##- Nanar ##- ##- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ##- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ##- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ##- any later version. ##- ##- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ##- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ##- GNU General Public License for more details. ##- ##- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ##- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ##- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package Distribconf; (our $VERSION) = q$Id$ =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/; =head1 NAME Distribconf - perl module to get config from a Mandriva Linux distribution tree =head1 SYNOPSIS use Distribconf; my $d = Distribconf->new("/path/to/the/distribution/root"); $d->load() == 0 or die "This doesn't seem to be a distribution tree\n"; print $d->getpath(undef, "root") ."\n"; foreach ($d->listmedia) { printf "%s -> %s\n", $d->getpath($_, "hdlist"), $d->getpath($_, path); } =head1 DESCRIPTION Distribconf is a module to get/write the configuration of a Mandriva Linux distribution tree. This configuration is stored in a file called F, aimed at replacing the old-style F file. The format of the F file is limited and doesn't allow to add new values without breaking compatibility, while F is designed for extensibility. To keep compatibility with old tools, this module is able to generate an F file based on F. This module is able to manage both configuration of old-style trees (F for OS versions 10.0 and older) and of new-style ones (F for 10.1 and newer). =head1 media.cfg The F is structured like a classical F<.ini> file. All parameters are optional; this means that a readable empty file is ok, if this is what you want :) F contains sections, each section corresponding to a media, except the C<[media_info]> section wich is used to store global info. The section name is the (relative) path where the rpms are located. It is sufficient to uniquely identify a media. Some values have specific signification: =over 4 =item media specific values: =over 4 =item B The path or basename of the hdlist. By default, this is C, with slashes and spaces being replaced by '_'. =item B The path or basename of the synthesis. By default, this is the hdlist name prefixed by C. =item B The path or basename of the gpg public key file. By default, this is the media name prefixed by C. =item B A human-readable name for the media. By default this is the media path (that is, the section name), where slashes have been replaced by underscores. =back =item global specific values: =over 4 =item B OS version. =item B OS branch (cooker, etc.) =item B Media target architecture. =item B The root path of the distribution tree. This value is not set in F, can't be owerwritten, and is only used internally. =item B The default path relative to the 'root' path where media are located. Distribconf is supposed to configure this automatically to C or to C, depending on the OS version. =item B The default path relative to the 'root' path where distrib metadata are located. Distribconf is supposed to configure this automatically to C or to C, depending on the OS version. =back =back For the paths of the hdlist and synthesis files, if only a basename is provided, the path is assumed to be relative to the mediadir or infodir. (hdlist and synthesis are created in both directories.) If it's a complete path, it's assumed to be relative to the 'root'. For example, hdlist.cz -> //hdlist.cz ./hdlist.cz -> /./hdlist.cz Here's a complete example of a F file: # Comment [media_info] # some tools can use those values version=2006.0 branch=cooker [main] hdlist=hdlist_main.cz name=Main [../SRPMS/main] hdlist=hdlist_main.src.cz name=Main Sources noauto=1 [contrib] hdlist=hdlist_contrib.cz name=Contrib [../SRPMS/contrib] hdlist=hdlist_contrib.src.cz name=Contrib Sources noauto=1 =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use warnings; use Config::IniFiles; =head2 Distribconf->new($root) Returns a new Distribconf object, C<$root> being the top level directory of the tree. =cut sub new { my ($class, $path) = @_; my $distrib = { root => $path, medium => {}, cfg => new Config::IniFiles( -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1), }; bless($distrib, $class); } =head2 $distrib->load() Finds and loads the configuration of the distrib: locate the path where information is found; if available loads F, if available loads F. Returns 0 on success, 1 if no directory containing media information is found, 2 if no F, neither F files are found. See also L, L and L. =cut sub load { my ($distrib) = @_; $distrib->loadtree() or return 1; $distrib->parse_mediacfg() || $distrib->parse_hdlists() or return 2; return 0; } =head2 $distrib->loadtree() Tries to find a valid media information directory, and set infodir and mediadir. Returns 1 on success, 0 if no media information directory was found. =cut sub loadtree { my ($distrib) = @_; if (-d "$distrib->{root}/media/media_info") { $distrib->{infodir} = "media/media_info"; $distrib->{mediadir} = "media"; } elsif (-d "$distrib->{root}/Mandrake/base") { $distrib->{infodir} = "Mandrake/base"; $distrib->{mediadir} = "Mandrake"; } else { return 0; } return 1; } =head2 $distrib->parse_hdlists($hdlists) Reads the F file whose path is given by the parameter $hdlist, or, if no parameter is specified, the F file found in the media information directory of the distribution. Returns 1 on success, 0 if no F can be found or parsed. =cut sub parse_hdlists { my ($distrib, $hdlists) = @_; $hdlists ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/hdlists"; open my $h_hdlists, "<", $hdlists or return 0; $distrib->{cfg} = new Config::IniFiles( -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1); my $i = 0; foreach (<$h_hdlists>) { s/#.*//; s/^\s*//; chomp; length or next; my ($options, %media); ($options, @media{qw/hdlist path name size/}) = /^\s*(?:(.*):)?(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^(]*)(?:\s+\((\w+)\))?$/; if ($options) { $media{$_} = 1 foreach split /:/, $options; } $media{name} =~ s/\s*$//; $media{path} =~ s!^$distrib->{mediadir}/+!!; foreach (qw/hdlist name size/, $options ? split(/:/, $options) : ()) { $distrib->{cfg}->newval($media{path}, $_, $media{$_}) or die "Can't set value [$_]\n"; } } close($h_hdlists); return 1; } =head2 $distrib->parse_version($fversion) Reads the F file whose path is given by the parameter $fversion, or, if no parameter is specified, the F file found in the media information directory of the distribution. Returns 1 on success, 0 if no F can be found or parsed. =cut sub parse_version { my ($distrib, $fversion) = @_; $fversion ||= $distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'VERSION'); open my $h_ver, "<", $fversion or return 0; my $l = <$h_ver>; close $h_ver; chomp $l; my ($version, $branch, $product, $arch) = $l =~ /^(?:mandrake|mandriva) ?linux\s+(\w+)\s+([^- ]*)-([^- ]*)-([^- ]*)/i; $distrib->{cfg}->newval('media_info', 'version', $version); $distrib->{cfg}->newval('media_info', 'branch', $branch); $distrib->{cfg}->newval('media_info', 'product', $product); $distrib->{cfg}->newval('media_info', 'arch', $arch); return 1; } =head2 $distrib->parse_mediacfg($mediacfg) Reads the F file whose path is given by the parameter $mediacfg, or, if no parameter is specified, the F file found in the media information directory of the distribution. Returns 1 on success, 0 if no F can be found or parsed. =cut sub parse_mediacfg { my ($distrib, $mediacfg) = @_; $mediacfg ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/media.cfg"; (-f $mediacfg && -r _) && ($distrib->{cfg} = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $mediacfg, -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1)) or return 0; return 1; } =head2 $distrib->listmedia() Returns an array of existing media in the configuration =cut sub listmedia { my ($distrib) = @_; return grep { $_ ne 'media_info' } $distrib->{cfg}->Sections; } =head2 $distrib->getvalue($media, $var) Returns the $var value for $media, or C if the value is not set. If $var is "name", "hdlist" or "synthesis", and if the value is not explicitly defined, the return value is expanded from $media. If $media is "media_info" or C, you'll get the global value. This function doesn't take care about path, see L. =cut sub getvalue { my ($distrib, $media, $var) = @_; $media ||= 'media_info'; my $default = ""; for ($var) { /^synthesis$/ and $default = 'synthesis.' . lc($distrib->getvalue($media, 'hdlist')); /^hdlist$/ and $default = 'hdlist_' . lc($distrib->getvalue($media, 'name')) . '.cz'; /^pubkey$/ and $default = 'pubkey_' . lc($distrib->getvalue($media, 'name')); /^name$/ and $default = $media; $default =~ s![/ ]+!_!g; /^path$/ and return $media; /^root$/ and return $distrib->{root}; /^VERSION$/ and do { $default = 'VERSION'; last }; /^product$/ and do { $default = 'Download'; last }; /^(?:tag|branch)$/ and do { $default = ''; last }; /^(?:media|info)dir$/ and do { $default = $distrib->{$var}; last }; } return $distrib->{cfg}->val($media, $var, $default); } =head2 $distrib->getpath($media, $var) Gives relative path of $var from the root of the distrib. This function is useful to know where files are actually located. It takes care of location of media, location of index files, and paths set in the configuration. =cut sub getpath { my ($distrib, $media, $var) = @_; my $val = $distrib->getvalue($media, $var); $var =~ /^(?:root|VERSION)$/ and return $val; return ($val =~ m!/! ? "" : ($var eq 'path' ? $distrib->{mediadir} : $distrib->{infodir} ) . "/") . $val; } =head2 $distrib->getfullpath($media, $var) Does the same thing than getpath(), but the return value will be prefixed by the 'root' path. This is a shortcut for: $distrib->getpath(undef, 'root') . '/' . $distrib->getpath($media, $var). =cut sub getfullpath { my $distrib = shift; return $distrib->getpath(undef, 'root') . '/' . $distrib->getpath(@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO gendistrib(1) =head1 AUTHOR The code has been written by Olivier Thauvin and is currently maintained by Rafael Garcia-Suarez . Thanks to Sylvie Terjan for the spell checking. =cut