path: root/pythoneggs.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pythoneggs.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/pythoneggs.py b/pythoneggs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 178610f..0000000
--- a/pythoneggs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen <peroyvind@mandriva.org>
-# This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under
-# the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later).
-# RPM5 python (egg) dependency generator.
-from getopt import getopt
-from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir, sep, splitext
-from sys import argv, stdin, version
-from pkg_resources import Distribution, FileMetadata, PathMetadata
-from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
-opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'hPRSCOE',
- ['help', 'provides', 'requires', 'suggests', 'conflicts', 'obsoletes', 'extras'])
-Provides = False
-Requires = False
-Suggests = False
-Conflicts = False
-Obsoletes = False
-Extras = False
-for o, a in opts:
- if o in ('-h', '--help'):
- print '-h, --help\tPrint help'
- print '-P, --provides\tPrint Provides'
- print '-R, --requires\tPrint Requires'
- print '-S, --suggests\tPrint Suggests'
- print '-C, --conflicts\tPrint Conflicts'
- print '-O, --obsoletes\tPrint Obsoletes (unused)'
- print '-E, --extras\tPrint Extras '
- exit(1)
- elif o in ('-P', '--provides'):
- Provides = True
- elif o in ('-R', '--requires'):
- Requires = True
- elif o in ('-S', '--suggests'):
- Suggests = True
- elif o in ('-C', '--conflicts'):
- Conflicts = True
- elif o in ('-O', '--obsoletes'):
- Obsoletes = True
- elif o in ('-E', '--extras'):
- Extras = True
-if Requires:
- py_abi = True
- py_abi = False
-py_deps = {}
-if args:
- files = args
- files = stdin.readlines()
-for f in files:
- f = f.strip()
- lower = f.lower()
- name = 'python(abi)'
- # add dependency based on path, versioned if within versioned python directory
- if py_abi and (lower.endswith('.py') or lower.endswith('.pyc') or lower.endswith('.pyo')):
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- purelib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=1, plat_specific=0).split(version[:3])[0]
- platlib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=1, plat_specific=1).split(version[:3])[0]
- for lib in (purelib, platlib):
- if lib in f:
- spec = ('==',f.split(lib)[1].split(sep)[0])
- if not spec in py_deps[name]:
- py_deps[name].append(spec)
- # Determine provide, requires, conflicts & suggests based on egg metadata
- if lower.endswith('.egg') or \
- lower.endswith('.egg-info') or \
- lower.endswith('.egg-link'):
- dist_name = basename(f)
- if isdir(f):
- path_item = dirname(f)
- metadata = PathMetadata(path_item, f)
- else:
- path_item = f
- metadata = FileMetadata(f)
- dist = Distribution.from_location(path_item, dist_name, metadata)
- if not dist.py_version:
- continue
- py_major = dist.py_version[:1]
- if Provides:
- # If egg metadata says package name is python, we provide python(abi)
- if dist.key == 'python':
- name = 'python(abi)'
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- py_deps[name].append(('==', dist.py_version))
- name = 'pythonegg(%s)(%s)' % (py_major, dist.key)
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- if dist.version:
- spec = ('==', dist.version)
- if not spec in py_deps[name]:
- py_deps[name].append(spec)
- if Requires or (Suggests and dist.extras):
- name = 'python(abi)'
- # If egg metadata says package name is python, we don't add dependency on python(abi)
- if dist.key == 'python':
- py_abi = False
- if name in py_deps:
- py_deps.pop(name)
- elif py_abi and dist.py_version:
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- spec = ('==', dist.py_version)
- if not spec in py_deps[name]:
- py_deps[name].append(spec)
- deps = dist.requires()
- if Suggests:
- depsextras = dist.requires(extras=dist.extras)
- if not Requires:
- for dep in reversed(depsextras):
- if dep in deps:
- depsextras.remove(dep)
- deps = depsextras
- # add requires/suggests based on egg metadata
- for dep in deps:
- name = 'pythonegg(%s)(%s)' % (py_major, dep.key)
- for spec in dep.specs:
- if spec[0] != '!=':
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- if not spec in py_deps[name]:
- py_deps[name].append(spec)
- if not dep.specs:
- py_deps[name] = []
- # Unused, for automatic sub-package generation based on 'extras' from egg metadata
- # TODO: implement in rpm later, or...?
- if Extras:
- deps = dist.requires()
- extras = dist.extras
- print extras
- for extra in extras:
- print '%%package\textras-%s' % extra
- print 'Summary:\t%s extra for %s python egg' % (extra, dist.key)
- print 'Group:\t\tDevelopment/Python'
- depsextras = dist.requires(extras=[extra])
- for dep in reversed(depsextras):
- if dep in deps:
- depsextras.remove(dep)
- deps = depsextras
- for dep in deps:
- for spec in dep.specs:
- if spec[0] == '!=':
- print 'Conflicts:\t%s %s %s' % (dep.key, '==', spec[1])
- else:
- print 'Requires:\t%s %s %s' % (dep.key, spec[0], spec[1])
- print '%%description\t%s' % extra
- print '%s extra for %s python egg' % (extra, dist.key)
- print '%%files\t\textras-%s\n' % extra
- if Conflicts:
- # Should we really add conflicts for extras?
- # Creating a meta package per extra with suggests on, which has
- # the requires/conflicts in stead might be a better solution...
- for dep in dist.requires(extras=dist.extras):
- name = dep.key
- for spec in dep.specs:
- if spec[0] == '!=':
- if not name in py_deps:
- py_deps[name] = []
- spec = ('==', spec[1])
- if not spec in py_deps[name]:
- py_deps[name].append(spec)
-names = py_deps.keys()
-for name in names:
- if py_deps[name]:
- # Print out versioned provides, requires, suggests, conflicts
- for spec in py_deps[name]:
- print '%s %s %s' % (name, spec[0], spec[1])
- else:
- # Print out unversioned provides, requires, suggests, conflicts
- print name