#!/usr/bin/perl (our $VERSION) = q(Id: genhdlist2 20460 2006-11-23 13:19:11Z pixel ) =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/; use URPM; use MDV::Packdrakeng; use Getopt::Long; main(); sub usage () { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage({ '-verbose' => 1 }); } sub main() { my %options; GetOptions( 'clean' => \$options{no_incremental}, 'no-bad-rpm' => \$options{no_bad_rpm}, 'no-md5sum' => \$options{no_md5sum}, 'file-deps=s' => \$options{file_deps}, 'h|help' => sub { usage(); exit 0 }, 'q|quiet' => sub { $options{verbose} = -1 }, 'v|verbose' => sub { $options{verbose}++ }, 'version' => sub { warn "$0 version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 }, ); @ARGV <= 1 or usage(); my $rpms_dir = $ARGV[0] || '.'; do_it($rpms_dir, %options); } # global vars my ($no_bad_rpm, $verbose); my $tmp_header; sub do_it { my ($rpms_dir, %options) = @_; $verbose = $options{verbose}; $no_bad_rpm = $options{no_bad_rpm}; my $media_info_dir = "$rpms_dir/media_info"; -e $media_info_dir || mkdir $media_info_dir or die "Can't mkdir $media_info_dir: $!n"; -d $media_info_dir && -w _ && -x _ or die "$media_info_dir isn't a writable directory, bailing out\n"; my $hdlist = "$media_info_dir/hdlist.cz"; my $synthesis = "$media_info_dir/synthesis.hdlist.cz"; my $lock_file = "$media_info_dir/UPDATING"; $tmp_header = "$media_info_dir/.tmp-header"; my $lock = lock_file($lock_file); $SIG{INT} = sub { unlink "$hdlist.tmp", "$synthesis.tmp", $tmp_header; unlink $lock_file if $lock; exit 1; }; END { unlink $lock_file if $lock } my @rpms = grep { /\.rpm$/ } all($rpms_dir); my %rpms_todo = map { /(.*)\.rpm/ => 1 } @rpms; my $urpm = new URPM; read_file_deps($urpm, $options{file_deps}) if $options{file_deps}; build_hdlist($urpm, \%rpms_todo, $hdlist, $rpms_dir, $options{no_incremental}); build_synthesis($urpm, "$synthesis.tmp"); if (1) { print "replacing $hdlist with $hdlist.tmp\n" if $verbose >= 0; rename "$hdlist.tmp", $hdlist or die "rename $hdlist failed: $?\n"; print "replacing $synthesis with $synthesis.tmp\n" if $verbose >= 0; rename "$synthesis.tmp", $synthesis or die "ERROR: this should not happen: rename $synthesis failed\n"; generate_md5sum($media_info_dir, $hdlist, $synthesis) if !$options{no_md5sum}; } } sub lock_file { my ($file) = @_; #- avoid putting a require on Fcntl ':flock' (which is perl and not perl-base). my ($LOCK_EX, $LOCK_NB) = (2, 4); print "locking $file\n" if $verbose > 0; open(my $lock, '>', $file) or die "lock_file $file failed\n"; flock $lock, $LOCK_EX|$LOCK_NB or die "another genhdlist2 already running\n"; $lock; } sub read_file_deps { my ($urpm, $file_deps) = @_; -r $file_deps or die "can't read $file_deps: $?\n"; foreach (cat_($file_deps)) { chomp; $urpm->{provides}{$_} = undef; } } sub build_hdlist { my ($urpm, $rpms_todo, $hdlist, $rpms_dir, $b_no_incremental) = @_; my $out = MDV::Packdrakeng->new( archive => "$hdlist.tmp", compress => "gzip", uncompress => "gzip -d", comp_level => 9, ) or die "Can't create archive"; if (-e $hdlist && !$b_no_incremental) { print "filtering $hdlist into $hdlist.tmp\n" if $verbose >= 0; filter_existing_hdlist($urpm, $rpms_todo, $hdlist, $out); } add_new_rpms_to_hdlist($urpm, $rpms_todo, $out, $rpms_dir); } sub filter_existing_hdlist { my ($urpm, $rpms_todo, $in_hdlist, $out) = @_; $urpm->parse_hdlist($in_hdlist, packing => 1, callback => sub { my (undef, $pkg) = @_; my $fullname = $pkg->fullname; if (delete $rpms_todo->{$fullname}) { print "keeping $fullname\n" if $verbose > 1; add_pkg_header($out, $pkg); 1; # do keep in memory } else { print "removing $fullname\n" if $verbose > 0; 0; # don't keep in memory } }); } sub add_new_rpms_to_hdlist { my ($urpm, $rpms_todo, $out, $rpms_dir) = @_; my @rpms = keys %$rpms_todo or return; print "adding ", join(' ', @rpms), "\n" if $verbose > 0; foreach (@rpms) { print "adding $_" if $verbose > 1; my $rpm = "$rpms_dir/$_.rpm"; my ($id, undef) = $urpm->parse_rpm($rpm); if (!defined $id) { if ($no_bad_rpm) { print STDERR "bad rpm $rpm\n"; next; } else { die "bad rpm $rpm\n"; } } my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$id]; add_pkg_header($out, $pkg); $pkg->pack_header; # for synthesis } } sub add_pkg_header { my ($out, $pkg) = @_; { open(my $fh, ">", $tmp_header); $pkg->build_header(fileno $fh); } { open(my $fh, "<", $tmp_header); $out->add_virtual('f', scalar($pkg->fullname), $fh); } unlink $tmp_header; } sub build_synthesis { my ($urpm, $synthesis) = @_; $urpm->build_synthesis( start => 0, end => $#{$urpm->{depslist}}, synthesis => $synthesis, ); } sub generate_md5sum { my ($media_info_dir, $hdlist, $synthesis) = @_; print "updating $media_info_dir/MD5SUM\n" if $verbose >= 0; my $m = `/usr/bin/md5sum '$hdlist' '$synthesis'`; open my $f, '>', "$media_info_dir/MD5SUM" or die "Can't write MD5SUM: $!\n"; print $f $m; } sub cat_ { my @l = map { my $F; open($F, '<', $_) ? <$F> : () } @_; wantarray() ? @l : join '', @l } sub all { my $d = shift; local *F; opendir F, $d or return; my @l = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir F; closedir F; @l; } __END__ =head1 NAME genhdlist2 - generates an hdlist and a synthesis file =head1 SYNOPSIS genhdlist2 [options] [dir] =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item --no-md5sum Do not generate MD5SUM file. =item --no-bad-rpm Do not abort on bad rpms. =item --clean Do not use existing hdlist.cz, build hdlist from scratch =item --quiet Quiet mode. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION F is used to generate an hdlist and an associated synthesis file from a set of RPM packages found in the directories passed on the command-line. By default it will put the hdlist and synthesis files in the current directory. =head1 SEE ALSO gendistrib(1), parsehdlist(1) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Mandriva SA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut