#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: gprintify 264358 2010-01-01 22:06:32Z guillomovitch $ # convert end of line patterns from DOS to UNIX use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use File::Temp; use File::Slurp; use List::MoreUtils qw(none); my $string_pattern = qr/ ^ ([^"]*) \$? " ( (?: \\. # an escaped character | # or [^\\"] # anything but a backslash or a quote )* ) " ([^>|\[\]]*|.*\|\|.*) $ /x; my $echo_pattern = qr/ ^ (.*) echo \s+ (-[en]+)? /x; my $initfunc_pattern = qr/ ( .* (?:action|success|failure|passed) \s* .* ) /x; my $var_pattern = qr/ (?, <$initrddir2/*>) { # skip everything but files next unless -f $file; # skip excluded files next if $exclude_pattern && $file =~ $exclude_pattern; my @lines = read_file($file); # skip scripts not sourcing /etc/init.d/functions next if none { m{\s* \. \s+ /etc/(rc.d/)?init.d/functions}x } @lines; # convert lines @lines = map { process_line($_) } @lines; # rewrite script open(my $out, '>', $file) or die "Unable to open file $file: $!"; print $out @lines; close($out); } } sub process_line { my ($line) = @_; if ($line =~ /$string_pattern/) { my $start = $1; my $string = $2; my $end = $3; my ($new_start, $string_end) = process_start($start); return $line if !$new_start; my ($new_string, $variables) = process_string($string); chomp $end; my $final = $new_start . $new_string . $string_end . $variables; if ($end =~ /$string_pattern/) { my $start2 = $1; my $string2 = $2; my $end2 = $2; my ($new_start2, $string_end2) = process_start($start2); return $final . $end . "\n" if !$new_start2; my ($new_string2, $variables2) = process_string($string2); my $final2 = $new_start2 . $new_string2 . $string_end2 . $variables2; return $final . $final2 . "\n"; } else { return $final . $end . "\n"; } } else { return $line; } } sub process_start { my ($start) = @_; if ($start =~ /$echo_pattern/) { my $before = $1; my $option = $2; my $new_start = $before . 'gprintf "'; my $string_end = ($option && $option eq '-n') ? '"' : '\\n"'; return ($new_start, $string_end); } if ($start =~ /$initfunc_pattern/) { return ($1 . '"', '"'); } return (); } sub process_string { my ($string) = @_; my $variables = ''; while ($string =~ m/$var_pattern/g) { $variables .= ' "' . $1 . '"'; } $string =~ s/$var_pattern/\%s/g; return ($string, $variables); } 1;