#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use packdrake; #- general information. my $default_size = 400000; my $default_ratio = 6; sub usage { die qq(packdrake version $packdrake::VERSION Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Mandrakesoft. This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. usage: --help - print this help message. --build - build archive with filenames given on standard input. -[1..9] - select appropriate compression ratio, $default_ratio by default. --dir - set source directory where to search files, "." by default. --size - set maximun chunk size, $default_size by default. --method - select standard compression command method, default is set according to archive filename, example is /bin/gzip or /usr/bin/bzip2. --compress - select compression command. --uncompress - select uncompression command. --extract - extract archive contents to directory , specific file to extract are given on command line. --uncompress - override uncompression method in archive . --list - list contents of archive. --cat - dump archive, only supported with gzip and bzip2, this write the contents of all file in archive. --quiet - quiet operation ); } my ($file, $mode, $dir, $size, $method, $compress, $uncompress, $ratio, $quiet); my @nextargv = (\$file); my @list; #- some quite useful error message. my $error_mode = "packdrake: choose only --build, --extract, --list or --cat\n"; foreach (@ARGV) { /^--help$/ and do { usage; next }; /^--build$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "build"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /^--extract$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "extract"; @nextargv = (\$file, \$dir); next }; /^--list$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "list"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /^--cat$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /^--dir$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$dir; next }; /^--size$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$size; next }; /^--method$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$method; next }; /^--compress$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$compress; next }; /^--uncompress$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$uncompress; next }; /^--quiet$/ and $quiet = 1, next; /^-(.*)$/ and do { foreach (split //, $1) { /[1-9]/ and do { $ratio = $_; next }; /b/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "build"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /x/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "extract"; @nextargv = (\$file, \$dir); next }; /l/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "list"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /c/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (\$file); next }; /d/ and do { push @nextargv, \$dir; next }; /s/ and do { push @nextargv, \$size; next }; /m/ and do { push @nextargv, \$method; next }; die qq(packdrake: unknown option "-$1", check usage with --help\n) } next }; $mode =~ /extract|list|cat/ or @nextargv or die qq(packdrake: unknown option "$_", check usage with --help\n); my $ref = shift @nextargv; $ref ? ($$ref = $_) : push @list, $_; $mode ||= "list"; } #- examine and lauch. $file or die "packdrake: no archive filename given, check usage with --help\n"; $size ||= $default_size; $ratio ||= $default_ratio; unless ($method) { $file =~ /\.cz$/ and $method = "gzip"; $file =~ /\.cz2$/ and $method = "bzip2"; } $compress ||= "$method -$ratio"; $uncompress ||= "$method -d"; $mode =~ /extract/ && !$dir && !@list and ($mode, @list) = ('list', $file); for ($mode) { /build/ and do { packdrake::build_archive(\*STDIN, $dir, $file, $size, $compress, $uncompress); last }; /extract/ and do { my $packer = new packdrake($file, quiet => $quiet); $packer->extract_archive($dir, @list); last; }; /list/ and do { packdrake::list_archive($file, @list); last }; /cat/ and do { packdrake::cat_archive($file, @list); last }; die "packdrake: internal error, unable to select right mode?\n"; } __END__