#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; GetOptions( 'all-name' => \my $allname, 'with-gnome' => \my $withgnome, 'with-kde' => \my $withkde, 'with-html' => \my $withhtml, 'without-mo' => \my $withoutmo, 'with-man' => \my $withman, 'debug' => \my $debug, ) or pod2usage(); my ($buildroot, @searchname) = @ARGV; $buildroot or die "No buildroot given\n"; $buildroot =~ s:/+$::; # removing trailing / my ($pkgname) = @searchname or die "Main name to find missing\n"; sub debug { $debug or return; my ($msg, @val) = @_; printf("DEBUG: $msg\n", @val); } my %finallist; # filename => attr, easy way to perform uniq File::Find::find( sub { my $file = substr($File::Find::name, length($buildroot)); my ($pkg, $lang, $parent); if ($file =~ m:^((.*/share/locale)/([^/_@]+)[^/]*).*/([^/]+)\.mo:) { if ($withoutmo) { return; } ($pkg, $lang, $parent) = ($4, $3, $2); } elsif ($file =~ m:^(.*/gnome/help/([^/_@]+))[^/]*/([^/]+)$:) { if (!$withgnome) { return; } ($pkg, $lang, $parent) = ($2, $3, $1); } elsif ($file =~ m:^(.*/doc/kde/HTML)/([^/_@]+)[^/]*/([^/]+)$:) { if (!$withkde) { return; } ($pkg, $lang, $parent) = ($2, $3, $1); } elsif ($file =~ m:^(.*/doc/HTML)/([^/_@]+)[^/]*/([^/]+)$:) { if (!$withhtml) { return; } ($pkg, $lang, $parent) = ($3, $2, $1); } elsif ($file =~ m:^(/+usr/share/man)/([^/_@\.]+)[^/]*/man[^/]+/([^/.]+)\.\d[^/]*$:) { if (!$withman) { return; } ($pkg, $lang, $parent) = ($3, $2, $1); $file .= '*'; } else { return; } if (! ((grep { $_ eq $pkg } @searchname) || $allname)) { return; } my $rpmlang = $lang eq 'C' ? "" : "%lang($lang)"; parent_to_own($parent, $file, $rpmlang); if (defined($finallist{$file})) { # Own multiple time, match all lang, so no %lang() $finallist{$file} = ""; } else { $finallist{$file} = "$rpmlang "; } debug("File %s will be %s", $file, $finallist{$file}); }, $buildroot || '/' ); open(my $hlang, '>', "$pkgname.lang") or die "canno't open $pkgname.lang\n"; foreach (sort keys %finallist) { print $hlang "$finallist{$_}$_\n"; } close($hlang); exit(0); sub parent_to_own { my ($parent, $file, $lang) = @_; my @subdir = grep { $_ } split('/', substr($file, length($parent))); pop(@subdir); while (my $part = shift(@subdir)) { $parent .= "/$part"; if (defined($finallist{$parent})) { # Own multiple time, match all lang, so no %lang() $finallist{$parent} = "%dir "; } else { $finallist{$parent} = "$lang %dir "; } debug("File %s will be %s", $parent, $finallist{$parent}); } }