path: root/Distribconf.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Distribconf.pm')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Distribconf.pm b/Distribconf.pm
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+++ b/Distribconf.pm
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+##- Nanar <nanardon@mandrake.org>
+##- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+##- any later version.
+##- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##- GNU General Public License for more details.
+##- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+##- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# $Id$
+package Distribconf;
+=head1 NAME
+Distribconf - perl module to get config from a mandrakelinux distribution tree
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Distribconf;
+ my $d = Distribconf->new("/path/to/the/distribution/root");
+ $d->load() and die "The dir does not seems to be a distribution tree";
+ print $d->getpath(undef, "root") ."\n";
+ foreach ($d->listmedia) {
+ printf "%s -> %s\n", $d->getpath($_, "hdlist"), $d->getpath($_, path);
+ }
+Distribconf is a little module to get/write configuration of mandrakelinux.
+The goal is to manage both configuration of old tree configuration
+(Mandrake/base/ ie 10.0 and older) and the new configuration tree
+(media/media_info/ ie 10.1 and newer).
+Another point about the hdlists file: the format is limited and does not permit
+to add new value whithout breaking compatiblity. This module is able to find a
+'media.cfg' which allow to add new parameter. See L<media.cfg> section. To keep
+compatiblity with old tools, this module is able to generate an 'hdlists' files
+based on this media.cfg.
+=head1 C<media.cfg>
+The media.cfg is like an ini file. All parameter are optionnal, this means
+a readable empty file is ok, if this is what you want :).
+The media.cfg contain section, each section is a media, except the [media_info]
+section wich is used to store global info. The section name is the path where
+are located the rpms. The section name is sufficiant to identify a media.
+Few values have specific signification:
+=over 4
+=item media specifics values:
+=over 4
+=item B<hdlist>
+ the path or basename of the hdlist, if not specified by default is
+ hdlist_mediapath.cz, '/' character are replaced by '_',
+=item B<synthesis>
+ the path or basename of the synthesis, by default is hdlist name
+ prefixed by 'synthesis',
+=item B<name>
+ the name of the media, by default is media path, '/' character are
+ replaced by '_',
+=item global specifics values:
+=over 4
+=item B<root>
+ the root of the distribution tree, this value is not set in
+ media.cfg, can't be owerwritten, is only use internaly
+=item B<mediadir>
+ the default directory from 'root' path where medium are
+ located, automatically found by Distribconf.
+=item B<infodir>
+ the default directory from 'root' path where distrib informations
+ are located, automatically found by Distribconf.
+For section name (path) hdlist and synthesis, if there is only the basename,
+the path is relative to the mediadir or infodir, else the path is relative
+to the 'root'one :
+- hdlist.cz is root/infodir/hdlist.cz,
+- ./hdlist.cz is root/./hdlist.cz.
+The media.cfg should be located at the same location than hdlists,
+so Mandrake/base won't happen (this tree form is no longer used)
+and media/media_info will.
+Let's start, first a very basic (but valid) media.cfg:
+ [main]
+ [contrib]
+ [jpackage]
+Simple, isn't it ? :)
+Now a more complex but more realist media.cfg:
+ # Comment
+ [media_info]
+ # if one tools want to use these values
+ version=10.2
+ branch=cooker
+ [main]
+ hdlist=hdlist_main.cz
+ name=Main
+ size=3400m
+ [../SRPMS/main]
+ hdlist=hdlist_main.src.cz
+ name=Main Sources
+ noauto=1
+ [contrib]
+ hdlist=hdlist_contrib.cz
+ name=Contrib
+ size=4300m
+ [../SRPMS/contrib]
+ hdlist=hdlist_contrib.src.cz
+ name=Contrib Sources
+ noauto=1
+ [jpackage]
+ hdlist=hdlist_jpackage.cz
+ name=Jpackage
+ size=360m
+ noauto=1
+ [../SRPMS/jpackage]
+ hdlist=hdlist_jpackage.src.cz
+ name=Jpackage Sources
+ noauto=1
+=head1 METHODS
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Config::IniFiles;
+=head2 new(root_of_distrib)
+Return a new Distribconf object having "root_of_distrib" as top level of the
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ my $distrib = {
+ root => $path,
+ medium => {},
+ cfg => new Config::IniFiles( -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1),
+ };
+ bless($distrib, $class);
+=head2 load
+Find and load the configuration of the distrib:
+=over 4
+=item find the path where are located information
+=item if availlable load media.cfg
+=item if availlable load hdlists
+Return 0 on success, 1 if no directory containing media information is found,
+2 if no media.cfg, neither hdlists are found.
+See also L<loadtree>, L<parse_hdlists> and L<parse_mediacfg>.
+sub load {
+ my ($distrib) = @_;
+ $distrib->loadtree() or return 1;
+ $distrib->parse_mediacfg() || $distrib->parse_hdlists() or return 2;
+ return 0;
+=head2 loadtree
+Try to find a valid media information directory, on success set infodir
+and mediadir.
+Return 1 on success, O if no media information directory were found.
+sub loadtree {
+ my ($distrib) = @_;
+ if (-d "$distrib->{root}/media/media_info") {
+ $distrib->{infodir} = "media/media_info";
+ $distrib->{mediadir} = "media";
+ } elsif (-d "$distrib->{root}/Mandrake/base") {
+ $distrib->{infodir} = "Mandrake/base";
+ $distrib->{mediadir} = "Mandrake";
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+=head2 parse_hdlists($hdlists)
+Read the hdlists file found in the media information directory of the
+distribution, otherwise set the hdlists file given as argument.
+Return 1 on success, 0 if hdlists can't be found or is invalid.
+# what to return if hdlists is found but invalid
+sub parse_hdlists {
+ my ($distrib, $hdlists) = @_;
+ $hdlists ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/hdlists";
+ open(my $h_hdlists, "<", $hdlists) or return 0;
+ $distrib->{cfg} = new Config::IniFiles( -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1);
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach (<$h_hdlists>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($options, %media);
+ ($options, @media{qw/hdlist path name size/}) =
+ $_ =~ m/^\s*(?:(.*):)?(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^(]*)(?:\s+\((\w+)\))?$/;
+ if ($options) { $media{$_} = 1 foreach(split(':', $options)) }
+ $media{name} =~ s/\s*$//;
+ $media{path} =~ s!^$distrib->{mediadir}/+!!;
+ foreach (qw/hdlist name size/, $options ? split(':', $options) : ()) {
+ $distrib->{cfg}->newval($media{path}, $_, $media{$_}) or die "Can't set value";
+ }
+ }
+ close($h_hdlists);
+ return 1;
+=head2 write_hdlists($hdlists)
+Write the hdlists file into the media information directory, or into the
+$hdlists given as argument. $hdlists can be a file path, or a glob reference
+(\*STDOUT for example).
+Return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+sub write_hdlists {
+ my ($distrib, $hdlists) = @_;
+ my $h_hdlists;
+ if (ref($hdlists) eq 'GLOB') {
+ $h_hdlists = $hdlists;
+ } else {
+ $hdlists ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/hdlists";
+ open(my $h_hdlists, ">", $hdlists) or return 0;
+ }
+ foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia) {
+ printf($h_hdlists "%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
+ join('', map { "$_:" } grep { $distrib->getvalue($media, $_) } qw/askmedia suppl noauto/) || "",
+ $distrib->getvalue($media, 'hdlist'),
+ $distrib->getpath($media, 'path'),
+ $distrib->getvalue($media, 'name'),
+ $distrib->getvalue($media, 'size') ? '('.$distrib->getvalue($media, 'size'). 'm)' : "",
+ ) or return 0;
+ }
+ if (ref($hdlists) ne 'GLOB') {
+ close($h_hdlists);
+ }
+ return 1;
+=head2 parse_mediacfg($mediacfg)
+Read the media.cfg file found in the media information directory of the
+distribution, otherwise set the $mediacfg file given as argument.
+Return 1 on success, 0 if media.cfg can't be found or is invalid.
+sub parse_mediacfg {
+ my ($distrib, $mediacfg) = @_;
+ $mediacfg ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/media.cfg";
+ ($distrib->{cfg} = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $mediacfg, -default => 'media_info', -allowcontinue => 1)) or return 0;
+ return 1;
+=head2 write_mediacfg($mediacfg)
+Write the media.cfg file into the media information directory, or into the
+$mediacfg given as argument. $mediacfg can be a file path, or a glob reference
+(\*STDOUT for example).
+Return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+sub write_mediacfg {
+ my ($distrib, $hdlistscfg) = @_;
+ $hdlistscfg ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/media.cfg";
+ $distrib->{cfg}->WriteConfig($hdlistscfg);
+=head2 listmedia
+Return an array of existing medium in the configuration
+sub listmedia {
+ my ($distrib) = @_;
+ return grep { $_ ne 'media_info' } $distrib->{cfg}->Sections;
+=head2 getvalue($media, $var)
+Return the $var value for $media, return undef if the value is not set.
+If $var is name, hdlist or synthesis, and the value is not explicity defined,
+the return value is expanded from $media.
+If $media is 'media_info' or undef, you'll get the global value.
+This function does not take care about path, see L<getpath>.
+sub getvalue {
+ my ($distrib, $media, $var) = @_;
+ $media ||= 'media_info';
+ my $default;
+ SWITCH: for ($var) {
+ /^synthesis$/ and do { $default = 'synthesis.' . $distrib->getvalue($media, 'hdlist'); last; };
+ /^hdlist$/ and do { $default = 'hdlist_' . $distrib->getvalue($media, 'name') . '.cz'; last; };
+ /^name$/ and do { $default = $media; $default =~ s!/!_!g; last; };
+ /^path$/ and return $media;
+ /^root$/ and return $distrib->{root};
+ /^mediadir$|^infodir$/ and do { $default = $distrib->{$var}; last; };
+ }
+ return $distrib->{cfg}->val($media, $var, $default);
+=head2 setvalue($media, $var, $val)
+Set or add $var parameter from $media to $val.
+If $media does not exists, it is implicitly created.
+If $var is not defined, a new media is create without parameters defined.
+sub setvalue {
+ my ($distrib, $media, $var, $val) = @_;
+ if ($var) {
+ $var =~ /^mediadir$|^infodir$/ and do {
+ $distrib->{$var} = $val;
+ return;
+ };
+ $distrib->{cfg}->newval($media, $var, $val) or die "Can't set value";
+ } else {
+ $distrib->{cfg}->AddSection($media);
+ }
+=head2 getpath($media, $var)
+Give relative path from the root of the distrib.
+This function is usefull to know where are really located files, it take care
+of location of medium, the location of index files, and the path set in the
+sub getpath {
+ my ($distrib, $media, $var) = @_;
+ my $val = $distrib->getvalue($media, $var);
+ $var =~ /^root$/ and return $val;
+ return ($val =~ m!/! ? "" : ($var eq 'path' ? $distrib->{mediadir} : $distrib->{infodir} ) . "/") . $val;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+The code has been written by Olivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandrake.org>.
+The media.cfg has been improved by Warly <warly@mandrakesoft.com>.
+Special thanks to Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez@mandrakesoft.com> for
+suggesting to use Config::IniFiles.
+Thanks to Sylvie Terjan <erinmargault@mandrake.org> for the spell checking.
+=head1 ChangeLog
+ $Log$
+ Revision 1.1 2005/02/20 21:15:50 othauvin
+ - initials release for managing mandrakelinux distro tree