#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ # convert end of line patterns from DOS to UNIX use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use File::Temp; my $buildroot = $ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}; die "No build root defined" unless $buildroot; die "Invalid build root" unless -d $buildroot; # normalize build root $buildroot =~ s|/$||; my $exclude_pattern = join('|', map { '(:?' . quotemeta($_) . ')' } $ENV{EXCLUDE_FROM_EOL_CONVERSION} ? split(' ', $ENV{EXCLUDE_FROM_EOL_CONVERSION}) : () ); $exclude_pattern = qr/$exclude_pattern/; find(\&convert, $buildroot); sub convert { # reject symlinks return unless -f $_; # reject binary files return unless -T $_; # reject excluded files return if $File::Find::name =~ $exclude_pattern; # check if first line has less than 80 characters and ends with \r\n open(my $in, '<', $_) or die "Unable to open file $_: $!"; my $line = <$in>; if (length($line) <= 80 && $line =~ s/\r\n$/\n/) { # process all file my $out = File::Temp->new(DIR => '.', UNLINK => 0); print $out $line; while (defined ($line = <$in>)) { $line =~ s/\r\n$/\n/; print $out $line; } my $tmp = $out->filename; $out = undef; # rename file, taking care to keep original permissions my $perms = (stat $_)[2] & 07777; rename($tmp, $_) or die "Unable to rename $tmp to $_: $!"; chmod($perms, $_); } close($in); }