#!/usr/bin/perl #- Mandrake Distribution Checker. #- Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft (fpons@mandrakesoft.com) #- #- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) #- any later version. #- #- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #- GNU General Public License for more details. #- #- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #- check a whole distribution RPMS, SRPMS, compss and contribs associated : #- rpms dependancy check (including provides), script usage. #- srpms checking with version. #- contrib rpms dependancy check with rpms, script usage. #- contrib srpms checkig with version. #- compss checking, doublons, packages extension and size. #- options are : #- --distrib : distribution top directory. use strict qw(subs vars refs); #- passtest arrays (contains function for test). my @passtest = ( \&pass_get_hdlists, \&pass_check_filenames, ); #- pass function for getting all package and simple checking. sub pass_get_hdlists { my ($o) = @_; $o->{c}->("parsing hdlists from distrib $o->{root}."); local *F; open F, "$o->{root}/Mandrake/base/hdlists" or die "unable to open $o->{root}/Mandrake/base/hdlists"; foreach () { chomp; s/\s*#.*$//; /^\s*$/ and next; m/^\s*(hdlist\S*\.cz2?)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid hdlist description \"$_\" in hdlists file"; push @{$o->{hdlists}}, { synthesis => "$o->{root}/Mandrake/base/synthesis.$1", hdlist => "$o->{root}/Mandrake/base/$1", dir => $2, descr => $3 }; } close F; foreach (@{$o->{hdlists}}) { $o->{c}->("parsing hdlist $_->{hdlist}."); ($_->{start}, $_->{end}) = $o->parse_hdlist($_->{hdlist}); } $o->{c}->("found " . scalar(@{$o->{depslist}}) . " packages."); #- now the real works, check no more than one package is listed. #- use provides access to simplify. foreach my $pkg (@{$o->{depslist}}) { my ($self_found, $name_found) = (0, 0); foreach (keys %{$o->{provides}{$pkg->name}}) { my $p = $o->{depslist}[$_]; $p == $pkg and ++$self_found; $p->name eq $pkg->name and ++$name_found; } if ($self_found == 1 && $name_found == 1) { $o->{cok}->(); } else { $o->{cwarn}->("package ".$pkg->fullname." has same name as other packages."); } } } #- pass function for filenames checking, avoiding doublons of different files. sub pass_check_filenames { my ($o) = @_; $o->{c}->("check files of all packages, avoid multiple different definition of files without conflicts."); foreach my $pkg (@{$o->{depslist}}) { my %files; my @files = $pkg->files; my @md5sums = $pkg->files_md5sum; my @modes = $pkg->files_mode; my @sizes = $pkg->files_size; my @owners = $pkg->files_owner; my @groups = $pkg->files_group; foreach (0 .. $#files) { my $file = $files[$_]; my $key = join ' ', $md5sums[$_], $modes[$_], $sizes[$_], $owners[$_], $groups[$_]; if (exists $o->{files}{$file} && $o->{files}{$file}[1] ne $key) { #- check if package is marked as conflicting with this one. #- if this is the case, everything is right, else complains... my $p = $o->{files}{$file}[0]; my $ok = 0; my $provide_p = $p->name." == ".$p->epoch.":".$p->version."-".$p->release; foreach ($pkg->conflicts) { URPM::ranges_overlap($provide_p, $_) and $ok = 1, last; } my $provide_pkg = $pkg->name." == ".$pkg->epoch.":".$pkg->version."-".$pkg->release; foreach ($p->conflicts) { URPM::ranges_overlap($provide_pkg, $_) and $ok = 1, last; } $ok or push @{$files{$o->{files}{$file}[0]->fullname}}, $file; #- conflicting package name is used. } else { $o->{files}{$file} = [ $pkg, $key ] unless exists $o->{files}{$file}; } } #- print summary informations on conflicts. if (%files) { my $s = "conflict between ".$pkg->fullname." ..."; foreach (keys %files) { my @filenames = @{$files{$_}}; $s .= "\n ... and $_ on ". scalar @filenames ." file(s)"; if (scalar @filenames < 10) { $s .= ":"; foreach (@filenames) { $s .= "\n $_"; } } else { $s .= "."; } } $o->{cerr}->($s); } else { $o->{cok}->(); } } } #- main program. sub main { require URPM; my $o = new URPM; while (@_) { local $_ = shift; $_ eq '--distrib' and do { $o->{root} = shift; next }; die "usage: $0 --distrib "; } #- perform all test, $i is used for pass numbering. print "Starting tests..."; my $i = 1; foreach (@passtest) { my ($count_ok, $count_warn, $count_err) = (0, 0, 0); $o->{c} = sub { print "\nPASS$i: @_" if @_ }; $o->{cok} = sub { ++$count_ok; print "\nPASS$i: @_" if @_ }; $o->{cwarn} = sub { ++$count_warn; print "\nPASS$i: warning: @_" if @_ }; $o->{cerr} = sub { ++$count_err; print "\nPASS$i: error: @_" if @_ }; eval { &$_($o) }; if ($@) { $o->{c}->("exiting due to fatal: $@"); exit 1; } if ($count_ok < 0 || $count_warn < 0 || $count_err < 0) { $o->{c}->("fatal test result integrity, exiting."); exit 1; } $o->{c}->("completed [ok=$count_ok, warn=$count_warn, error=$count_err]\n"); ++$i; } } #- execute the tests. main(@ARGV);