#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # #- Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Mandrakesoft (fpons@mandrakesoft.com) #- #- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) #- any later version. #- #- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #- GNU General Public License for more details. #- #- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use strict; use URPM; use URPM::Build; use Getopt::Long; my $urpm = new URPM; my ($noclean, $nohdlists, $nobasefiles, $nooutput, $dontdie, $nochkdep, $rootdistrib, @root, @hdlists) = (0, 0, 0, 0); my $headers_dir = (-d "$ENV{TMPDIR}" ? $ENV{TMPDIR} : -d "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" ? "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" : "/tmp") . "/.build_hdlist"; sub usage { print < sub { usage(); exit }, 'noclean' => \$noclean, 'distrib=s' => \$rootdistrib, 'headersdir=s' => \$headers_dir, 'fermetagueule|s' => \$nooutput, 'nochkdep' => \$nochkdep, 'nobadrpm' => \$dontdie, 'depslist=s' => \$urpmfiles{depslist}, 'provides=s' => \$urpmfiles{provides}, 'compss=s' => \$urpmfiles{compss}, 'hdlists=s' => \$urpmfiles{hdlists}, ); @root = grep { $_ } ($rootdistrib, @ARGV); @root > 0 or do { usage(); exit 1 }; my $root = $root[0]; my %default_urpmfiles = ( depslist => "$root/media/media_info/depslist.ordered", provides => "$root/media/media_info/provides", compss => "$root/media/media_info/compss", hdlists => "$root/media/media_info/hdlists", version => "$root/VERSION", md5sum => "$root/media/media_info/MD5SUM", ); while (my ($k, $v) = each(%default_urpmfiles)) { $urpmfiles{$k} ||= $v; } open F, $urpmfiles{hdlists} or die "unable to open $urpmfiles{hdlists}"; foreach () { chomp; s/\s*#.*$//; /^\s*$/ and next; m/^\s*(?:noauto:)?(hdlist\S*\.cz2?)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid hdlist description \"$_\" in hdlists file"; push @hdlists, { synthesis => "$root/media/media_info/synthesis.$1", hdlist => "$root/media/media_info/$1", dir => $2, descr => $3, }; } close F; sub clean_cache { system($ENV{LD_LOADER} ? $ENV{LD_LOADER} : @{[]}, "rm", "-rf", $headers_dir) unless $noclean; } clean_cache(); foreach (0..$#hdlists) { my $e = $hdlists[$_]; my $r; #- try to find the right repository where can be found the directory #- listed in the hdlist file. #- if the number of root is equal the number of medium, assume a medium #- foreach root, else try to find a valid root containing the medium. $r ||= $root[0]; if (scalar(@hdlists) == scalar(@root)) { $r = $root[$_]; } else { foreach (@root) { -d "$_/$e->{dir}" and $r = $_, last; } } #- fake build of architecture dependent directory. my @files; if ($e->{dir} =~ /%{ARCH}/) { foreach my $arch (qw(i686 i586 i486 i386 k8 k7 k6 amd64 amd32 x86_64 x86_32 ia64 ia32 ppc sparc sparc32 sparc64 alpha noarch)) { my $dir = $e->{dir}; $dir =~ s|%{ARCH}|$arch|g; push @files, glob("$r/$dir/*.$arch.rpm"); } } else { push @files, glob("$r/$e->{dir}/*.rpm"); } @files or die "unable to find rpm files in $e->{dir}\n"; print STDERR "parsing rpm files in directory $r/$e->{dir}\n" unless $nooutput; my @headers = $urpm->parse_rpms_build_headers(dir => $headers_dir, rpms => \@files, dontdie => $dontdie, silent => $nooutput); $e->{headers} = \@headers; } #- clean everything to start second pass. print STDERR "clean data for second pass\n" unless $nooutput; $urpm->unresolved_provides_clean; foreach (0..$#hdlists) { my $e = $hdlists[$_]; print STDERR "parsing headers for $e->{descr}\n" unless $nooutput; my ($start, $end) = $urpm->parse_headers(dir => $headers_dir, headers => $e->{headers}, dontdie => $dontdie, silent => $nooutput); print STDERR "computing deps\n" unless $nooutput; $urpm->compute_deps; print STDERR "building hdlist for medium \"$e->{descr}\"\n" unless $nooutput; $urpm->build_hdlist(start => $start, end => $end, dir => $headers_dir, hdlist => $e->{hdlist}, ratio => 9); print STDERR "building synthesis for medium \"$e->{descr}\n" unless $nooutput; $urpm->build_synthesis(start => $start, end => $end, synthesis => $e->{synthesis}); } clean_cache(); print STDERR "building base files\n" unless $nooutput; $urpm->build_base_files(depslist => $urpmfiles{depslist}, provides => $urpmfiles{provides}, compss => $urpmfiles{compss}); #- safety cleaning unlink $urpmfiles{md5sum}; #- check if there are NOTFOUND in dependancy, check if they are in other medium, warn the user. if ($nooutput || !$nochkdep) { foreach (0 .. $#{$urpm->{depslist}}) { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; foreach (split " ", $urpm->{deps}[$_]) { /NOTFOUND_(.*)/ or next; print STDERR $pkg->fullname . " requires [$1] which\n"; if ($urpm->{provides}{$1}) { print STDERR " is available on packages not listed in this medium or previous medium:\n"; foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$1}}) { my $dep_pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; print STDERR " " . $dep_pkg->fullname . "\n"; } } else { print STDERR " is not available in any medium listed\n"; if (/NOTFOUND_(\D*)(\d+[\.\-\d]*)?(.*)?\.so\./) { my $re = (quotemeta $1) . '(\d+[\.\-\d]*)' . (!$2 && "?") . '\.so\.'; foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}}) { /$re/ or next; print STDERR " but a similar provides is available as [$_], need rebuild ?\n"; } } } } } }