#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ use strict; use Test::More tests => 37; use Digest::MD5; use_ok('Packdrakeng'); -d "test" || mkdir "test" or die "Can't create directory test"; my $coin = q{ ___________ < Coin coin > ----------- \ ,~~. \ __( o ) `--'==( ___/) ( ( . / \ '-' / ~'`~'`~'`~'`~ }; sub clean_test_files { -d "test" or return; system("rm -fr $_") foreach (glob("test/*")); } sub create_test_files { my ($number) = @_; my %created; foreach my $n (1 .. $number||10) { my $size = int(rand(1024)); # push(@created, "test/$size"); system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=test/$size bs=1024 count=$size >/dev/null 2>&1"); open(my $h, "test/$size"); $created{"test/$size"} = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest; close $h; } %created } sub check_files { my %files = @_; my $ok = 1; foreach my $f (keys %files) { open(my $h, $f); Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest ne $files{$f} and do { print STDERR "$f differ\n"; $ok = 0; }; close $h; } $ok } ################################### # # # Test series, packing, unpacking # # # ################################### sub test_packing { my ($pack_param, $listfiles) = @_; ok(my $pack = Packdrakeng->new(%$pack_param), "Creating an archive"); $pack or return; ok($pack->add(undef, keys %$listfiles), "packing files"); $pack = undef; # closing the archive. clean_test_files(); ok($pack = Packdrakeng->open(%$pack_param), "Re-opening the archive"); $pack or die; ok($pack->extract(undef, keys(%$listfiles)), "extracting files"); ok(check_files(%$listfiles), "Checking md5sum for extracted files"); $pack = undef; } # Testing simple additionnal function: clean_test_files(); { my ($handle, $filename) = Packdrakeng::tempfile(); ok($handle && $filename, "can create temp file"); ok(-f $filename, "Temp file exists"); ok(print($handle $coin), "can write into file"); close($handle); unlink($filename); ok(Packdrakeng::mkpath('test/parent/child'), "can create dir like mkdir -p"); ok(-d 'test/parent/child', "the dir really exists"); } # Single test: { clean_test_files(); ok(my $pack = Packdrakeng->new(archive => "packtest.cz"), "Create a new archive"); open(my $fh, "+> test/test") or die "Can't open test file $!"; syswrite($fh, $coin); sysseek($fh, 0, 0); ok($pack->add_virtual('f', "coin", $fh), "Adding data from file"); close($fh); unlink("test/test"); ok($pack->add_virtual('d', "dir"), "Adding a dir"); ok($pack->add_virtual('l', "symlink", "dest"), "Adding a symlink"); $pack = undef; ok($pack = Packdrakeng->open(archive => "packtest.cz"), "Opening the archive"); ok($pack->extract("test", "dir"), "Extracting dir"); ok(-d "test/dir", "dir successfully restored"); ok($pack->extract("test", "symlink"), "Extracting symlink"); ok(readlink("test/symlink") eq "dest", "symlink successfully restored"); open($fh, "+> test/test") or die "Can't open file $!"; ok($pack->extract_virtual($fh, "coin"), "Extracting data"); sysseek($fh, 0, 0); sysread($fh, my $data, 1000); close($fh); ok($data eq $coin, "Data is correct"); } print "Test: using external cat function:\n"; clean_test_files(); test_packing({ archive => "packtest-cat.cz", compress => 'cat', uncompress => 'cat', noargs => 1 }, { create_test_files(30) }); clean_test_files(); print "Test: using internal gzip function:\n"; clean_test_files(); test_packing({ archive => "packtest-gzipi.cz" }, { create_test_files(30) }); clean_test_files(); print "Test: using external gzip function:\n"; clean_test_files(); test_packing({ archive => "packtest-gzip.cz", compress => "gzip", extern => 1}, { create_test_files(30) }); clean_test_files(); print "Test: using external bzip function:\n"; clean_test_files(); test_packing({ archive => "packtest-bzip2.cz", compress => "bzip2", extern => 1}, { create_test_files(30) }); clean_test_files();