##- Nanar ##- ##- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ##- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ##- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ##- any later version. ##- ##- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ##- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ##- GNU General Public License for more details. ##- ##- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ##- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ##- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package Packdrakeng; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(O_WRONLY O_TRUNC O_CREAT O_RDONLY O_APPEND); (our $VERSION) = q$Id$ =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/; my ($toc_header, $toc_footer) = ('cz[0', '0]cz'); # File::Temp qw(tempfile) hack to not require it sub tempfile { my ($count, $fname, $handle) = (0, undef, undef); do { ++$count > 10 and do { warn "Can't create temporary file ($fname)"; return (undef, undef); }; $fname = sprintf("%s/packdrakeng.%s.%s", $ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp', $$, # Generating an random name join("", map { $_=rand(51); $_ += $_ > 25 && $_ < 32 ? 91 : 65 ; chr($_) } (0 .. 4))); } while !sysopen($handle, $fname, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT); return ($handle, $fname); } # File::Path hack to not require it sub mkpath { my ($path) = @_; $path =~ s:/*$::; # removing leading '/' -d $path and return 1; # need parent creation ? if (index($path, '/') > 0) { mkpath(substr($path, 0, rindex($path, '/'))) or return 0; } mkdir($path) } sub _new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $pack = { filename => $options{archive}, compress_method => $options{compress}, uncompress_method => $options{uncompress}, force_extern => $options{extern} || 0, # Don't use perl-zlib use_extern => 1, # default behaviour, informative only noargs => $options{noargs}, # compression level, aka -X gzip or bzip option level => defined($options{comp_level}) ? $options{comp_level} : 6, # A compressed block will contain 400k of compressed data block_size => defined($options{block_size}) ? $options{block_size} : 400 * 1024, bufsize => $options{bufsize} || 65536, # Arbitrary buffer size to read files # Internal data handle => undef, # Archive handle # Toc information files => {}, # filename => { off, size, coff, csize } dir => {}, # dir => no matter what value 'symlink' => {}, # file => link coff => 0, # end of current compressed data # Compression sub subcompress => \&extern_compress, subuncompress => \&extern_uncompress, direct_write => 0, # Define if wrapper write directly in archive and not into temp file # Data we need keep in memory to achieve the storage current_block_files => {}, # Files in pending compressed block current_block_csize => 0, # Actual size in pending compressed block current_block_coff => 0, # The block block location (offset) current_block_off => 0, # Actual uncompressed file offset within the pending block cstream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (compression) ustream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (uncompression) # log and verbose function: log => $options{quiet} ? sub {} : sub { my @w = @_; $w[0] .= "\n"; printf STDERR @w }, debug => $options{debug} ? sub { my @w =@_; $w[0] = "Debug: $w[0]\n"; printf STDERR @w } : sub {}, }; bless($pack, $class) } sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $pack = _new($class, %options); sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or return undef; $pack->choose_compression_method(); $pack->{need_build_toc} = 1; $pack->{debug}->("Creating new archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.", $pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method}, $pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)"); $pack } sub open { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $pack = _new($class, %options); sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_RDONLY) or return undef; $pack->read_toc() or return undef; $pack->{debug}->("Opening archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.", $pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method}, $pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)"); $pack } # look $pack->{(un)compressed_method} and setup functions/commands to use # Have some facility about detecting we want gzip/bzip sub choose_compression_method { my ($pack) = @_; (!defined($pack->{compress_method}) && !defined($pack->{uncompress_method})) and $pack->{compress_method} = "gzip"; my $test_method = $pack->{compress_method} || $pack->{uncompress_method}; $test_method =~ m/^bzip2|^bunzip2/ and do { $pack->{compress_method} ||= "bzip2"; }; $test_method =~ m/^gzip|^gunzip/ and do { $pack->{compress_method} ||= "gzip"; if (!$pack->{force_extern}) { eval { require Compress::Zlib; #- need this to ensure that Packdrakeng::zlib will load properly require Packdrakeng::zlib; $pack->{subcompress} = \&Packdrakeng::zlib::gzip_compress; $pack->{subuncompress} = \&Packdrakeng::zlib::gzip_uncompress; $pack->{use_extern} = 0; $pack->{direct_write} = 1; }; } }; if (!$pack->{noargs}) { $pack->{uncompress_method} ||= "$pack->{compress_method} -d"; $pack->{compress_method} = $pack->{compress_method} ? "$pack->{compress_method} -$pack->{level}" : ""; } } sub DESTROY { my ($pack) = @_; $pack->{subuncompress}($pack, undef, undef); $pack->build_toc(); close($pack->{handle}) if $pack->{handle}; close($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}) if $pack->{ustream_data}{handle}; } # Flush current compressed block # Write sub build_toc { my ($pack) = @_; $pack->{need_build_toc} or return 1; $pack->end_block(); $pack->end_seek() or do { $pack->{log}("Can't seek into archive"); return 0; }; my ($toc_length, $cf, $cd, $cl) = (0, 0, 0, 0); foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'dir'}}) { $cd++; my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry . "\n") or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write toc into archive"); return 0; }; $toc_length += $w; } foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'symlink'}}) { $cl++; my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $entry, $pack->{'symlink'}{$entry})) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write toc into archive"); return 0; }; $toc_length += $w } foreach my $entry (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) { $cf++; my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry ."\n") or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write toc into archive"); return 0; }; $toc_length += $w; } foreach my $file (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) { my $entry = $pack->{files}{$file}; syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack('NNNN', $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size})) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write toc into archive"); return 0; }; } syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("a4NNNNa40a4", $toc_header, $cd, $cl, $cf, $toc_length, $pack->{uncompress_method}, $toc_footer)) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write toc into archive"); return 0; }; 1; } sub read_toc { my ($pack) = @_; sysseek($pack->{handle}, -64, 2) ; #or return 0; sysread($pack->{handle}, my $buf, 64);# == 64 or return 0; my ($header, $toc_d_count, $toc_l_count, $toc_f_count, $toc_str_size, $uncompress, $trailer) = unpack("a4NNNNZ40a4", $buf); $header eq $toc_header && $trailer eq $toc_footer or do { $pack->{log}("Error reading toc: wrong header/trailer"); return 0; }; $pack->{uncompress_method} ||= $uncompress; $pack->choose_compression_method(); sysseek($pack->{handle}, -64 - ($toc_str_size + 16 * $toc_f_count) ,2); sysread($pack->{handle}, my $fileslist, $toc_str_size); my @filenames = split("\n", $fileslist); sysread($pack->{handle}, my $sizes_offsets, 16 * $toc_f_count); my @size_offset = unpack("N" . 4*$toc_f_count, $sizes_offsets); foreach (1 .. $toc_d_count) { $pack->{dir}{shift(@filenames)} = 1; } foreach (1 .. $toc_l_count) { my $n = shift(@filenames); $pack->{'symlink'}{$n} = shift(@filenames); } foreach (1 .. $toc_f_count) { my $f = shift(@filenames); $pack->{files}{$f}{coff} = shift(@size_offset); $pack->{files}{$f}{csize} = shift(@size_offset); $pack->{files}{$f}{off} = shift(@size_offset); $pack->{files}{$f}{size} = shift(@size_offset); # looking for offset for this archive $pack->{files}{$f}{coff} + $pack->{files}{$f}{csize} > $pack->{coff} and $pack->{coff} = $pack->{files}{$f}{coff} + $pack->{files}{$f}{csize}; } $pack->{toc_f_count} = $toc_f_count; 1; } sub sort_files_by_packing { my ($pack, @files) = @_; sort { defined($pack->{files}{$a}) && defined($pack->{files}{$b}) ? ($pack->{files}{$a}{coff} == $pack->{files}{$b}{coff} ? $pack->{files}{$a}{off} <=> $pack->{files}{$b}{off} : $pack->{files}{$a}{coff} <=> $pack->{files}{$b}{coff}) : $a cmp $b } @files; } # Goto to the end of written compressed data sub end_seek { my ($pack) = @_; my $seekvalue = $pack->{direct_write} ? $pack->{coff} + $pack->{current_block_csize} : $pack->{coff}; sysseek($pack->{handle}, $seekvalue, 0) == $seekvalue } #- To terminate a compressed block, flush the pending compressed data, #- fill toc data still unknown sub end_block { my ($pack) = @_; $pack->end_seek() or return 0; my (undef, $csize) = $pack->{subcompress}($pack, undef); $pack->{current_block_csize} += $csize; foreach (keys %{$pack->{current_block_files}}) { $pack->{files}{$_} = $pack->{current_block_files}{$_}; $pack->{files}{$_}{csize} = $pack->{current_block_csize}; } $pack->{coff} += $pack->{current_block_csize}; $pack->{current_block_coff} += $pack->{current_block_csize}; $pack->{current_block_csize} = 0; $pack->{current_block_files} = {}; $pack->{current_block_off} = 0; } ####################### # Compression wrapper # ####################### sub extern_compress { my ($pack, $sourcefh) = @_; my ($insize, $outsize, $filesize) = (0, 0, 0); # aka uncompressed / compressed data length my $hout; # handle for gzip if (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) { $hout = $pack->{cstream_data}{hout}; $filesize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7]; } if (defined($sourcefh)) { if (!defined($pack->{cstream_data})) { my $hin; ($hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}) = tempfile(); close($hin); # ensure the flush $pack->{cstream_data}{pid} = CORE::open($hout, "|$pack->{compress_method} > $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}") or do { $pack->{log}("Unable to start $pack->{compress_method}"); return 0, 0; }; $pack->{cstream_data}{hout} = $hout; binmode $hout; } # until we have data to push or data to read while (my $length = sysread($sourcefh, my $data, $pack->{bufsize})) { # pushing data to compressor (my $l = syswrite($hout, $data)) == $length or do { $pack->{log}("Can't push all data to compressor"); }; $insize += $l; $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7]; } } elsif (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) { # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_block() close($hout); waitpid $pack->{cstream_data}{pid}, 0; sysopen(my $hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}, O_RDONLY) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't open temp block file"); return 0, 0; }; $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7]; unlink($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}); while (my $lenght = sysread($hin, my $data, $pack->{bufsize})) { (my $l = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $data)) == $lenght or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write all data in archive"); }; } close($hin); $pack->{cstream_data} = undef; } ($insize, $outsize - $pack->{current_block_csize}) } sub extern_uncompress { my ($pack, $destfh, $fileinfo) = @_; if (defined($pack->{ustream_data}) && ( !defined($fileinfo) || ($fileinfo->{coff} != $pack->{ustream_data}{coff} || $fileinfo->{off} < $pack->{ustream_data}{off}) )) { close($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}); unlink($pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}); # deleting temp file $pack->{ustream_data} = undef; } defined($fileinfo) or return 0; # We have to first extract the block to a temp file, burk ! if (!defined($pack->{ustream_data})) { my $tempfh; $pack->{ustream_data}{coff} = $fileinfo->{coff}; $pack->{ustream_data}{read} = 0; ($tempfh, $pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}) = tempfile(); my $cread = 0; while ($cread < $fileinfo->{csize}) { my $cl = sysread($pack->{handle}, my $data, $cread + $pack->{bufsize} > $fileinfo->{csize} ? $fileinfo->{csize} - $cread : $pack->{bufsize}) or do { $pack->{log}("Unexpected end of file"); close($tempfh); unlink($pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}); $pack->{ustream_data} = undef; return -1; }; $cread += $cl; syswrite($tempfh, $data) == length($data) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write all data into temp file"); close($tempfh); unlink($pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}); $pack->{ustream_data} = undef; return -1; }; } close($tempfh); my $cmd = $pack->{uncompress_method} eq 'gzip -d' || $pack->{uncompress_method} eq 'bzip2 -d' ? "$pack->{uncompress_method} -c '$pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}'" : "$pack->{uncompress_method} < '$pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}'"; CORE::open($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}, "$cmd |") or do { $pack->{log}("Can't start $pack->{uncompress_method} to uncompress data"); unlink($pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}); $pack->{ustream_data} = undef; return -1; }; binmode($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}); } my $byteswritten = 0; $pack->{ustream_data}{off} = $fileinfo->{off}; #my $read = 0; while ($byteswritten < $fileinfo->{size}) { my $data = $pack->{ustream_data}{buf}; $pack->{ustream_data}{buf} = undef; my $length; if (!defined($data)) { $length = sysread($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}, $data, $pack->{bufsize}) or do { $pack->{log}("Unexpected end of stream $pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}"); unlink($pack->{ustream_data}{tempname}); close($pack->{ustream_data}{handle}); $pack->{ustream_data} = undef; return -1; }; } else { $length = length($data); } if ($pack->{ustream_data}{read} < $fileinfo->{off} && $pack->{ustream_data}{read} + $length > $fileinfo->{off}) { $data = substr($data, $fileinfo->{off} - $pack->{ustream_data}{read}); } $pack->{ustream_data}{read} += $length; if ($pack->{ustream_data}{read} <= $fileinfo->{off}) { next } my $bw; if ($byteswritten + length($data) > $fileinfo->{size}) { $bw = $fileinfo->{size} - $byteswritten; $pack->{ustream_data}{buf} = substr($data, $bw); # keeping track of unwritten uncompressed data $pack->{ustream_data}{read} -= length($pack->{ustream_data}{buf}); } else { $bw = length($data); } syswrite($destfh, $data, $bw) == $bw or do { $pack->{log}("Can't write data into dest"); return -1; }; $byteswritten += $bw; } $byteswritten } ################### # Debug functions # ################### # This function extracts in $dest the whole block containing $file, can be useful for debugging sub extract_block { my ($pack, $dest, $file) = @_; sysopen(my $handle, $dest, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't open $dest"); return -1; }; sysseek($pack->{handle}, $pack->{files}{$file}->{coff}, 0) == $pack->{files}{$file}->{coff} or do { $pack->{log}("Can't seek to offset $pack->{files}{$file}->{coff}"); close($handle); return -1; }; { my $l; $l = sysread($pack->{handle}, my $buf, $pack->{files}{$file}->{csize}) == $pack->{files}{$file}->{csize} or $pack->{log}("Read only $l / $pack->{files}{$file}->{csize} bytes"); syswrite($handle, $buf); } foreach ($pack->sort_files_by_packing(keys %{$pack->{files}})) { $pack->{files}{$_}{coff} == $pack->{files}{$file}->{coff} or next; } close($handle); } ################################## # Really working functions # # Aka function people should use # ################################## sub add_virtual { my ($pack, $type, $filename, $data) = @_; $type eq 'l' and do { $pack->{'symlink'}{$filename} = $data; $pack->{need_build_toc} = 1; return 1; }; $type eq 'd' and do { $pack->{dir}{$filename}++; $pack->{need_build_toc} = 1; return 1; }; $type eq 'f' and do { # Be sure we are at the end, allow extract + add in only one instance $pack->end_seek() or do { $pack->{log}("Can't seek to offset $pack->{coff}"); next; }; my ($size, $csize) = $pack->{subcompress}($pack, $data); $pack->{current_block_files}{$filename} = { size => $size, off => $pack->{current_block_off}, coff => $pack->{current_block_coff}, csize => -1, # Still unknown, will be fill by end_block }; # Storing in toc structure availlable info # Updating internal info about current block $pack->{current_block_off} += $size; $pack->{current_block_csize} += $csize; $pack->{need_build_toc} = 1; if ($pack->{block_size} > 0 && $pack->{current_block_csize} >= $pack->{block_size}) { $pack->end_block(); } return 1; }; 0 } sub add { my ($pack, $prefix, @files) = @_; $prefix ||= ""; foreach my $file (@files) { $file =~ s://+:/:; my $srcfile = $prefix ? "$prefix/$file" : $file; $pack->{debug}->("Adding '%s' as '%s' into archive", $srcfile, $file); -l $srcfile and do { $pack->add_virtual('l', $file, readlink($srcfile)); next; }; -d $srcfile and do { # dir simple case $pack->add_virtual('d', $file); next; }; -f $srcfile and do { sysopen(my $htocompress, $srcfile, O_RDONLY) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't add $srcfile: $!"); next; }; $pack->add_virtual('f', $file, $htocompress); close($htocompress); next; }; $pack->{log}("Can't pack $srcfile"); } 1; } sub extract_virtual { my ($pack, $destfh, $filename) = @_; defined($pack->{files}{$filename}) or return -1; sysseek($pack->{handle}, $pack->{files}{$filename}->{coff}, 0) == $pack->{files}{$filename}->{coff} or do { $pack->{log}("Can't seek to offset $pack->{files}{$filename}->{coff}"); return -1; }; $pack->{subuncompress}($pack, $destfh, $pack->{files}{$filename}); } sub extract { my ($pack, $destdir, @files) = @_; foreach my $f ($pack->sort_files_by_packing(@files)) { my $dest = $destdir ? "$destdir/$f" : "$f"; my ($dir) = $dest =~ m!(.*)/.*!; if (exists($pack->{dir}{$f})) { -d $dest || mkpath($dest) or $pack->{log}("Unable to create dir $dest: $!"); next; } elsif (exists($pack->{'symlink'}{$f})) { -d $dir || mkpath($dir) or $pack->{log}("Unable to create dir $dest: $!"); -l $dest and unlink $dest; symlink($pack->{'symlink'}{$f}, $dest) or $pack->{log}("Unable to extract symlink $f: $!"); next; } elsif (exists($pack->{files}{$f})) { -d $dir || mkpath($dir) or do { $pack->{log}("Unable to create dir $dir"); }; if (-l $dest) { unlink($dest) or do { $pack->{log}("Can't remove link $dest: $!"); next; # Don't overwrite a file because where the symlink point to }; } sysopen(my $destfh, $dest, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY) or do { $pack->{log}("Unable to extract $dest"); next; }; my $written = $pack->extract_virtual($destfh, $f); $written == -1 and $pack->{log}("Unable to extract file $f"); close($destfh); next; } else { $pack->{log}("Can't find $f in archive"); } } 1; } # Return \@dir, \@files, \@symlink list sub getcontent { my ($pack) = @_; return( [ keys(%{$pack->{dir}})], [ $pack->sort_files_by_packing(keys %{$pack->{files}}) ], [ keys(%{$pack->{'symlink'}}) ] ); } sub infofile { my ($pack, $file) = @_; if (defined($pack->{files}{$file})) { return ('f', $pack->{files}{$file}{size}); } elsif (defined($pack->{'symlink'}{$file})) { return ('l', $pack->{'symlink'}{$file}); } elsif (defined($pack->{dir}{$file})) { return ('d', undef); } else { return(undef, undef); } } sub list { my ($pack, $handle) = @_; $handle ||= *STDOUT; foreach my $file (keys %{$pack->{dir}}) { printf "d %13c %s\n", ' ', $file; } foreach my $file (keys %{$pack->{'symlink'}}) { printf "l %13c %s -> %s\n", ' ', $file, $pack->{'symlink'}{$file}; } foreach my $file ($pack->sort_files_by_packing(keys %{$pack->{files}})) { printf "f %12d %s\n", $pack->{files}{$file}{size}, $file; } } # Print toc info sub dumptoc { my ($pack, $handle) = @_; $handle ||= *STDOUT; foreach my $file (keys %{$pack->{dir}}) { printf $handle "d %13c %s\n", ' ', $file; } foreach my $file (keys %{$pack->{'symlink'}}) { printf $handle "l %13c %s -> %s\n", ' ', $file, $pack->{'symlink'}{$file}; } foreach my $file ($pack->sort_files_by_packing(keys %{$pack->{files}})) { printf $handle "f %d %d %d %d %s\n", $pack->{files}{$file}{size}, $pack->{files}{$file}{off}, $pack->{files}{$file}{csize}, $pack->{files}{$file}{coff}, $file; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Packdrakeng - Simple Archive Extractor/Builder =head1 SYNOPSIS use Packdrakeng; # creating an archive $pack = Packdrakeng->new(archive => "myarchive.cz"); # Adding a few files $pack->add("/path/", "file1", "file2"); # Adding an unamed file open($handle, "file"); $pack->add_virtual("filename", $handle); close($handle); $pack = undef; # extracting an archive $pack = Packdrakeng->open(archive => "myarchive.cz"); # listing files $pack->list(); # extracting few files $pack->extract("/path/", "file1", "file2"); # extracting data into a file handle open($handle, "file"); $pack->extract_virtual($handle, "filename"); close($handle); =head1 DESCRIPTION C is a simple indexed archive builder and extractor using standard compression methods. This module is a from scratch rewrite of the original packdrake. Its format is fully compatible with old packdrake. =head1 IMPLEMENTATION Compressed data are stored by block. For example, UncompresseddatA1UncompresseddatA2 UncompresseddatA3UncompresseddatA4 |--- size 1 ---||--- size 2 ---| |--- size 3 ---||--- size 4 ---| |<-offset1 |<-offset2 |<-offset3 |<-offset4 gives: CompresseD1CompresseD2 CompresseD3CompresseD4 |--- c. size 1, 2 ---| |--- c. size 3, 4 ---| |<-c. offset 1, 2 |<-c. offset 3, 4 A new block is started when its size exceeds the C value. Compressed data are followed by the toc, ie a simple list of packed files. Each file name is terminated by the "\n" character: dir1 dir2 ... dirN symlink1 point_file1 symlink2 point_file2 ... ... symlinkN point_fileN file1 file2 ... fileN The file sizes follows, 4 values are stored for each file: offset into archive of compressed block, size of compressed block, offset into block of the file and the file's size. Finally the archive contains a 64-byte trailer, about the toc and the archive itself: 'cz[0', strings 4 bytes number of directory, 4 bytes number of symlinks, 4 bytes number of files, 4 bytes the toc size, 4 bytes the uncompression command, string of 40 bytes length '0]cz', string 4 bytes =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 2 =item B Creates a new archive. Options: =over 4 =item archive The file name of the archive. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created, else it will be owerwritten. See C. =item compress The application to use to compress, if unspecified, gzip is used. =item uncompress The application used to extract data from archive. This option is useless if you're opening an existing archive (unless you want to force it). If unset, this value is based on compress command followed by '-d' argument. =item extern If you're using gzip, by default Packdrakeng will use perl-zlib to save system ressources. This option forces Packdrakeng to use the external gzip command. This has no meaning with other compress programs as internal functions are not implemented yet. =item comp_level The compression level passed as an argument to the compression program. By default, this is set to 6. =item block_size The limit size after which we start a new compressed block. The default value is 400KB. Set it to 0 to be sure a new block will be started for each packed files, and -1 to never start a new block. Be aware that a big block size will slow down the file extraction. =item quiet Do not output anything, shut up. =item debug Print debug messages. =back =item B Opens an existing archive for extracting or adding files. The uncompression command is found into the archive, and the compression command is deduced from it. If you add files, a new compressed block will be started even if the last block is smaller than C. If some compression options can't be found in the archive, the new preference will be applied. Options are same than the C function. =item B<< Packdrakeng->add_virtual($type, $filename, $data) >> Add a file into archive according passed information. $type gives the type of the file: - 'd', the file will be a directory, store as '$filename'. $data is not use; - 'l', the file will be a symlink named $filename, pointing to the file whose path is given by the string $data; - 'f', the file is a normal file, $filename will be its name, $data is an handle to open file, data will be read from current position to the end of file. =item B<< Packdrakeng->add($prefix, @files) >> Add @files into archive located into $prefix. Only directory, files and symlink will be added. For each file, the path should be relative to $prefix and is stored as is. =item B<< Packdrakeng->extract_virtual(*HANDLE, $filename) >> Extract $filename data from archive into the *HANDLE. $filename should be a normal file. =item B<< Packdrakeng->extract($destdir, @files) >> Extract @files from the archive into $destdir prefix. =item B<< Packdrakeng->getcontent() >> Return 3 arrayref about found files into archive, respectively directory list, files list and symlink list. =item B<< Packdrakeng->infofile($file) >> Return the type and information about a file into the archive. - return 'f' and the the size of the file for a plain file - return 'l' and the point file for a link - return 'd' and undef for a directory - return undef if the file can't be found into archive. =item B<< Packdrakeng->infofile($handle) >> Print to $handle (STDOUT if not specified) the content of the archive. =item B<< Packdrakeng->dumptoc($handle) >> Print to $handle (STDOUT if not specified) the table of content of the archive. =back =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =cut