path: root/urpmi.bash-completion
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2007-04-24 19:34:32 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2007-04-24 19:34:32 +0000
commit4df7583caa71a35d6d68c373fc0c62d1be6d955b (patch)
treebddf36169b314d82ff20036dea7e47fa4fec5bcd /urpmi.bash-completion
parent7a606ec3537b2f465f8e06e99b445c756bfcca8f (diff)
re-sync after the big svn loss
Diffstat (limited to 'urpmi.bash-completion')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/urpmi.bash-completion b/urpmi.bash-completion
index 3bec9b53..10322fd2 100644
--- a/urpmi.bash-completion
+++ b/urpmi.bash-completion
@@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ _urpmq()
if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
# return list of available options
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-v -d -u -m -a -c -y -s -i -g \
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-v -d -u -m -a -c -y -s -i -g -p \
-r -f -h -l --help --update --media --excludemedia \
--sortmedia --synthesis --auto-select --fuzzy --keep --nokeep \
--list --list-url --list-media --list-nodes --list-aliases \
--src --sources --force --parallel --wget --curl --prozilla \
--changelog --proxy --proxy-user --env --dump-config \
- --whatrequires --whatrequires-recursive \
+ --whatprovides --whatrequires --whatrequires-recursive \
--use-distrib --searchmedia --ignorearch' -- $cur))
# return available packages (unless it is clearly a file) and rpm files
' href='#n134'>134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
package network::smb; # $Id$

use strict;
use diagnostics;

use common;
use fs;
use network::network;
use network::smbnfs;

our @ISA = 'network::smbnfs';

sub to_fstab_entry {
    my ($class, $e) = @_;
    my $part = $class->to_fstab_entry_raw($e, 'smbfs');
    if ($e->{server}{username}) {
	my ($options, $unknown) = fs::mount_options_unpack($part);
	$options->{"$_="} = $e->{server}{$_} foreach qw(username password domain);
	fs::mount_options_pack($part, $options, $unknown);
sub from_dev { 
    my ($_class, $dev) = @_;
    $dev =~ m|//(.*?)/(.*)|;
sub to_dev_raw {
    my ($_class, $server, $name) = @_;
    '//' . $server . '/' . $name;

sub check {
    my ($_class, $in) = @_;
    $in->do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed('samba-client', '/usr/bin/nmblookup');

sub smbclient {
    my ($server) = @_;
    my $name  = $server->{name} || $server->{ip};
    my $ip    = $server->{ip} ? "-I $server->{ip}" : '';
    my $group = $server->{group} ? " -W $server->{group}" : '';

    my $U = $server->{username} ? sprintf("%s/%s%%%s", @$server{'domain', 'username', 'password'}) : '%';
    `smbclient -U $U -L $name $ip$group`;

sub find_servers {
    my (undef, @l) = `nmblookup "*"`;
    s/\s.*\n// foreach @l;
    my @servers = grep { network::network::is_ip($_) } @l;
    my %servers;
    $servers{$_}{ip} = $_ foreach @servers;
    my ($ip, $browse);
    foreach (`nmblookup -A @servers`) {
	my $nb = /^Looking up status of (\S+)/ .. /^$/ or next;
	if ($nb == 1) {
	    $ip = $1;
	} elsif (/<00>/) {
	    $servers{$ip}{/<GROUP>/ ? 'group' : 'name'} ||= lc first(/(\S+)/);
	} elsif (/__MSBROWSE__/) {
	    $browse ||= $servers{$ip};
    if ($browse) {
	my %l;
	foreach (smbclient($browse)) {
	    my $nb = /^\s*Workgroup/ .. /^$/;
	    $nb > 2 or next;
	    my ($group, $name) = split(' ', lc($_));

	    # already done
	    next if any { $group eq $_->{group} } values %servers;

	    $l{$name} = $group;
	if (my @l = keys %l) {
	    foreach (`nmblookup @l`) {
		$servers{$1} = { name => $2, group => $l{$2} } if /(\S+)\s+([^<]+)<00>/;
    values %servers;

sub find_exports {
    my ($_class, $server) = @_;
    my @l;

    foreach (smbclient($server)) {
	/NT_STATUS_/ and die $_;
	my ($name, $type, $comment) = unpack "A15 A10 A*", $_;
	if (($name eq '---------' && $type eq '----' && $comment eq '-------') .. /^$/) {
	    push @l, { name => $name, type => $type, comment => $comment, server => $server }
	      if $type eq 'Disk' && $name !~ /\$$/ && $name !~ /NETLOGON|SYSVOL/;

sub authentications_available {
    my ($server) = @_;
    map { if_(/^auth.\Q$server->{name}.\E(.*)/, $1) } all("/etc/samba");

sub to_credentials {
    my ($server_name, $username) = @_;
    $username or die 'to_credentials';

sub fstab_entry_to_credentials {
    my ($part) = @_;    

    my ($server_name) = network::smb->from_dev($part->{device}) or return;

    my ($options, $unknown) = fs::mount_options_unpack($part);
    $options->{'username='} && $options->{'password='} or return;
    my %h = map { $_ => delete $options->{"$_="} } qw(username domain password);
    $h{file} = $options->{'credentials='} = to_credentials($server_name, $h{username});
    fs::mount_options_pack_($part, $options, $unknown), \%h;

sub remove_bad_credentials {
    my ($server) = @_;
    unlink to_credentials($server->{name}, $server->{username});

sub save_credentials {
    my ($credentials) = @_;
    my $file = $credentials->{file};
    output_with_perm("$::prefix$file", 0640, map { "$_ = $credentials->{$_}\n" } qw(username domain password));

sub read_credentials_raw {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my %h = map { /(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/ } cat_("$::prefix$file");

sub read_credentials {
    my ($server, $username) = @_;
    put_in_hash($server, read_credentials_raw(to_credentials($server->{name}, $username)));

sub write_smb_conf {
    my ($domain) = @_;

    #- was going to just have a canned config in samba-winbind
    #- and replace the domain, but sylvestre/buchan didn't bless it yet

    my $f = "$::prefix/etc/samba/smb.conf";
    rename $f, "$f.orig";
    output($f, "
	workgroup = $domain  
	server string = Samba Server %v
	security = domain  
	encrypt passwords = Yes
	password server = *
	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
	max log size = 50
	socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
	character set = ISO8859-15
	os level = 18
	local master = No
	dns proxy = No
	winbind uid = 10000-20000
	winbind gid = 10000-20000
	winbind separator = +
	template homedir = /home/%D/%U
	template shell = /bin/bash
	winbind use default domain = yes
