-options> I<'options'>
-=item B<--wget-options> I<'options'>
-Specify additional command-line options to be passed to curl, rsync or
-wget when retrieving files. If several options are to be passed, separate
-them with spaces and enclose them in quotes.
-Note that the rsync options will also be used for ssh media (since it's
-actually rsync over ssh).
-=item B<--limit-rate> I<rate>
-Try to limit the download speed. I<rate> is given in bytes/sec. This
-option is not active by default.
-=item B<--resume>
-Resume transfer of partially-downloaded files.
-=item B<--retry> I<times>
-Retries to download files over FTP or HTTP the specified number
-of times.
-=item B<--proxy> I<proxyhost[:port]>
-Use specified HTTP proxy.
-=item B<--proxy-user> I<user:password>
-Use specified user and password to use for proxy authentication.
-Specifying B<--proxy-user=ask> will cause urpmi to prompt for a username
-and a password.
-=item B<--bug> I<directory>
-Create a bug report in I<directory>. You have to send a compressed archive
-of the directory to the urpmi maintainer for the bug being (probably)
-reproduced. See L</"BUG REPORTS"> below.
-=item B<--env> I<directory>
-Use a different environment directly from a bug report to replay a bug.
-The argument is the same argument given to B<--bug> option.
-=item B<--verify-rpm>
-=item B<--no-verify-rpm>
-Activate or deactivate rpm signature checking. It's activated by default,
-and can be overriden in global configuration.
-=item B<--test>
-Test the installation of packages but do not actually install anything or
-modify the system. (That's the same as C<rpm --test>).
-=item B<--excludepath> I<string>
-Do not install files of which the
-names begin with the given I<string> (same as C<rpm --excludepath>).
-=item B<--excludedocs>
-Do not install documents files (same as C<rpm --excludedocs>).
-=item B<--ignorearch>
-Allow to install packages whose architecture does not match the
-architecture of the host. This is equivalent to C<rpm --ignorearch>.
-=item B<--ignoresize>
-Don't check file systems for sufficient disk space before installation.
-This is equivalent to C<rpm --ignoresize>.
-=item B<--repackage>
-Save previous state of upgraded packages; in other words, save the old
-rpms (usually in F</var/spool/repackage>, but you can override this with
-an rpm macro.) This is equivalent to providing the B<--repackage> flag to
-I<Note:> if you use C<urpmi.recover> to set up a repackage policy, you
-don't need this option, because C<urpmi.recover> will globally override
-the appropriate rpm macro that enables repacking of all rpm transactions
-=item B<--noscripts>
-Don't execute the scriptlets.
-This is equivalent to C<rpm --noscripts>.
-=item B<--replacefiles>
-Ignore file conflicts.
-This is equivalent to C<rpm --replacefiles>.
-=item B<--skip> I<pattern,...>
-You can specify a list of packages which installation should be skipped.
-You can also include patterns between //, just like in
-F</etc/urpmi/skip.list> (see urpmi.files(5)).
-=item B<--prefer> I<pattern,...>
-You can specify a list of packages which installation should be preferred
-(especially useful with B<--auto>).
-You can also include patterns between //, just like in
-F</etc/urpmi/prefer.list> (see urpmi.files(5)).
-=item B<--more-choices>
-When several packages are found, propose more choices than the default.
-=item B<--nolock>
-Don't lock urpmi and rpm db. This can be useful in conjunction with
-=item B<--wait-lock>
-If the urpmi or rpm db is busy, wait until it is available
-=item B<--strict-arch>
-Upgrade only packages if the newer version has the same architecture as
-the one installed. Mostly useful on machines that support several
-architectures (32 and 64 bit).
-=item B<-a>
-If multiple packages match the given substring, install them all.
-=item B<-p>
-Allow search in provides to find the package (this is the default).
-=item B<-P>
-Do not search in provides to find package (this is the opposite of B<-p>).
-=item B<-y>
-This is the same as B<--fuzzy>.
-=item B<-q>
-This is the same as B<--quiet>.
-=item B<-v>
-This is the same as B<--verbose>.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
- urpmi ssh://
-Fetch F</home/foo/test.rpm> from server over ssh using user foo.
-You can use a public key or enter your password.
- urpmi --media foo- --auto-select
-Fetch all the updates from media containing C<foo-> in their name.
-=head1 FILES
-See urpmi.files(5).
-=head1 EXIT CODES
-=item 1
-Command line inconsistency.
-=item 2
-Problem registering local packages.
-=item 3
-Source packages not retrievable.
-=item 4
-Medium is not selected.
-=item 5
-Medium already
-=item 6
-Unable to save configuration.
-=item 7
-urpmi database locked.
-=item 8
-Unable to read or create bug report.
-=item 9
-Unable to open rpmdb.
-=item 10
-Some files are missing for installation.
-=item 11
-Some transactions failed but not all.
-=item 12
-All transactions failed.
-=item 13
-Some files are missing and some transactions failed but not all.
-=item 14
-Some files are missing and all transactions failed.
-=item 15
-No package installed (when using --expect-install)
-=item 16
-Bad signature
-=item 17
-Some packages couldn't be installed or upgraded
-If you find a bug in urpmi please report it using the command :
- urpmi --bug bug_name_as_directory <other arguments>
-This will automatically create a directory called F<bug_name_as_directory>
-containing necessary files to reproduce it if possible. I<< <other
-arguments> >> represent the command-line arguments you noticed the bug
-with (e.g. C<--auto-select> or a list of rpm names). Please test the
-report using
- urpmi --env bug_name_as_directory <other arguments>
-to check that the bug is still here. Obviously, only reproducible bugs can
-be resolved. For sending the report, make a tarball of this directory and
-send it directly to the current maintainer with a description of what you
-think is wrong.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Pascal Rigaux <> (original author and current maintainer),
-FranE<ccedil>ois Pons, Rafael Garcia-Suarez
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-urpmi.addmedia(8), urpmi.update(8), urpmi.removemedia(8), urpme(8),
-urpmf(8), urpmq(8), urpmi.cfg(5), urpmi.files(5), urpmi.recover(8).
-$Id: urpmi.8.pod 261993 2009-10-15 17:12:03Z cfergeau $