path: root/Packdrakeng.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'Packdrakeng.pm')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/Packdrakeng.pm b/Packdrakeng.pm
index f0d94c7..16e2c9d 100644
--- a/Packdrakeng.pm
+++ b/Packdrakeng.pm
@@ -21,16 +21,11 @@ use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Path;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
-use Compress::Zlib;
(our $VERSION) = q$Id$ =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/;
my ($toc_header, $toc_footer) =
('cz[0', '0]cz');
-my $gzip_header = pack("C" . Compress::Zlib::MIN_HDR_SIZE,
- Compress::Zlib::MAGIC1, Compress::Zlib::MAGIC2,
- Compress::Zlib::Z_DEFLATED(), 0,0,0,0,0,0, Compress::Zlib::OSCODE);
-my $gzip_header_len = length($gzip_header);
sub _new {
@@ -120,10 +115,13 @@ sub choose_compression_method {
$test_method =~ m/^gzip|^gunzip/ and do {
$pack->{compress_method} ||= "gzip";
if (!$pack->{force_extern}) {
- $pack->{subcompress} = \&gzip_compress;
- $pack->{subuncompress} = \&gzip_uncompress;
- $pack->{use_extern} = 0;
- $pack->{direct_write} = 1;
+ eval { require Packdrakeng::zlib; };
+ if (! $@) {
+ $pack->{subcompress} = \&Packdrakeng::zlib::gzip_compress;
+ $pack->{subuncompress} = \&Packdrakeng::zlib::gzip_uncompress;
+ $pack->{use_extern} = 0;
+ $pack->{direct_write} = 1;
+ }
if (!$pack->{noargs}) {
@@ -382,125 +380,6 @@ sub extern_uncompress {
-sub gzip_compress {
- my ($pack, $sourcefh) = @_;
- my ($insize, $outsize) = (0, 0); # aka uncompressed / compressed data length
- # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_block()
- # EOF, flush compress stream, adding crc
- if (!defined($sourcefh)) {
- if (defined($pack->{cstream_data}{object})) {
- my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->flush();
- $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $cbuf);
- $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("V V", $pack->{cstream_data}{crc}, $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->total_in()));
- }
- $pack->{cstream_data} = undef;
- return(undef, $outsize);
- }
- if (!defined $pack->{cstream_data}{object}) {
- # Writing gzip header file
- $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $gzip_header);
- $pack->{cstream_data}{object} = deflateInit(
- -Level => $pack->{level},
- # Zlib do not create gzip header, except with this flag
- -WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS(),
- );
- }
- binmode $sourcefh;
- while (my $lenght = sysread($sourcefh, my $buf, $pack->{bufsize})) {
- $pack->{cstream_data}{crc} = crc32($buf, $pack->{cstream_data}{crc});
- my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->deflate($buf);
- $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $cbuf);
- $insize += $lenght;
- }
- ($insize, $outsize)
-sub gzip_uncompress {
- my ($pack, $destfh, $fileinfo) = @_;
- my $x = inflateInit(
- -WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS(),
- );
- my $cread = 0; # Compressed data read
- {
- my $buf;
- # get magic
- if (sysread($pack->{handle}, $buf, 2) == 2) {
- my @magic = unpack("C*", $buf);
- $magic[0] == Compress::Zlib::MAGIC1 && $magic[1] == Compress::Zlib::MAGIC2 or do {
- warn("Wrong magic header found");
- return -1;
- };
- } else {
- warn("Unexpect end of file while reading magic");
- return -1;
- }
- my ($method, $flags);
- if (sysread($pack->{handle}, $buf, 2) == 2) {
- ($method, $flags) = unpack("C2", $buf);
- } else {
- warn("Unexpect end of file while reading flags");
- return -1;
- }
- if (sysread($pack->{handle}, $buf, 6) != 6) {
- warn("Unexpect end of file while reading gzip header");
- return -1;
- }
- $cread += 12; #Gzip header fixed size is already read
- if ($flags & 0x04) {
- if (sysread($pack->{handle}, $buf, 2) == 2) {
- my $len = unpack("I", $buf);
- $cread += $len;
- if (sysread($pack->{handle}, $buf, $len) != $len) {
- warn("Unexpect end of file while reading gzip header");
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- warn("Unexpect end of file while reading gzip header");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- my $byteswritten = 0;
- my $read = 0; # uncompressed data read
- while ($byteswritten < $fileinfo->{size}) {
- my $cl=sysread($pack->{handle}, my $buf,
- $cread + $pack->{bufsize} > $fileinfo->{csize} ?
- $fileinfo->{csize} - $cread :
- $pack->{bufsize}) or do {
- warn("Enexpected end of file");
- return -1;
- };
- $cread += $cl;
- my ($out, $status) = $x->inflate(\$buf);
- $status == Z_OK || $status == Z_STREAM_END or do {
- warn("Unable to uncompress data");
- return -1;
- };
- my $l = length($out) or next;
- if ($read < $fileinfo->{off} && $read + $l > $fileinfo->{off}) {
- $out = substr($out, $fileinfo->{off} - $read);
- }
- $read += $l;
- if ($read <= $fileinfo->{off}) { next }
- my $bw = $byteswritten + length($out) > $fileinfo->{size} ? $fileinfo->{size} - $byteswritten : length($out);
- syswrite($destfh, $out, $bw) == $bw or do {
- warn "Can't write data into dest";
- return -1;
- };
- $byteswritten += $bw;
- }
- $byteswritten
# Debug functions #