package rpmtools; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); require DynaLoader; @ISA = qw(DynaLoader); $VERSION = '0.02'; bootstrap rpmtools $VERSION; =head1 NAME rpmtools - Mandrake perl tools to handle rpm files and hdlist files =head1 SYNOPSYS require rpmtools; my $params = new rpmtools; $params->read_hdlists("/export/Mandrake/base/", "/export/Mandrake/base/"); $params->read_rpms("/RPMS/rpmtools-2.1-5mdk.i586.rpm"); $params->compute_depslist(); $params->get_packages_installed("", \@packages, \@names); $params->get_all_packages_installed("", \@packages); $params->read_depslist(\*STDIN); $params->write_depslist(\*STDOUT); rpmtools::version_compare("1.0.23", "1.0.4"); =head1 DESCRIPTION C extend perl to manipulate hdlist file used by Linux-Mandrake distribution to compute dependancy file. =head1 SEE ALSO parsehdlist command is a simple hdlist parser that allow interactive mode use by DrakX upgrade algorithms. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut #- build an empty params struct that can be used to compute dependancies. sub new { my ($class, @tags) = @_; my %tags; @tags{@_} = (); bless { use_base_flag => 0, flags => [ qw(name version release size arch group requires provides), grep { exists $tags{$_} } qw(sense files obsoletes conflicts) ], info => {}, depslist => [], provides => {}, }, $class; } #- read one or more hdlist files, use packdrake for decompression. sub read_hdlists { my ($params, @hdlists) = @_; local (*I, *O); pipe I, O; if (my $pid = fork()) { close O; rpmtools::_parse_(fileno *I, $params->{flags}, $params->{info}, $params->{provides}); close I; waitpid $pid, 0; } else { close I; open STDOUT, ">&O" or die "unable to redirect output"; require packdrake; packdrake::cat_archive(@hdlists); close O; exit 0; } 1; } #- read one or more rpm files. sub read_rpms { my ($params, @rpms) = @_; foreach (@rpms) { rpmtools::_parse_($_, $params->{flags}, $params->{info}, $params->{provides}); } 1; } #- compute dependancies, result in stored in info values of params. #- operations are incremental, it is possible to read just one hdlist, compute #- dependancies and read another hdlist, and again. sub compute_depslist { my ($params) = @_; #- avoid recomputing already present infos, take care not to modify #- existing entries, as the array here is used instead of values of infos. my @info = grep { ! exists $_->{id} } values %{$params->{info}}; #- speed up the search by giving a provide from all packages. #- and remove all dobles for each one ! foreach (@info) { push @{$params->{provides}{$_->{name}} ||= []}, $_->{name}; } #- remove all dobles for each provides. foreach (keys %{$params->{provides}}) { $params->{provides}{$_} or next; my %provides; @provides{@{$params->{provides}{$_}}} = (); $params->{provides}{$_} = [ keys %provides ]; } #- take into account in which hdlist a package has been found. #- this can be done by an incremental take into account generation #- of depslist.ordered part corresponding to the hdlist. #- compute closed requires, do not take into account choices. foreach (@info) { my %required_packages; my @required_packages; my %requires; @requires{@{$_->{requires} || []}} = (); my @requires = keys %requires; while (my $req = shift @requires) { $req eq 'basesystem' and next; #- never need to requires basesystem directly as always required! what a speed up! ref $req or $req = $params->{provides}{$req} || ($req =~ /rpmlib\(/ ? [] : [ ($req !~ /NOTFOUND_/ && "NOTFOUND_") . $req ]); if (@$req > 1) { #- this is a choice, no closure need to be done here. exists $requires{$req} or push @required_packages, $req; $requires{$req} = undef; } else { #- this could be nothing if the provides is a file not found. #- and this has been fixed above. foreach (@$req) { my $info = $params->{info}{$_}; $required_packages{$_} = undef; $info or next; if ($info->{deps} && !$info->{requires}) { #- the package has been read from an ordered depslist file, and need #- to rebuild its requires tags, so it can safely be used here. my @rebuild_requires; foreach (split /\s+/, $info->{deps}) { if (/\|/) { push @rebuild_requires, [ map { $params->{depslist}[$_]{name} || $_ } split /\|/, $_ ]; } else { push @rebuild_requires, $params->{depslist}[$_]{name} || $_; } } $info->{requires} = \@rebuild_requires; } foreach (@{$info->{requires} || []}) { unless (exists $requires{$_}) { $requires{$_} = undef; push @requires, $_; } } } } } unshift @required_packages, keys %required_packages; delete $_->{requires}; #- affecting it directly make perl crazy, oops for rpmtools. TODO $_->{requires} = \@required_packages; } #- sort packages, expand choices and closure again. my %ordered; foreach (@info) { my %requires; my @requires = ($_->{name}); while (my $dep = shift @requires) { foreach (@{$params->{info}{$dep} && $params->{info}{$dep}{requires} || []}) { if (ref $_) { foreach (@$_) { unless (exists $requires{$_}) { $requires{$_} = undef; push @requires, $_; } } } else { unless (exists $requires{$_}) { $requires{$_} = undef; push @requires, $_; } } } } if ($_->{name} eq 'basesystem') { foreach (keys %requires) { $ordered{$_} += 10001; } } else { foreach (keys %requires) { ++$ordered{$_}; } } } #- setup, filesystem and basesystem should be at the beginning. @ordered{qw( readline termcap libtermcap bash sash glibc setup filesystem basesystem)} = (100000, 90000, 80000, 70000, 60000, 50000, 40000, 30000, 20000, 10000); #- compute base flag, consists of packages which are required without #- choices of basesystem and are ALWAYS installed. these packages can #- safely be removed from requires of others packages. foreach (@{$params->{info}{basesystem}{requires}}) { ref $_ or $params->{info}{$_} and $params->{info}{$_}{base} = undef; } #- give an id to each packages, start from number of package already #- registered in depslist. my $global_id = scalar @{$params->{depslist}}; foreach (sort { $ordered{$b->{name}} <=> $ordered{$a->{name}} } @info) { $_->{id} = $global_id++; } #- recompute requires to use packages id, drop any base packages or #- reference of a package to itself. foreach my $pkg (sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @info) { my %requires_id; my @requires_id; foreach (@{$pkg->{requires}}) { if (ref $_) { #- all choices are grouped together at the end of requires, #- this allow computation of dropable choices. my @choices_id; my $to_drop; foreach (@$_) { my ($id, $base) = $params->{info}{$_} ? ($params->{info}{$_}{id}, $params->{use_base_flag} && exists $params->{info}{$_}{base}) : ($_, 0); $to_drop ||= $id == $pkg->{id} || $requires_id{$id} || $pkg->{name} ne 'basesystem' && $base; push @choices_id, $id; } $to_drop or push @requires_id, \@choices_id; } else { my ($id, $base) = $params->{info}{$_} ? ($params->{info}{$_}{id}, $params->{use_base_flag} && exists $params->{info}{$_}{base}) : ($_, 0); $requires_id{$id} = $_; $id == $pkg->{id} || $pkg->{name} ne 'basesystem' && $base or push @requires_id, $id; } } #- cannot remove requires values as they are necessary for closure on incremental job. $pkg->{deps} = join(' ', map { join '|', @{ref $_ ? $_ : [$_]} } @requires_id); $pkg->{name} eq 'basesystem' and $params->{use_base_flag} = 1; push @{$params->{depslist}}, $pkg; } 1; } #- read depslist.ordered file, as if it was computed internally. sub read_depslist { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; my $global_id = scalar @{$params->{depslist}}; local $_; while (<$FILE>) { chomp; /^\s*#/ and next; my ($name, $version, $release, $size, $deps) = /^(\S*)-([^-\s]+)-([^-\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s*(.*)/; #- store values here according to it. push @{$params->{depslist}}, $params->{info}{$name} = { name => $name, version => $version, release => $release, size => $size, deps => $deps, id => $global_id++, }; } #- compute base flag, consists of packages which are required without #- choices of basesystem and are ALWAYS installed. these packages can #- safely be removed from requires of others packages. if ($params->{info}{basesystem} && ! exists $params->{info}{basesystem}{base}) { my @requires_id; foreach (split /\s+/, $params->{info}{basesystem}{deps}) { /\|/ or push @requires_id, $_; } foreach (@requires_id) { $params->{depslist}[$_] and $params->{depslist}[$_]{base} = undef; } $params->{info}{basesystem}{base} = undef; #- make sure. $params->{use_base_flag} = 1; } 1; } #- relocate depslist array to use only the most recent packages, #- reorder info hashes too in the same manner. sub relocate_depslist { my ($params) = @_; my $relocated_entries = 0; foreach (@{$params->{depslist} || []}) { if ($params->{info}{$_->{name}} != $_) { #- at this point, it is sure there is a package that #- is multiply defined and this should be fixed. #- first correct info hash, then a second pass on depslist #- is required to relocate its entries. my $cmp_version = version_compare($_->{version}, $params->{info}{$_->{name}}); if ($cmp_version > 0 || $cmp_version == 0 && version_compare($_->{release}, $params->{info}{$_->{name}}) > 0) { $params->{info}{$_->{name}} = $_; ++$relocated_entries; } } } if ($relocated_entries) { for (0 .. scalar(@{$params->{depslist}}) - 1) { my $pkg = $params->{depslist}[$_]; $params->{depslist}[$_] = $params->{info}{$pkg->{name}}; } } $relocated_entries; } #- write depslist.ordered file according to info in params. sub write_depslist { my ($params, $FILE, $min, $max) = @_; $min > 0 or $min = 0; defined $max && $max < scalar(@{$params->{depslist} || []}) or $max = scalar(@{$params->{depslist} || []}) - 1; $max >= $min or return; for ($min..$max) { my $pkg = $params->{depslist}[$_]; printf $FILE "%s-%s-%s %s %s\n", $pkg->{name}, $pkg->{version}, $pkg->{release}, $pkg->{size}, $pkg->{deps}; } 1; } #- fill params provides with files that can be used, it use the format for #- a provides file. sub read_provides_files { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; local $_; while (<$FILE>) { chomp; my ($k, @v) = split ':'; $k =~ /^\// and $params->{provides}{$k} ||= undef; } 1; } #- check if there has been a problem with reading hdlists or rpms #- to resolve provides on files. #- this is done by checking whether there exists a keys in provides #- hash where to value is null (and the key is a file). #- give the result as output. sub get_unresolved_provides_files { my ($params) = @_; my ($k, $v, @unresolved); while (($k, $v) = each %{$params->{provides}}) { $k =~ /^\// && ! defined $v and push @unresolved, $k; } @unresolved; } #- clean everything on provides but keep the files key entry on undef. #- this is necessary to try a second pass. sub keep_only_cleaned_provides_files { my ($params) = @_; foreach (keys %{$params->{provides}}) { /^\// ? $params->{provides}{$_} = undef : delete $params->{provides}{$_}; } #- clean everything else at this point. $params->{use_base_flag} = 0; $params->{info} = {}; $params->{depslist} = []; } #- read provides, first is key, after values. sub read_provides { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; local $_; while (<$FILE>) { chomp; my ($k, @v) = split ':'; $params->{provides}{$k} = @v > 0 ? \@v : undef; } } #- write provides, first is key, after values. sub write_provides { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; my ($k, $v); while (($k, $v) = each %{$params->{provides}}) { printf $FILE "%s\n", join ':', $k, @{$v || []}; } } #- read compss, look at DrakX for more info. sub read_compss { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; my $p; local $_; while (<$FILE>) { /^\s*$/ || /^#/ and next; s/#.*//; if (/^(\S.*)/) { $p = $1; } else { /(\S+)/; $params->{info}{$1} and $params->{info}{$1}{group} = $p; } } 1; } #- write compss. sub write_compss { my ($params, $FILE) = @_; my %p; foreach (values %{$params->{info}}) { $_->{group} or next; push @{$p{$_->{group}} ||= []}, $_->{name}; } foreach (sort keys %p) { print $FILE $_, "\n"; foreach (@{$p{$_}}) { print $FILE "\t", $_, "\n"; } print $FILE "\n"; } 1; } #- compare a version string, make sure no deadlock can occur. #- bug: "0" and "" are equal (same for "" and "0"), should be #- trapped by release comparison (unless not correct). sub version_compare { my ($a, $b) = @_; local $_; while ($a || $b) { my ($sb, $sa) = map { $1 if $a =~ /^\W*\d/ ? s/^\W*0*(\d+)// : s/^\W*(\D*)// } ($b, $a); $_ = length($sa) cmp length($sb) || $sa cmp $sb and return $_; $sa eq '' && $sb eq '' and return $a cmp $b; } } 1;